Mountain of Mountains! World
Starting February 20, 2011 all of the situation with the banks Quickly Cris Oradea, always under the threat of paving, betonării, linearization, etc.., I remembered something I said a former professor of mine:
"Because we understand so little of the unique nature of the social world and how we act on its development, we create a world increasingly dominated by stress and less and less sustainable.
problem is very deep, fundamental in our approach to the world. The twentieth century witnessed the intensification by the dominance of a particular way of thinking - that concerned with control and material handling. Since we had so much success in using the material world that is outside our way of thinking that supports such actions has become a legitimate way of seeing the world. It is taken for granted. And yet, just because a certain way works in relation to certain phenomena does not mean it is universal does not mean that all phenomena should be viewed the same way. "
(Preface to Development Practitioners and Social Process - Allan Kaplan)
my opinion, Romania (and not only Oradea) provides many examples of this approach to the world and life, one that is not only overly materialistic, but absolutely limited, restricted and unable to build. Maybe that's why our country has been destroyed so many (businesses, buildings, green spaces and natural areas, ideas, opportunities, etc..), Because we are almost all under the domination of a world view that makes us take into account to treat only what is obviously our eyes visible, if you will, and therefore controllable, predictable. What is not shown, there is and what's left of our religious faith (to say it could compensate for less) is, well, a realm of the "spiritual" which for us is too intertwined with daily life. Therefore, when we consider the development of Oradea, for example, the first thing that comes to mind is to count the newly built residential areas, supermarkets have emerged and how full they are, how many roads were paved, then we think about how people actually live, what their income and what quality of life, somewhere on the bottom of the list, if you insist, we will ask and what does it mean quality of life for us. What makes us feel good, happy, happy? Only material things? How happy we feel, for example, as a "shift" Real and Carrefour shopping?
When I say all this I do not intend to sit in opposition to a materialistic kind of guy with one idealistic, as we are accustomed to seeing new things here. I'm just trying to point out that there really is (that we want, we do not want) an invisible side of our world, there are issues we can not control (eg, floods and climate change, and sometimes, even we ourselves incontrollable) and phenomena that must be "ready" than by concreting the banks and building stone Cris, in the event of flood could (?) to take place in the center of Oradea. I think now
an acquaintance who has cancer and she said, no way ready to be put in front of such a diagnosis, refused to treat. Eventually he realized that you need to do and the whole experience has totally changed the way see things ...
What I find worrying is that we need both strong shocks, the confrontation went to the limit in order to understand more than what we see with the naked eye. And sometimes even after such shocks do not understand ... Because the most difficult is to look at yourself honestly and as "outside" to see how much you've removed the invisible world around us, in other words, to maintain a balance between material see and immaterial. I do not want too much philosophizing. I just believe that before we engage in the activities that concern them and others, would be better to think less about how those actions will affect - and not just physically.
project planning Crisului banks in Oradea, with all its stages, it seems a good example here, because its impact on the natural environment and the inhabitants of the city (especially if they join with other local projects ...) has many difficult aspects of pre-visible and difficult to control. So if anyone's illusions about what he knows is what will happen next with birds staying on the River or fish or as future Oradea `s population will increase quality of life along the river promenade and what impact will that have on their that will never be close to water, is, in my opinion, more than naive. But perhaps those who start such projects do not care, really, nor what I think or what they feel or what oradenii, much less what their needs might have a flock of ducks or a pair of swans wintering here, why talking climatic phenomena or something similar. As everyone knows, concretely, is the company S. .. and those P. .. U. .. F. .. need to choose something from the action, and they also receive oradenii something very tangible and visible, showing that it made a substantial investment and that there are no comments. Thus, at the end of term we can make a long list of "concrete achievements". The rest of the achievements do not count, because - Good morning! - No see!
"A living network responds to disturbance by structural changes, and so she chooses to take into account the disturbances and how to respond. What people observe depends on who they are as individuals and their cultural characteristics of communities of practice. A particular message will arrive not only because of its frequency or volume, but primarily because they have meaning for them. [...]
