We believe life founded the event with a field fractal interconnections between parts and whole, in which each part is independently field with a certain frequency and intensity frequency. Fields
physical act on the principle of what we call electromagnetism, the parties finer, more subtle infinity existing fields and acts as a correspondence of electromagnetism, even light has a component of a wave and particle, respectively, electric and magnetic characteristics.
We also represent that the energy is electric and the magnetic fields is information, though not separate intertwined with each other, any electric charge generates magnetic and vice versa, any emission electric charge is magnetic.
suggest this picture and these bonds trying to build a parallel between physical and metaphysical reality in one, similar to the law of correspondence.
two phenomena acting at the field, or in interaction unified call them resonance and interference, resonance is the law of attraction interference is universal and potential difference that tends towards equilibrium.
potential differences generally manifest themselves through the interaction of two phenomena called polarization and depolarization, moving from a potential field to another, when the potential is uniformly polarized, interference turns into resonance.
All these things are well known in physics, is actually the easiest part of physics, but that is not done scientifically oriented physicists and theorists, is that these phenomena apply to all levels in every aspect of creation and manifestation, is a direct reflection of universal laws, even psychology is a science of the fields in interaction.
The aspects that differentiate the field, resonance and interference, polarization and depolarization, interacting fields or fields that are closed to consume their own energy is the quality, finesse, sensitivity, a universal attribute that we can call Viata.Prin elevation factor, evolution and centering all aspects present in small and large fields tend to increase quality, manifested by amplitude rather, by expansion, than by increasing the frequency and intensity.
is as if a balloon is inflated as to be centered outside himself, the whole experience condensed on the surface of tension in the center.
universal factor is the quality of life spans in event founded, and taking into account the issues outlined above, we generate new intersections and interactions that may reflect Compexit beyond the limit of perception.
universal reality is founded simplicity but complex in expression embodied in its essence.
And now to return to the field that interests us most, field called man, be it physical man we've become accustomed.
Downtown Center is a kernel of any events, something inexplicable and inexhaustible essence which generates asimilieaza also builds and everything that occurs around him.
We associate with the very essence of this dynamic, the idea of \u200b\u200bmoving in any way and any way, and the general level and accessed ideational essence is infinite existence.
In the event it is building in the infinite realities ansambluli laws presented above as a picture, but it is beyond their own and show, acting without action, as the link between all possible fields that are interacting. Record
called man on the same principle, build multiple realities and manifest through him, keeping the essence of its own, similar and overlapping with the essence of everything that is unchanging, eternal and unchanging. As quality
vibration field event man has multiple plans at levels which we call mentally emotionally and physically, but as essentially no real difference between man and everything that surrounds him or what he defines as what is, or is built himself in all plans vibrational making up.
Essence is synchronous and overlapped, and their motion, that man do not see this only accessed through reflection, through a feedback relationship between what is expressed and what is beyond expression.
so why is manifested by the existence of this impersonal as well as personal, polarized or neutral, having no attributes or attribute, depending on the fields of human capacity to reflect THIS essence from himself. In reality
infintatea created simultaneously by himself about the unique essence beyond the forms, shot after shot man chooses to reality and interact interconnect multiple frequency ranges, and thus building his own form and around the home use essence, as a co creator.
three levels of perception we are in direct interaction, namely the unconscious, conscious and supraconstinet together build a reality plenary complete the picture perfectly synchronous essence of everything that is, everything that we are.
Record Man does not resonate at all three levels simultaneously, but this projection is complete even if it is not aware of it. So the subconscious
permanent building consists of a background of events that amount of experience and field-body vibration thus ensure the instrument of perception, the conscious experience of dealing with the direct projection of reality created in direct connection with that amount Vibration subconscious that acts as the event framework, and the super-conscious, the very existence of identical and synchronous, build the broad framework of evolution and interaction, according to the perfection anasmblu whole, the party usually aware that the light which we usually perceive our experience, finds it difficult to achieve directly, but can be achieved through reflection, intuition and faith, trust.
entire Creation is really perfect, any action, any polarity, in any field or event has its perfect balance, but that this does not always reach the conscious level and is not related to the concepts that we've become accustomed to understand the reality that the space-time.
apparently disparate experiences are in this framework and interact with each other, generating polarized resonance, which translates simply through universal harmony, balance our conscious or not their perfect.Oscilatiile have the perfect balance, which deals superconscious part of us, beyond the shapes and perception, only interctiune at the fields. Record
vibrational aware that we can act as a closed or open, willing to interact or blocked in their projection of self, they find the characteristics of what we call egoic or detached, and the open systems interfere egoic resonates. Usually
and find when this chapter closed when swung open as needed an experience that we chose, the fact is that nothing is what it seems, taking into account other aspects of our involved, and suprarconstient subconscious, and whatever we choose to have their experience echilbrul or directly and fully in existence.
These representations define an own overview of the Unified Quiet, no images and representations of reality, how many fields are in the Oneness, it is addressed primarily to those fields people with whom I am in tune at the moment and are worth a picture understanding and acceptance of a will to share your created, not to persuade or to change beliefs.
language is too poor to express the feeling, the direct experience of the images represented above, and what they want for capacity expansion is that each level of perception so that the field we are to truly become a man, full of soft and gentle as that which we have defined a factor as life, and vice versa, the man who we become very aware of this to the field and beyond all attributes and representations.
This two-way action, I see it as a meeting between Man and Divinity.

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