'm pretty caught up in this game of words in time, because this is how to write .... share your story.
My story is different from others, and so, not only looking at the stories linking, convinced that I'm not the one who changed things and states, how the stories linking together.
All differences are not put together how a moment of sincerity, a moment of harmony, a feeling of friendship and help extend the game by continuing to link all these feelings in a way of life.
reflect on the fact that most words have a special semniificatie female are: existence, life, nature, love, communication, harmony, friendship, knowledge and many others, while soul and spirit, are gender-neutral words. On the other hand we
creator, father, the universe, like words in the masculine gender are not so expressive and meaningful as the female, considering that the above have played a practical side, applied in close connection with the neutrality soul and spirit, while the male words give an impression of static, something immutable.
Thus they conclude that the dynamic principle of everything and all is mostly women in the event, though apparently the male acts, and this equates to about noticeable in subtle and useful dynamic and passive feminine is also (paradoxically) is static while the masculine and active, both in the same neutral soul and spirit.
But these reflections are not what I want to emphasize, how the elasticity of perception and language, including the construction of symbolic images from all sorts of mental structures, depending on where and how I perceptia.Insa nets of Structural Given this secventialul mental a certain order and coherence necessary connection, it takes another kind of mind to tie infoenergii, thoughts and ideas that, seemingly disparate in space and time. I reproach
bushy and incoherent expressions, hijacking the meaning of "real" of words, and yes I saw this whole blog is a great cabbage ideas and concepts and to structure rigorous mental connections between these stories are hard to follow and not have a visible effect, but the real connection is made invisible, and the sail-one that weaves all know how to tie ideas and people beyond words.
The question is, why write? Well, in an act of faith and in a real, I do not generally think about what I write what I write does not build, but consider what may pass rather as an altered state of perception and consciousness. It diversion
real meaning of words and apparent lack of consistency, coherence is not a coherent overview of how posts posts, in close touch with their own experience and that you communicate and share with others, with its harmonized refexii contemplari.Nu thoughts and actions are called mental it is inappropriate to confuse the messenger with the message, the translator to translate the instrument (mind) with the musician.
mind as translator of the living is great, but that structure is similar to a computer, does not feel and do not synthesize, and arrange the works only, not even aware of emotions and feelings they generate and how its level of Perception is not always linked with other like minds, but they differ in perception and basic software, in other words, computers are not always in the network.
Why say this? "To do that just in the mind, so the translator tool, we're not really together, we can write a story together, we share your story, we can generate additional stories, but we can not get out of the story and getting into the real story is not, or is the essence of all povestilor.Urmeaza as normal and natural course of things to prove their rationality as the giant has feet of clay, and that going out and intractable in mind is a process not well defined action, with head, tail, and the so called coerenta.Intradevar, the expression is linear, an idea, a phrase, has head and tail but its manifestation and its connection with other ideas long Aces wave is wavy, the ball and unstructured, generating energy at the level of our feelings of all kinds, from simple emotions and feelings random until complete identification to be, synonymous with love.
our mental space is potentially unlimited, no structures pyramid or other forms including gender abstarctizari amoeba infintatea but they are lost in the mental sphere interaction, bind us to a concept of mental structure, even well built and is specifically developed with the forest stage and trees. We contemplate
trees, but overall awareness of them called the forest and the potential scope of living is similar to the Zen emptiness, a place where all these structures back to even and unitara.Din own essence this view all the thoughts are the same story mentioned above, or there is one single thought which manifests itself in ways and forms founded. Interctiune
These structures in turn their action in the belief that channel, but the eye nepierzind forest as a whole, beliefs taken together are therefore not intended.
I can not cling to any thought or idea, nor do I feel like I change my style of translating the thoughts states, convinced of their ephemeral joy of being downtown and having the woods that feel the need to share, because the another level of perception we are trees in the forest and the forest itself, and man's basic structure is an infinite space of complex thought, conscious or not a tree of the forest or the role and purpose.
communication between us, the real, is how they intersect and bind to our roots and the realization that we are part of the same whole, which rarely reaches the conscious level if our meeting is a comparison between structures, like it or not, meetings between belief systems compatible or not belonging to the mind less spherical and it includes all that does not differentiate between anybody thought and conception, the source and recipient to include them all. This post
answer yet I do not respond to challenges, conviins being that they're not able to change anything, not even your own actions and perceptions, we chose to write this way before all these rows and rows up now But now choosing what kind of lines I will write next.
Those who accept what I understand this is beyond words, because they accepted their own ranks are beyond words and are aware that what we do here are links and bridges, not for facts and acts that go somewhere and end somewhere. because if you want to get somewhere you have to go, and we do not want this, I have not done that, I did not and I never left.
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