A machine can be controlled, a living system as a systemic way to understand life can only be disrupted. In other words, organizations can not be controlled direct interventions, but they can be influenced by giving them instruction rather than pulses. Changing the conventional style of management requires a shift of perception, not easy, but brings instead of large rewards. [...]
key to an operational definition of ecological sustainability is the realization that some do not need to invent sustainable human communities from nothing, but we can shape the ecosystems where nature, which are sustainable communities of plants, animals and microorganisms . Since the outstanding feature is its ability to home to Earth inherent to sustain life, a sustainable human community is one designed so that its modes of life, business, economy, physical structures and technologies do not interfere with nature's inherent ability to sustain life. Sustainable communities form their own patterns of life over time, through continuous interaction with other living systems, both human and nonhuman. Sustainability does not mean that things do not change: it is a dynamic process of coevolution, and not a static state.
operational definition of sustainability implies that the first step in our effort to build sustainable communities is that we must "environmental literacy", ie to understand the principles of organization common to all living beings, and that ecosystems have developed to support the fabric of life. "
(Fritjof Capra - Connections hidden)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
3d Apartment Where Things Happen
Because I live downtown and it's so easy, I walk almost daily with my daughter Cris bank. I really need and nature parks is a very good alternative, considering our location . Today I tried to go first on the right bank, on the bridge from the center Decebal bridge, near the new promenade. First, it struck me that was full of cars parked on the former site of the terrace, which was not liked at all, because those cars have to get there somehow and that means that so-called pedestrian and bicycle path along the bank became a full-blown road. Okay, I went and I went over it and just to confirm my thinking, I woke up suddenly with a trolley car in front. He wanted to park the bike trail, right on where I move it. Nice ... I think it's very hard to do two steps to shore up Ady Endre. More than going around the car, in addition to pollute and to enter into a pedestrian area with flair.
(new promenade that I avoided it - Photos from December 2010)
We backtrack: it is not new around here. Better go upstream towards the bridge at Dacia. At least there I do know that finding places less traveled by car, full of vegetation and more interesting than a bad bank 'held the line. "
Said and done! The weather was good, the sun warmed my face and did not want to sleep in the pram. Let's try something else, in this case! I took her in my arms, I abandoned the cart path that descends to the shore and started a walking among willows and poplars. This is a piece of the shore that I "saved" a few years of slaughter. Unfortunately, it does not matter: a little higher, on the other side, unstoppable bulldozers working now anybody. My colleagues think that it's still a win that will not cut all the trees in that area. And I think so, but what good are you anyway so intrusive works, which will totally change the place and replace the soil and grass with concrete and stone, and the bank will look at here as a channel? And all this, why?? What's phenomenal win for the city (for those who decide that this works we know that is)?
(Part of the bank which will now be "directed" and concrete)
I think we walked about half an hour on land unhindered. I went near the water, I watched the sun reflecting off it and I listened the birds begin to sing a bit of spring. And I hear a woodpecker, but I can see it. Suddenly I see a little Coot.
- Wow, Sofia, look there! I show my daughter that but it is probably too small to understand. It still looked on, but disappears under water and out Coot else. A watch with a second look and see which one accompanies the other side.
Then we continue walking under willow trees whose branches little young to get close to the ground. I show buds and discover the future of Sofia where they come from those green strips. Stare at the grass on which we walk. But most fascinating to touch the bark of a tree. Only touch it has the courage and I marvel at all the meanings of such a gesture to a child sees something for the first time in his life, starting to understand ... We
a small break and we sit on a bench, where Sofia begins to "verify" with the fingers of wood that is done.
- It's all wood, yes, but now he's dead, I call it an explanation. Then see how watching two Pitigoi happy on the one mounted wooden footbridges for fishermen. Too bad I
camera to me this time. But can find some pictures taken on another occasion. It's a place so beautiful! Too bad that it was still rough tracks to see machines that have worked here to install some drain pipes and left mess behind them and no trace of grass ... God, I wonder what's wrong with these people who have not learned at home (Or school) that when you go somewhere, leave that place as you found when you go from there. If any of today's adults do not think so, what to expect from young men who grow now?
