Sunday, November 30, 2008

Letter To Request A Donation From A Church

Interdependence Days

A day's conference for RCS. Many charity less CSR, I say this because philanthropy is just a part of CSR's. I'm not saying it's not good, do not get me wrong Sweethearts. He drew attention
presentation by Robert Brown, Managing Director of Braun & Partners Ltd.. If the twentieth century was that of marketing-oriented company, the twenty-first century is representative of companies oriented responsibility. biggest environmental challenge of the twenty-first century corporate century is to find the best ways to integrate social values \u200b\u200bof the stakeholders in their business operations.
Friedman talks about the new role of companies, referring to the stakeholder theory, the crises reputation and the challenges of environmental change (Al Gore. In the middle are companies network of interactions between stakeholders and institutions.
Braun presented the results of a survey conducted by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conducted in 10 countries, 500 companies: CSR is defined as a strategy (23.6%) and that engagement with stakeholders (24.7%), and less government, performance management, transparency in relation to the public and the insurance. In the context of the XXI century century, CSR is a business strategy as any.
instrument used for measuring activity CSR is accountabiliy rating, first applied in 2004 and involves four areas of assessment, including social, economic and environmental, identification and commitment to stakeholders and the company's impact on the environment. Top 3
socially responsible global companies are Vodafone (77.7%), General Electric (70, 2) and HSBC (67.7).
current context of accountability-oriented companies can be sketched as follows:
- CSR is applied only to large companies (new WAZ of doing business);
- management tools are rudimentary;
- background (environment, organic products) is more important than form (processes, management systems).
"Think globally, act locally!" ese slogan strategic orientation to local stakeholders.

Another speaker, Dragos Bucurenci CSR situation presented in the current global crisis and spoke about the activities MaiMultVerde Association, which has invested over € 1 million, funds collected from large companies.
Bucurenci argues that CSR budget reduction would mean a further deepening of the crisis, since it is the cause lack of accountability. Another reason is nominated Bucurenci trust deficit (Not cash) in banks, banks are, from this perspective, reliable borrowers.
Although CSR actions are taken mostly by large companies, small companies should realize the importance that may have in this process, but small companies are filled by the profit motive and have a culture of accountability.
Concluzinând, the moment of crisis is a good time performing activities that differentiate corporate social responsibility to be more visible.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Difference From Arthritis To Arthrose

Bizz glass beyond corporate social responsibility?

On 30 October 31 took part in discussions at the initiative of Christian Ducu oganizate for Ethical Management, Corporate Strategy and Sustainable Development, an attempt, without success, I see unfortunately, to gather together "people from libraries' business people to discuss issues of business ethics. Perhaps the absence of the latter was largely due to location, the Faculty of Philosophy (a great seat, I'd also like to SNSPA such environment, but the argument that Povernei headquarters is located in downtown should be arhisuficient us for our satisfied with what we have). Why say that? Because maybe if the invitation was for Hilton or Marriott, no doubt that would have come more

manageri.Asta e. After two days I started to think seriously that corporate social responsibility needs direction. Until now, its direction is towards the Romanian public relations. Being a corporation that grants an equivalent budget for CSR activities for us to do PR with Facebook to promote, something to do so with the benefit of all corporate, rather than to the office. Here
admit .. I am facing a dilemma on the premise that what is not covered in the mass media means that there is, and if the CSR is a kind of hair precisely that social-oriented activities of a corporation is made public. Then we can talk about CSR if it is not made public? It's like charity, the idea that the result counts: donate money to a seriously ill child for it to do good and do not know that your name be known. We make a comparison with CSR? After all, the most important is the result: a healthier environment, more green, a vigorous ethics policy ... no matter the name.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Where To Buy Nembutal 2011


- People today do not even they know what they want. All day runs, and do many things, but nothing for the soul, I say gray-bearded monk who sits in his cell all the time when, when the hermitage.
then went
- will come the hard times in which we may be required to deny God and we will not know who we are. People do not understand that how we live now in this life, we decide the fate of the afterlife. And today, man is the greatest of sins ...
I can already say that we've begun to deny God and may the hard times are already here, because things seem so when you live in Hermitage-vortex outside world is difficult for the soul. He does not really go in the world, but listen in and talk to visitors, but maybe something made him feel and know these things, something I can not understand ...

I've reached after waaaay time when we all heard of these mountains, in-Vanturarita Buila a small part of Skull Mountain, located in Valcea County, Horezu and Olanesti somewhat. No I never realized what fascinated me so much this area - is it strange name or maybe because there are many villages round the pottery (and very much I am interested in ceramics and pottery ...)?

