time it up to Easter, including the Great until Saturday, is called the Week Passion Week, or perhaps more accurately the sufferings Christ, because in this time find themselves suffering Savior and events related to events leading up to these sufferings, and makes remembrance of things concerning our salvation, things of great importance. So this week is called Holy Week the week that we think of great things and wonderful, important for all of us. Believers in this week are more carefully in terms of Job ordinance, are more attentive to the divine services are held in particularly this week, work longer, work seems deeper than in other time jobs in May believers committed to taking part in them, in their desire to bring love and gratitude compared to their Savior for us and for our salvation was crucified during the reign of Pontius Pilate and suffered and was buried after that resurrection to follow the third day, preached the Scriptures and we celebrated at Easter. In the first days of Holy Week of Christ's sufferings is ordained in Holy Church to say in the way of confession and prayer following the liturgical text: "Your Savior Camara see her embellished clothing and I like to get in though. Enlighten My soul, my coat, and I light Datatorule mercy. " Week Great Holy Week is a week or where you have to watch and pitied with our Lord Jesus Christ. Every day, churches sermons called Denise, and believers are urged to clean and mercy for the sufferings of Jesus. From Monday till Friday when the Crucifixion was utter prayers every day, to read a certain resume Gospel and the last days of Jesus' earthly life. Many
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