( files on
Although Sofia is fascinated by everything that surrounds it and looks good to the living world around you, get ready for departure. I'm glad I got the idea to get off the sidewalk - it's as if we had entered another universe. Interesting how, living in the city - and even in one so small as Oradea - we remove as much of nature. I think in our culture post-December emancipated, urbanization is the construction of sophisticated spaces, anthropogenic, that remove any sense of the earth, naturally, in short, where "to see the human hand", you feel like you're "in town". Oradea probably some who read my story I will recommend me to move "the country", that there be a place of nature, not in the city. Probably. And then I realize what is the difference between plastic duck bath my little girl home and lisitele I just saw Cris, two steps away from home and how much he learned in this half hour we spent on the bank (yet) Cris natural. I realize that there are many simple things around us do not cherish them, but we can provide experiences, lessons and feelings far more valuable than many man-made things complicated. Of course, that if we want to understand better the world of which we link. The strongest or weakest link? Hmm, I do not know, but that's another discussion ... anyway
** Also this issue, in my searches on the internet I found a useful material, developed by teachers and students in Oradea, which shows Repede. I think it's a laudable initiative!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Busty Mia Nadine J. De
language, communication, perception
'm pretty caught up in this game of words in time, because this is how to write .... share your story.
My story is different from others, and so, not only looking at the stories linking, convinced that I'm not the one who changed things and states, how the stories linking together.
All differences are not put together how a moment of sincerity, a moment of harmony, a feeling of friendship and help extend the game by continuing to link all these feelings in a way of life.
reflect on the fact that most words have a special semniificatie female are: existence, life, nature, love, communication, harmony, friendship, knowledge and many others, while soul and spirit, are gender-neutral words. On the other hand we
creator, father, the universe, like words in the masculine gender are not so expressive and meaningful as the female, considering that the above have played a practical side, applied in close connection with the neutrality soul and spirit, while the male words give an impression of static, something immutable.
Thus they conclude that the dynamic principle of everything and all is mostly women in the event, though apparently the male acts, and this equates to about noticeable in subtle and useful dynamic and passive feminine is also (paradoxically) is static while the masculine and active, both in the same neutral soul and spirit.
But these reflections are not what I want to emphasize, how the elasticity of perception and language, including the construction of symbolic images from all sorts of mental structures, depending on where and how I perceptia.Insa nets of Structural Given this secventialul mental a certain order and coherence necessary connection, it takes another kind of mind to tie infoenergii, thoughts and ideas that, seemingly disparate in space and time. I reproach
bushy and incoherent expressions, hijacking the meaning of "real" of words, and yes I saw this whole blog is a great cabbage ideas and concepts and to structure rigorous mental connections between these stories are hard to follow and not have a visible effect, but the real connection is made invisible, and the sail-one that weaves all know how to tie ideas and people beyond words.
The question is, why write? Well, in an act of faith and in a real, I do not generally think about what I write what I write does not build, but consider what may pass rather as an altered state of perception and consciousness. It diversion
real meaning of words and apparent lack of consistency, coherence is not a coherent overview of how posts posts, in close touch with their own experience and that you communicate and share with others, with its harmonized refexii contemplari.Nu thoughts and actions are called mental it is inappropriate to confuse the messenger with the message, the translator to translate the instrument (mind) with the musician.
mind as translator of the living is great, but that structure is similar to a computer, does not feel and do not synthesize, and arrange the works only, not even aware of emotions and feelings they generate and how its level of Perception is not always linked with other like minds, but they differ in perception and basic software, in other words, computers are not always in the network.
