Friday, April 29, 2011

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Each of us is trying to find a purpose in life. Much depends on our character, of what we have, of our ambition. But when we get to make a decision, many can change.

"... you live your life and you're on it. When you choose and have the courage to do something, then you're at the helm of your boat, you really create your life ... "Having a positive

and qualities of human nature is engraved in them, reflecting these characteristics. Therefore, courage, honesty, kindness, passion, faith, hard work to be strategic, the ability to establish connections with people around, communicating with them - may serve as good benchmarks for success and find some purpose in life.

When we intend to achieve something aimed directly and we assume some responsibility for everything that concerns us.

Quality Our life is the quality of what we accomplish.

Monday, April 25, 2011

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Ambassador Green Umbrella

Green Umbrella campaign is a responsibility towards the environment, initiated by Tuborg Romania in the summer of 2007, with the Ministry of Environment.

campaign aims to change profoundly wrong mentality of the Romans: "My gesture does not matter." To convince that, together, Romania must keep clean.
regular place in the campaign volunteering. So far, they have been greening actions to collect electronic waste (WEEE) and shares information and accountability.

Ambassadors' Umbrella Green Week April 20 to 27 2011
are part of the first six, nominated. Thanks to Green Umbrella

,, 1. Tell us about your blog and ... Why cover topics on ecology? My Blog addresses several issues with ecological themes. Why? Because I love everything that is beautiful, so by default nature life. "Who does not love a flower is not able to love people no," said John Ruskin, philosopher who preached love for nature, not only as a source of solid thinking, especially as support in every human life. Nature

needs friends, and we, through education that young people do on this subject is to instill all the power, by a strong love of nature with all that it gives us great or simple, rich, or modest.

Teaching others to love nature not only give them guidance throughout life to us, eternal serenity of mind and their soul, but they offer the opportunity to know that the herb is a being and that what appears dead, a mountain a river, may have influence on humans.

environmental problem is global and should be acknowledged not only by environmental quality agencies, but also people who do not necessarily have expertise in the field. Thus, environmental education is a process designed to sensitize people to make them more aware and concerned about environmental issues. The ultimate goal of environmental education is the same throughout the world to form a healthy mentality vis-à-vis the quality of our environment. This can be achieved successfully if such education is initiated in the early years school.

Ecology is the art of living well.

2. How do you think we can show respect and love for nature country?

We live in a world where man has altered nature, broke his balance. Nature must be respected, a respect that he deserves, because it represents life. Respecting nature, we show our respect for us. "Nature may book your minister, teacher, the adviser. Do not close this great book full of wise teachings" (G. Simon). People often forget that nature is directly or indirectly satisfies most part of the vital needs.

abundance and variety of his gifts gave rise to belief that nature is inexhaustible, and that man can have no limit of its resources. Modifications to the expansion of human society have often destructive in nature, many of which are irreversible because disturbing the natural balance of ecological systems.
human intervention in nature sometimes causes trauma that leads to the disappearance of animalevaloroase plants and natural ecosystems, leading to development of lower species easily adaptable, but less useful to man. Consequently we show respect
nature and love for our country by:
- people's understanding of the need for responsible behavior towards nature
- Conservation and dynamic equilibrium of the biosphere
- increased efficiency of greening by making all the measures taken so far to nationally and worldwide.

's time to breathe pure air!

3. What message did you send to the younger members of the community?
of the nature, DEFEND IT! "

Sa pastram Romania curata!


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what you do!

what you do! It is possible that tomorrow may be too late to change you! Respecting nature
we respect ourselves. Nature
needs friends.
Teaching others to love nature not only give them guidance throughout life to us, eternal serenity of mind and their soul, but they offer the opportunity to know that the herb is a being and that what appears dead, a mountain, river may influence human.
only solution to human survival on Earth Partnership is to provide a sensible nature by:
- protection and forest protection;
- prompt adoption of measures in the event of imbalances;
- nature conservation as the primary place in the system of human values \u200b\u200bin science, education, culture, economy.

Nature must be respected, a respect that he deserves, because it represents life. .

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life lesson

"We have time for all.
to sleep, I ran into right and left to regret that I
wrong and being wrong again
to judge others and we absolve ourselves
have time to read and write,
to correct what I wrote was what I regret writing
have time to make plans and do not respect them,
have time to make illusions and gamble through their ashes later.

rest ... depends on the others.

I learned that anything I might care, Others might not care

I learned that it takes years to gain confidence and only a few seconds to lose it.

I learned that no matter what you have in life but who you have.

I learned that you're doing and your charm help
Then about 15 minutes, but you'd better know something.

I learned that you should not compare with what others can do better But what can you do

I learned that no matter what happens But people

matter what I can do to solve
I learned that no matter how you cut
Everything has two sides
I learned that I have to leave the warm words
loved ones might be the last time you see them I learned that you
last long
After you said you can not
I learned that heroes are those who do what is right, regardless of the consequences when it comes

I learned that there are people who love you But
I know it does not look
I learned that when I'm upset right to be upset

But I have no right and wrong to be
I learned that true friendship continues to exist even in remote
And that goes for love
I learned that if someone does not love you like you want
not mean they do not love you with all my heart.

I learned that no matter how good a friend is going to hurt you anyway

And you must forgive him for that.
I learned that it is not always enough to be forgiven by others
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself
I learned that no matter how much you suffer,
world will not stop running because of your pain.
I learned that the past and circumstances could alter your personality
But YOU are responsible for what you become
I learned that if two people argue, does not mean they do not love And the fact
Not arguing it proves that they love.
I learned that sometimes you have to put the person first
And his actions
I learned that two people can look
same thing and see something totally different
I learned that regardless of the consequences
Those who are honest with themselves get
We further learned that life can be changed in your life
hours by people who do not even know.
I learned that when you think there is anything to
When a friend calls you'll find the strength to help.

