Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good Beanie Hat Pattern

Mountain of Mountains! World

Starting February 20, 2011 all of the situation with the banks Quickly Cris Oradea, always under the threat of paving, betonării, linearization, etc.., I remembered something I said a former professor of mine:

"Because we understand so little of the unique nature of the social world and how we act on its development, we create a world increasingly dominated by stress and less and less sustainable.
problem is very deep, fundamental in our approach to the world. The twentieth century witnessed the intensification by the dominance of a particular way of thinking - that concerned with control and material handling. Since we had so much success in using the material world that is outside our way of thinking that supports such actions has become a legitimate way of seeing the world. It is taken for granted. And yet, just because a certain way works in relation to certain phenomena does not mean it is universal does not mean that all phenomena should be viewed the same way. "

(Preface to Development Practitioners and Social Process - Allan Kaplan)

my opinion, Romania (and not only Oradea) provides many examples of this approach to the world and life, one that is not only overly materialistic, but absolutely limited, restricted and unable to build. Maybe that's why our country has been destroyed so many (businesses, buildings, green spaces and natural areas, ideas, opportunities, etc..), Because we are almost all under the domination of a world view that makes us take into account to treat only what is obviously our eyes visible, if you will, and therefore controllable, predictable. What is not shown, there is and what's left of our religious faith (to say it could compensate for less) is, well, a realm of the "spiritual" which for us is too intertwined with daily life. Therefore, when we consider the development of Oradea, for example, the first thing that comes to mind is to count the newly built residential areas, supermarkets have emerged and how full they are, how many roads were paved, then we think about how people actually live, what their income and what quality of life, somewhere on the bottom of the list, if you insist, we will ask and what does it mean quality of life for us. What makes us feel good, happy, happy? Only material things? How happy we feel, for example, as a "shift" Real and Carrefour shopping?

When I say all this I do not intend to sit in opposition to a materialistic kind of guy with one idealistic, as we are accustomed to seeing new things here. I'm just trying to point out that there really is (that we want, we do not want) an invisible side of our world, there are issues we can not control (eg, floods and climate change, and sometimes, even we ourselves incontrollable) and phenomena that must be "ready" than by concreting the banks and building stone Cris, in the event of flood could (?) to take place in the center of Oradea. I think now
an acquaintance who has cancer and she said, no way ready to be put in front of such a diagnosis, refused to treat. Eventually he realized that you need to do and the whole experience has totally changed the way see things ...

What I find worrying is that we need both strong shocks, the confrontation went to the limit in order to understand more than what we see with the naked eye. And sometimes even after such shocks do not understand ... Because the most difficult is to look at yourself honestly and as "outside" to see how much you've removed the invisible world around us, in other words, to maintain a balance between material see and immaterial. I do not want too much philosophizing. I just believe that before we engage in the activities that concern them and others, would be better to think less about how those actions will affect - and not just physically.

project planning Crisului banks in Oradea, with all its stages, it seems a good example here, because its impact on the natural environment and the inhabitants of the city (especially if they join with other local projects ...) has many difficult aspects of pre-visible and difficult to control. So if anyone's illusions about what he knows is what will happen next with birds staying on the River or fish or as future Oradea `s population will increase quality of life along the river promenade and what impact will that have on their that will never be close to water, is, in my opinion, more than naive. But perhaps those who start such projects do not care, really, nor what I think or what they feel or what oradenii, much less what their needs might have a flock of ducks or a pair of swans wintering here, why talking climatic phenomena or something similar. As everyone knows, concretely, is the company S. .. and those P. .. U. .. F. .. need to choose something from the action, and they also receive oradenii something very tangible and visible, showing that it made a substantial investment and that there are no comments. Thus, at the end of term we can make a long list of "concrete achievements". The rest of the achievements do not count, because - Good morning! - No see!

"A living network responds to disturbance by structural changes, and so she chooses to take into account the disturbances and how to respond. What people observe depends on who they are as individuals and their cultural characteristics of communities of practice. A particular message will arrive not only because of its frequency or volume, but primarily because they have meaning for them. [...]
A machine can be controlled, a living system as a systemic way to understand life can only be disrupted. In other words, organizations can not be controlled direct interventions, but they can be influenced by giving them instruction rather than pulses. Changing the conventional style of management requires a shift of perception, not easy, but brings instead of large rewards. [...]

key to an operational definition of ecological sustainability is the realization that some do not need to invent sustainable human communities from nothing, but we can shape the ecosystems where nature, which are sustainable communities of plants, animals and microorganisms . Since the outstanding feature is its ability to home to Earth inherent to sustain life, a sustainable human community is one designed so that its modes of life, business, economy, physical structures and technologies do not interfere with nature's inherent ability to sustain life. Sustainable communities form their own patterns of life over time, through continuous interaction with other living systems, both human and nonhuman. Sustainability does not mean that things do not change: it is a dynamic process of coevolution, and not a static state.
operational definition of sustainability implies that the first step in our effort to build sustainable communities is that we must "environmental literacy", ie to understand the principles of organization common to all living beings, and that ecosystems have developed to support the fabric of life. "

(Fritjof Capra - Connections hidden)


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