We all went to school in our time, good bad, the whole system to adapt to weather respective.Ma proper look at how hard my son to school is urneste every morning and feel compassion on the one hand, on the other hand is the experience you form any impression about the limit that one has to save and scoala.Accentul the competition is typical, we've all been through this level even if many of us not affected, at least part of the competition, we learn for the sake of notes and assessments. Now
always learn to learn, or remember, there are no limits in knowing and doing, with the permanent update of the essence of what we have already learned and experienced. I think the most important part of learning is related to networking and communication, creating connections and build on the perception level of fiecaruia.In the most important part is communication autocomunicarea, ask questions and how the level of perception where when we are that, ultimately, we learn something.
strictly sensory reality, which can be seen and heard, is a psychological and mental effect of environmental perception, an average sum of all those who according to their beliefs and expectations create a certain type of reality, or what they are willing to accept as real.
But things looked quite different in terms of individual, and I mean those who are removed from cattle of any kind, there is a detachment towards overview orecare often superficial and dominated by the interests otherwise.
Thus, every one understands what is better than the group, any group, by observing the effects of having direct access to its causation.
Increasingly there is a question that is my role and purpose in all this, why I see certain things and what we extract from here, but it looked only through the individual, if it is a collective vision and perception is thus mixed.
Now we have, besides the great mass of observers carried away, those who appreciate very subjective reality, many types of groups or individuals who understand the complexity of partially or how widely that creates even the physical world.
I refer to those who have a certain dynamics to those who accept the mental and spiritual side, that intellectual and spiritual rigor combination of each other, they are appointed in a general way, being unable to be framed and patterns in templates than when using some frames understanding and labeling and attributes are templates of the moment.
These people are willing to understand their duty to clear and build frameworks for understanding and for the less trained at this level, in a lifelong learning process, but involved in stufosenii mental, rituals and dogma, whether and intellectual , individual or group interests, we face a chaos of beliefs and interpretations, and superficially similar dual mode of interpretation of everyday life, but placed at another level of perception.
witnessing the struggle of ideas and beliefs, even to a fight already outlined in a circle of ideas and beliefs, dualism is reflected on the one hand not very balanced collective psychological state, on the other part is a reflection of that "divide and rule"
I pulled out all the time, the meaning is the unity, synthesis, acceptance and understanding, not to make compromises necessary to accept events, groups or individuals, but in the case without their actions is clearly based on an interest oreacare, we understand the mechanism that causes them to act in some way, even if this mechanism can be a simple defulare, a backlash against the rigid and limited materialist, often times with the famous , black white.
I wonder if coinciliate paradoxes may be, why can not we coincilia? Why can not we have more to access points and connects us to start from there dezvoltartea differences and comparisons? We so it really can not encourage every single bond between us beyond the mind, soul to soul?
I was convinced of that, I have friends, some famous right here on the blogs, that level of perception and belief are different, sometimes even in opposition, but I feel so close, and when the blue blossoms of us smile, apparent beyond all the false interpretations disappear and remains always been what connects us. Coinciliat
It is a paradox that we adopted, I do not know where, respectively: We are different, we all are one. Different
that level of understanding and perception, different from what we do at each different in shape, age, weight, behavior, but one that the essence, as being as spark that connects everything with everything, behind all the filters that only look at the world and being universul.O planetary and universal diversity infintatea expressed differently, a being about to be coincilia in itself, in unity and harmony. Sounds
idealism and contradicts the evidence, but evidence is designed to contrast if the contrast is blurred, there is balance and unity, it is most useful verb in this now, balance and harmony at all levels.

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