Why say this? "To do that just in the mind, so the translator tool, we're not really together, we can write a story together, we share your story, we can generate additional stories, but we can not get out of the story and getting into the real story is not, or is the essence of all povestilor.Urmeaza as normal and natural course of things to prove their rationality as the giant has feet of clay, and that going out and intractable in mind is a process not well defined action, with head, tail, and the so called coerenta.Intradevar, the expression is linear, an idea, a phrase, has head and tail but its manifestation and its connection with other ideas long Aces wave is wavy, the ball and unstructured, generating energy at the level of our feelings of all kinds, from simple emotions and feelings random until complete identification to be, synonymous with love.
our mental space is potentially unlimited, no structures pyramid or other forms including gender abstarctizari amoeba infintatea but they are lost in the mental sphere interaction, bind us to a concept of mental structure, even well built and is specifically developed with the forest stage and trees. We contemplate
trees, but overall awareness of them called the forest and the potential scope of living is similar to the Zen emptiness, a place where all these structures back to even and unitara.Din own essence this view all the thoughts are the same story mentioned above, or there is one single thought which manifests itself in ways and forms founded. Interctiune
These structures in turn their action in the belief that channel, but the eye nepierzind forest as a whole, beliefs taken together are therefore not intended.
I can not cling to any thought or idea, nor do I feel like I change my style of translating the thoughts states, convinced of their ephemeral joy of being downtown and having the woods that feel the need to share, because the another level of perception we are trees in the forest and the forest itself, and man's basic structure is an infinite space of complex thought, conscious or not a tree of the forest or the role and purpose.
communication between us, the real, is how they intersect and bind to our roots and the realization that we are part of the same whole, which rarely reaches the conscious level if our meeting is a comparison between structures, like it or not, meetings between belief systems compatible or not belonging to the mind less spherical and it includes all that does not differentiate between anybody thought and conception, the source and recipient to include them all. This post
answer yet I do not respond to challenges, conviins being that they're not able to change anything, not even your own actions and perceptions, we chose to write this way before all these rows and rows up now But now choosing what kind of lines I will write next.
Those who accept what I understand this is beyond words, because they accepted their own ranks are beyond words and are aware that what we do here are links and bridges, not for facts and acts that go somewhere and end somewhere. because if you want to get somewhere you have to go, and we do not want this, I have not done that, I did not and I never left.

'm pretty caught up in this game of words in time, because this is how to write .... share your story.
My story is different from others, and so, not only looking at the stories linking, convinced that I'm not the one who changed things and states, how the stories linking together.
All differences are not put together how a moment of sincerity, a moment of harmony, a feeling of friendship and help extend the game by continuing to link all these feelings in a way of life.
reflect on the fact that most words have a special semniificatie female are: existence, life, nature, love, communication, harmony, friendship, knowledge and many others, while soul and spirit, are gender-neutral words. On the other hand we
creator, father, the universe, like words in the masculine gender are not so expressive and meaningful as the female, considering that the above have played a practical side, applied in close connection with the neutrality soul and spirit, while the male words give an impression of static, something immutable.
Thus they conclude that the dynamic principle of everything and all is mostly women in the event, though apparently the male acts, and this equates to about noticeable in subtle and useful dynamic and passive feminine is also (paradoxically) is static while the masculine and active, both in the same neutral soul and spirit.
But these reflections are not what I want to emphasize, how the elasticity of perception and language, including the construction of symbolic images from all sorts of mental structures, depending on where and how I perceptia.Insa nets of Structural Given this secventialul mental a certain order and coherence necessary connection, it takes another kind of mind to tie infoenergii, thoughts and ideas that, seemingly disparate in space and time. I reproach
bushy and incoherent expressions, hijacking the meaning of "real" of words, and yes I saw this whole blog is a great cabbage ideas and concepts and to structure rigorous mental connections between these stories are hard to follow and not have a visible effect, but the real connection is made invisible, and the sail-one that weaves all know how to tie ideas and people beyond words.
The question is, why write? Well, in an act of faith and in a real, I do not generally think about what I write what I write does not build, but consider what may pass rather as an altered state of perception and consciousness. It diversion
real meaning of words and apparent lack of consistency, coherence is not a coherent overview of how posts posts, in close touch with their own experience and that you communicate and share with others, with its harmonized refexii contemplari.Nu thoughts and actions are called mental it is inappropriate to confuse the messenger with the message, the translator to translate the instrument (mind) with the musician.
mind as translator of the living is great, but that structure is similar to a computer, does not feel and do not synthesize, and arrange the works only, not even aware of emotions and feelings they generate and how its level of Perception is not always linked with other like minds, but they differ in perception and basic software, in other words, computers are not always in the network.
