Thursday, January 29, 2009

Aishwarya Rai Showing His Titts

The Triple Bottom Line or TBL is a concept thought initiator sustainable business consultancy in the UK, John Elkington, since 1987. Minimalist, "the triple bottom line" is a corporate target in three directions axiological: towards the economic, environmental and social giving.
What caught my attention in the book that I started to read, "The TBL does it all add up?" (2004) is a progressive line triple bottom line, that under 70s PR managers and lawyers were in sight of sustainability policies, while involving only the 90 CEOs and board members. It's a shift that shows the growing importance and evolution of the concept of sustainability over time for 20 years. Returning
Romanian mioritic space, speaking about CSR as a corporate new accessory, a must-have "of the PR strategy, I think, in a breath optimistic that the current state of the TBL is a first step (the one from the 70s) and that at a time, we will cover the advance of Western countries have it (twenty years).

Elkington speaks seven revolutions, 7 paradigmatic change that marks the transition to a sustainable capitalism: markets, values, transparency, life-cycle technology, partnerships, time and corporate governance. The first revolution, which will be the result of market competition Will lead to real economic earthquake that will transform the world, in fact, markets, thixotropic, companies and industries will swallow, given that they will not be addressed TBL thinking strategies.
The second revolution of values \u200b\u200b involves an increase in universal values, which, again, a company may purpose thixotropic.
the Revolution partnerships that caught my atenĊ£ia.Pentru new types of partnerships between companies will appear, competing organizations began to flirt to make the third and fourth sustainability revolution.
ravoluĊ£ie Seventh, the corporate governance, resulting from changes in the past, capitalism will increase the chances of sustainable development.
All changes are strictly related to movements in the political landscape. Any development outside it is impossible.

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Klaus Schwab, Executive Director and initiator of the World Economic Forum, the Foreign Affairs, January / February. 2008, in his article "Global Corporate Citizenship: Working With Governments and Civil Society", expressing a viewpoint worthy viewfinder. He says that today we are witnessing a decline in power of states and the continuous increase of the influence companies on communities, lives, people and environment.
other words, as it weakens the power of states, the sphere of influence widens business. In these circumstances, Schwab's conclusion sounds like "companies must engage in global social issues. At the same time, we must understand that business can not solve one major global issues such as poverty, poor education and health services. Governments are primarily responsible for public services. "
In this regard, the development of strategies for sustainability practices can not be attributed to voluntary economic giants, guilty of compromising the environment or other degrading actions. Regulation of such conduct must be on the governmental structures. At least, that should happen.

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Office Linebaker

What would happen if all the ethical violations of a company should be penalized imediaaat? And not by some sanctions, but with Terry's help. We could talk about ethical discipline? See this. It's rough.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Period 3 Days Late Cramping, High Cervix

/ My winter holidays

Dear friends who read from time to time about my experiences and discoveries, lo

back with our latest news! Too much time has passed since the last adventures, it's true, and that because after I returned from Croatia we worked hard, and in December I spent some time trying to finish my dissertation for the Master ... Then I ran home for the holidays, where we stayed with family as much as I could. The last two months were therefore threefold experience, so to speak ... (well, three things were essential):)

want to tell you a little about each side of it, if I succeed!

School and the school and ...

First, the dissertation work was extremely intense, as it was to finish our work by the end of December. I tried hard, I read, I did interviews, I thought, meditated and wrote ... I would like that once, to share what I am able to write with more people - maybe I'll do it. Frankly, the theme I have chosen is quite wide and not very specialized, so it can be easily understood, but are not very happy with the conclusions we reached. I think I have very much to study and understand that I may pass away, at a level close to what some call the truth. However, it will confess that I read some superb material, on this occasion (I'll post some bibliographical indications here on the blog somewhere) and I discovered something very interesting discussions with several people working in NGOs in Romania. I thank, in this way, all these people, because they offered me a lot of encouragement and inspiration!

And if I close the well and the stage of "evolution of my academic" (too much said, but it sounds clearer wording) I guess I'll take a long break until the next efoturi in this! (I can not wait ...)

winter holidays in Oradea

Somewhere Good Friday before Christmas I realized that the approaching holidays, though I am still in Bucharest, dark house, doing nothing more than to read and write ... Rather bleak outlook, right? So I decided to stop for a while and go home, that'll just-just never got to do something and I for Christmas preparations. Of course my mother was the supreme master and me and this time I have left too few showers, but at least I was home. Well, when I rediscovered the meaning of this word "home" and I have also clarified some questions, such as why I have three places where they live? What is actually my home (or where I feel "at home")? Why should always carry the things from one place to another, becoming a kind of snail that is struggling, always against the clock to reach everywhere in the house back?
Then I got to thinking that there are people in this world who do not even have a house, and I have three related dilemmas ... Kinda weird and wrong. So I left aside and I was present dilemmas in the bosom of our family winter events, following that at some point to solve the problem of the three houses.

must say it was very nice holiday in Oradea. It's amazing that almost 30 years you have two grandparents and You can discuss almost anything with them and was great to see you all, to roam and eat (of course) together. Of course I also met a number of friends and Oradea my scouts and I was very happy to see you all, I'm sorry that we did not see them and others. It seems that two weeks is too little to recover my "debt" in Oradea).
Anyway, all my batteries charged for the next few months of solitude (in) capital and thank everyone who contributed to this! It certainly was one of the most significant holidays of my life in many ways and because many people.

And, of course, the mountain ...

Well, I would not be able to get through this holiday without having to be out somewhere on the mountain. After two months of Bucharest I felt trapped in the right urban civilization - which, in fact, not even sit on a high gear in my system of values \u200b\u200b... Although my efforts to do tours in places as varied as they failed (because I realized that I needed and off), I managed to get out about 4 days Crisului Gorge. I was with some friends and we walked Vadu Crisului Sunsuius, Damis, Bratca, I learned to climb stairs and I rediscovered the pleasure I wash in cold mountain water. When asked if I Camelia plictistit I still go to Cris-Suncuius Vadu not respond further, and I like the as much as about 12 years ago when I started to know her!
In any case, there were some wonderful days with few visitors and some snow, with a half-white forest, temperatures of minus 10-20 degrees and sunny with teeth ... And I managed to find a dead badger in my eyes that looks like a wild boar head (to see what can be done too much time out with a man so ...), and Cami Marius laughed a week on the ground this ... Cris
Gorge remains for me an exalted place in any season, where I hope to go slowly more and more tourists who know how to respect nature and less of those who, although they carried cans filled up at camping, do not know or will not take them back empty ... The atmosphere somewhat magical places will tell them more and pictures on #

Instead of closing

If you dilemmas, will tell you a secret: the family is one that will solve any problem!
If you doubt this, make your family and you'll see! Unfortunately not say from experience but from observation, reading and more importantly, the experience of people who I admire very much and we trust - but I think that it matters! **

My dear friends non-Romanian speaking,
I am sorry that I Have not Been Able to write about my winter holidays in English as well, it seems that I am HAVING more inspiration in Romanian. But briefly, I tell you that I Will Have Been in Oradea for 2 weeks and HAD the most wonderful vacation, with family and friends and, of course, a bit on the mountain - please see the pictures on http://picasaweb. / ioanalook / IarnaInMuntiiPadureaCraiuluiWinterInPadureaCraiuluiMountains #