As I learned that writing and talking can ease the pain spiritual

I learned that people you care most
you are taken too soon ...
I learned that it is too hard to figure out
Where to draw the line between being nice, not hurt people and to support your opinions.

I learned to love so I can be loved.

We have time for ambitions and diseases
to blame and details,
have time to chase away the ads, or some accident, we have time to
questions along to postpone the answers,
have time to crush a dream to reinvent it,
have time to make friends, to lose them,
have time to learn our lessons and look after them, why
have time to receive gifts and not understand them.
We have time for all.
It's time for just a little tenderness.
When to do and that, die.
I learned some things in life that we share with you!
I learned that you can not make someone love you.
All you can do is be loved. "
lesson from Octavian Paler


Friday, April 22, 2011

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Christmas light and warmth of spring and Easter including warm our souls , to enlighten our minds, to open our hearts to love, faith and forgiveness. Let's get better, to enjoy the full beauty of things around us.
Easter is one of those few moments of the year when we stop the bustle of everyday life and see our souls.
Why I live everyday life as a day of Easter? Whether
Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts to bring peace, joy, happiness and raise us to live a life worthy of his sacrifice.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

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Ambassadors, Green Umbrella "20-27aprilie 2011

this week at the Green Umbrella Ambassadors have nominated first. I wish to thank
Green Umbrella association for the nomination, all those who love nature. Ecology is the art of living well.
ecological education is a process designed to sensitize people to make more aware and concerned about environmental issues. The ultimate goal of environmental education is the same throughout the world to form a healthy mentality vis-à-vis the quality of our environment.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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beauty of nature I love nature ...

is spring again. Spring
he wrote all over a colorful carpet. Fields and hills are green, and prepare to give orchards in bloom. In forests, tree moss is soft as a feather pillow, and only trees that have rejected concern proud mantle of snow by the sun. I enjoy
me all these wonders of nature, I wondered why it is not always spring? Where nature is full of life and beat everyone and everything in beauty. Is this beauty is fleeting? But why would you? Nature has a beauty transient, has only clothes they wear and with which the total change. And so here I come to the conclusion that all seasons are beautiful, but it seems spring has a special place in my heart.
I believe that nothing is more beautiful than a spring landscape, in which all the items are in perfect harmony and connectivity, such rules taken from the molds.
The natural beauty, our soul butterflies fly to the stars smiling.

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because every day is something new in it that prompts you to look at another flower, another bird, another leaf, sun .... we always look forward to spring. Who can resist the feeling of joy and happiness which are animated when they participate in the renaissance?
spring, the youngest daughter of the old year, that brings joy and mirth came to us with its procession of flowers, light and color.
Everything is wrapped in the cloak of sunlight, gently caressing the earth and all creatures. Blue Canopy is mirrored in the clear waters of raurilor.Cu mantle full of light, of the cup spring divides her youth, culoare.Sa cheerfully and enjoy all of this wonderful gift received as a gift from the mild spring.

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White is the symbol of eternal youth and beauty, light and joy

White spring flowers is a true source of peace, tranquility and spiritual purity.

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Spread around your ...

Guard your heart from hatred worries .. Mind ..
gives more ... fill your heart with love ... always pray ....
simple lives ... think of others ... and feelings of others ...
.... because then you will find what they seek and deserve, "Happiness"

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"God is Love" lyrics by Holy Week Rodica Dinu

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time it up to Easter, including the Great until Saturday, is called the Week Passion Week, or perhaps more accurately the sufferings Christ, because in this time find themselves suffering Savior and events related to events leading up to these sufferings, and makes remembrance of things concerning our salvation, things of great importance. So this week is called Holy Week the week that we think of great things and wonderful, important for all of us. Believers in this week are more carefully in terms of Job ordinance, are more attentive to the divine services are held in particularly this week, work longer, work seems deeper than in other time jobs in May believers committed to taking part in them, in their desire to bring love and gratitude compared to their Savior for us and for our salvation was crucified during the reign of Pontius Pilate and suffered and was buried after that resurrection to follow the third day, preached the Scriptures and we celebrated at Easter. In the first days of Holy Week of Christ's sufferings is ordained in Holy Church to say in the way of confession and prayer following the liturgical text: "Your Savior Camara see her embellished clothing and I like to get in though. Enlighten My soul, my coat, and I light Datatorule mercy. " Week Great Holy Week is a week or where you have to watch and pitied with our Lord Jesus Christ. Every day, churches sermons called Denise, and believers are urged to clean and mercy for the sufferings of Jesus. From Monday till Friday when the Crucifixion was utter prayers every day, to read a certain resume Gospel and the last days of Jesus' earthly life. Many

Saturday, April 16, 2011

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have names of flowers ...

But our souls are safe color, beauty

They are our spiritual food, the stars are colored

existence ....

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FLOWERS ... LOVE will always be the messenger

'No matter how much humanity would evolve and as many other means of communication will occur, the flowers .. will always be the messenger of love, and their significance will continue to be important for us.''

The beauty, tenderness, color and their fragrance regaled us since ancient times and led us to cultivate them his beloved to accompany us everywhere and at all events in our lives.
The colors and their charm bring us warmth and contentment in both home and in our hearts.
By giving you a bouquet of flowers to express your feelings towards the person you love.
their Smells delight our senses and our beauty Tame hearts.