Why say this? "To do that just in the mind, so the translator tool, we're not really together, we can write a story together, we share your story, we can generate additional stories, but we can not get out of the story and getting into the real story is not, or is the essence of all povestilor.Urmeaza as normal and natural course of things to prove their rationality as the giant has feet of clay, and that going out and intractable in mind is a process not well defined action, with head, tail, and the so called coerenta.Intradevar, the expression is linear, an idea, a phrase, has head and tail but its manifestation and its connection with other ideas long Aces wave is wavy, the ball and unstructured, generating energy at the level of our feelings of all kinds, from simple emotions and feelings random until complete identification to be, synonymous with love.
our mental space is potentially unlimited, no structures pyramid or other forms including gender abstarctizari amoeba infintatea but they are lost in the mental sphere interaction, bind us to a concept of mental structure, even well built and is specifically developed with the forest stage and trees. We contemplate
trees, but overall awareness of them called the forest and the potential scope of living is similar to the Zen emptiness, a place where all these structures back to even and unitara.Din own essence this view all the thoughts are the same story mentioned above, or there is one single thought which manifests itself in ways and forms founded. Interctiune
These structures in turn their action in the belief that channel, but the eye nepierzind forest as a whole, beliefs taken together are therefore not intended.
I can not cling to any thought or idea, nor do I feel like I change my style of translating the thoughts states, convinced of their ephemeral joy of being downtown and having the woods that feel the need to share, because the another level of perception we are trees in the forest and the forest itself, and man's basic structure is an infinite space of complex thought, conscious or not a tree of the forest or the role and purpose.
communication between us, the real, is how they intersect and bind to our roots and the realization that we are part of the same whole, which rarely reaches the conscious level if our meeting is a comparison between structures, like it or not, meetings between belief systems compatible or not belonging to the mind less spherical and it includes all that does not differentiate between anybody thought and conception, the source and recipient to include them all. This post
answer yet I do not respond to challenges, conviins being that they're not able to change anything, not even your own actions and perceptions, we chose to write this way before all these rows and rows up now But now choosing what kind of lines I will write next.
Those who accept what I understand this is beyond words, because they accepted their own ranks are beyond words and are aware that what we do here are links and bridges, not for facts and acts that go somewhere and end somewhere. because if you want to get somewhere you have to go, and we do not want this, I have not done that, I did not and I never left.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Pokemon Doujinshiyaoi
Between two worlds

Or between two waters, that separated the ladies ladies waters from the waters, and we
I was somewhere in the middle ground between water demand and water.
I watched Zeitgeist last these days, and am impressed with what energy is making to show partiality and the amount of belief relative to this plane densely.
I mentioned many times what sensory perception, the which enables us to notice the effects of indoor infoenergetic
potential, although in practice inside or outside
essence is the same.
From this point of view, only on an intellectual perception, observation and beliefs about
observations is not enough, just like the perception level living, emotion and feeling
background, conjuncture and overview , the same partiality.
why I say that we are between two waters, with its head in the clouds but feet on the ground for such arises
synthesis between potential and its manifestations. The Zeitgeist
of environmental change and say that basic beliefs of mankind reporting on everything that goes wrong now that the economy, consumerism, indifference, fear profit and fundamentally change mankind's evolutionary environment, generating a better world.
But the world itself does not need change, not at what we call the world, but people who perceive them, so dependable.
not remind anyone of real evolution in the Zeitgeist, the expansion
mental awareness and consciousness, of reflection and contemplation, meditation and creative consciousness, all those means which are not goals but have dependable, and give a sense.
Thus we have a sensory interpretation of reality, the same basic beliefs, we and others, in general we
the "good" and others the "bad", misunderstanding that just polarity separation maintenance.
If it would be a change in beliefs fundamental, most important would be that both we and others is an illusion and that regardless of the apparent dual planetary and are enrolled in the same boat same same.
not want to appear and the ugly tricks, all purely materialistic and purely sensory deviation with dramas and limiting the consequences resulting from it, but I taught
to existing intelligence is founded, and if she-he allows such events, that's beyond any sense of partiality and limitations of our perception.
From personal experience I can say that not only overcome the dualism of passing through it, on the other hand overcoming dualism is not limited to a single life or a partial perception of their own experiences of can be seen as good-bad, how much of their synthesis.
When you draw the line and observe what we have chosen out of all the experiences is not as
that when we live within a partial experience, a drama, a limitation or even an opening, a revelation.
Moreover, Everything is basically prepared in the event, but basically any action no matter how dramatic or inspiring it seems there is a counter equal and opposite action, perceptible or not, so the universe is built.
If there is inequality, partiality or uncontrolled deviations from any level of creation in our perception this would amount to a fundamental lack of faith, and from that point of view, we are infidels regardless restraint the label of faith that we have undertaken is o.
All intelligence, harmony and perfection, but that this all is not necessarily fundamental to overlap with this understanding of what our own intelligence.
The seemingly absurd or abstract at a noticeable, dramatic, meets himself in the infinity in a coherent and equal, in perfect harmony, it is also the construction and real faith in a spirit of neutrality, neutrality is not confused with stagnation and impersonal, how the holistic synthesis and ability to act on multiple planes.
called water and return to earth, many of the visions of Zeitgeist are applicable and have a highly absorbent constuctiv, from my point of vedere.Insa resource-based economy not miss our new understanding of how the fact that any quantity is limited, but increasing continuously the quality of frees us from dependence on the quantity and need to get used to something very simple: A little, yes good. The fact that Zeitgesit
promotes equality is laudable, and that a distribution of basic resources to maintain physical life saves us lots of chaotic events, predatory and primitive, but I believe that all this come from himself and many more qualities of the natural BEING, when every one wakes up and becomes aware of itself, the role and purpose in the world or the universe, in which role-enter the home belonging to all what the common good, for the common good is well its obvious.
eye opener This documentary is presented, but with the requisite drama and spectacle, which is not necessary at this moment what we see eye to help us be ourselves, beyond the dramatic appearances, life is wonderful by itself, nature is becoming more vivid, the sky more colorful and more meaningful, sincere smiles of the people are increasingly detached from the apparent, and many other issues that can identify and change and change. The documentary presents
future cities, well-structured and self-healing technology, but I rather see it in future cities, technology, access to information and eventually meeting and gathering place, and life in the wilderness RISP in nature, the creative community self support for overcoming fear, and aligning with the resonance of the law no longer feel the need to stand bush lot to be ourselves. Some do not feel that
now, in other words, they feel good about their skin.
If transportation distance is spontaneous, and are convinced that the technology already exists, plus holographic media, and that no technology is not important where you stand with the body as long as you can take now or you can meet with anyone, anytime, there are unconventional means, that telepathy and bilocation.
I think humanity will split, that choice of their choice, a conscious choice here is to be with a different choice is how and to what nivel.O Party will continue on the path of inertia, the associations and associations, including urban areas and some very close to everything that is life lived in harmony with that natura.Traitul in harmony with nature does not exclude the technology, how simplifying and harmonizing them, as an example being the means of producing energy that can be adapted exactly how eat, no storage and assessment of quantity, that specifies that Zeitgesit right for a reassessment of what kind este.La and production of food and goods, and probably for many will disappear altogether the idea of \u200b\u200bconsumption, they are the ones who give, not those who "need." Legind
waters from the waters, as a conclusion of this relationship, all are right in their own way and in fact no one is right for others, how to He insusi.Din sum of our beliefs and the way in which we perceive and to generate change, to be born a better world, more positive and dynamic, or for each one there nu.Insa creative possibilities of a world properties of better, and I think this is the meaning to be followed.

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