Unfortunately I had only one weekend, but the two days and two nights spent in the area were absolutely sublime! I managed to "steal" a bit of anthropogenic sacred spirit of the area, but also the natural environment. Saturday I went on a journey, from men, at Hermitage entered, until Curmatura Builei (1450 m), ie a point near the middle ridge. Sunday I was at the Bistrita Monastery, where we were served food, I saw the Bat Cave (or St. Gregory Decapolite), we walked a little through Bistrita Gorge, then to the Museum Trovantilor Costesti and that's all that is long way to Bucharest ...

took me about a week to settle my thoughts and impressions about this experience, because almost everything that happened to us was very interesting. I talked to nuns from the Monastery Hurezi forever young, I was at the service Sunday morning, I went through a whole course, although we were all tired and did not think we can gather energy. The route was that whatever you do in nature, mobilizing! Mount this is somewhat like ladder-Belioara, only bigger. Almost not see it until you approach a bit, and beauty is revealed only you start to climb it. In fact, the mountain is not that wonderful? But the specifics of each mountain. I think Buila has a sacred air, indeed, as many people say. Do not know why this thing can not catch him by hand or rationally express in words, but as soon as you feel him there. Trails, woods, colors, image hermitages perched on hills, the silence, the wind ... although outside the convents, and find them all other mountains, but with different meaning. I think the idea that neighborhood with many monasteries and convents that have already become part of the mountain and the mountain as part of their life, give you the feeling of getting closer to God and makes you feel the sacred mountain. I think that's more sacred mountain inside who come here with a certain attitude, perhaps in a way that they would go on a pilgrimage ... We were on a single track route and we had so many signs! Cell monk who guards the hill like a cross time dug in the trunk of a beech old hall for shelter of those who go to the monastery, monks at Patrunsa houses, above a small altar on top, but especially the mountain itself, with trees, rocks, gentians lost summer passes through bizarre rock spiders who weave the threads together and grass ... To see the upper Olt Country and let your imagination carried by wind to distant peaks, already filled with snow ... But above all, to come back at night on a road like in the old tales, or through the forest, the moonlight filtered by tree crowns, as a giant reflector that keeps you from evil spirits (and maybe they are present somewhere ...).

For me, this trip was definitely a great experience and I can not wait to get back in May to discover more & more wonderful. I am convinced that somewhere there are - and yet in many other places in this country dear. But every thing at a time!

Last but not least, I will say that this area is declared a national park mountains, neat and a local association (called - not accidentally J - Kogayon), which has ensured that the place is always clean, neat and well flagged, so that visitors feel more comfortable there and have all the information necessary to manage the mountain and the objectives interest. I say they did very well and I hope he can continue so!

If you like religious places or want to know them better, I recommend you go - although, if you are girls, you can be bothered to traditionalism, as almost everywhere, we put on a position less appreciative (you may not pants to enter the churches, necrapata long skirt, you are not allowed to stay for the hermitages only under certain conditions, etc..). But suppose we apply the proverb "When you go to Rome, do as the Romans do" and to respect the spirit of the place, so that eventually all these rules are made by people and it is pointless to block our spiritual experience, I say. Moreover, there are traditional villages in the surroundings where are convinced that more can find other treasures of Romania, and the mountain itself is more complex than I was telling you here, because our time was limited exploration.

More information can be found on Buila-Vanturarita or and my photos on # . God bless!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ampoule Stranne Lamp Spare Bulbs

Buila-alone Sing / Sing in Bucharest Peace III Impressions

sensation of your search words all over memory, mind, inspiration ... the inability to express what they feel. In short, a sort of wonder nichitiana, something you do not know where it comes from and why, but you can find deep (a) suddenly steals over all and you in an almost hypnotic.
That's the concert of Leonard Cohen in Bucharest on September 21, 2008. And abandoning the prayer itself, because the only way we can find, at a time. Maybe ...
If It Be Your Will
That I speak no more And my voice
Be Still As it WAS
Before I speak no more Will
Until I Shall abid
I've Spoken for
If It Be Your Will
If It Be Your Will
That Be true voice of
From this broken hill
I will sing to you
From this broken hill
All your praises they shall ring
If it be your will
To let me sing
From this broken hill
All your praises they shall ring
If it be your will
To let me sing
If it be your will
If there is a choice
Let the rivers fill
Let the hills rejoice
Let your mercy spill
On all these burning hearts in hell
If it be your will
To make us well
And draw us near
And bind us tight
All your children here
In their rags of light
In our rags of light
All dressed to kill
And end this night
If it be your will
If it be your will.;3211850&type=main_picture&ptr=0

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Yonex Badminton Rackets In Chennai Price

Today was a day of tourism in Bucharest. Tourism in the second, because usually go alone. But this time I had company on my friend, Lavinia. We decided to visit the National Museum of Art ( ), but the lady at the ticket counter informed us how long we need to see all sections museum and then I decided to remain at the European art, for starters. Besides, in itself, the building is wonderful as the Museum of Art and Architecture Presentation - former royal palace and royal - and very well maintained, European art gallery has amazed us in a very pleasant way. I went pretty easy among the portraits of plump Italian Renaissance painters imagined, of which only Tintoretto and Vasari can not say that I was impressed. We left behind paintings and straight lines of the Germans and Austrians, and English when I got to have huge wooden 'in front of El Greco's painting, which shows the "Adoration of the shepherds." Extraordinary work, vraiment! Light, strength, feeling better all the colors and lines drawn, somewhat unbelievable ... And the next portion of ecstasy I got it when I come alive I can admire several paintings by Rubens and Rembrandt. "Combating Nemeea lion Hercules" and "Haman before Esther" amazed me the most. Paintings which are read, they see the albums but when you get in their face and run out of breath, that's a fact that we have tested several times. Sometimes you do not know what we lose when we were happy to see these works of art or reproductions of pictures ...
Afterwards, of course, the French, where I admired most on Pissarro, Sisley and Monet, as we revolved less around the three sculptures by Rodin (most probably not the original one, but beautiful anyway ), one of which was "The Kiss." Again, magnificent! When I descended the marble staircase to the huge entrance hall of the Museum, I could pull it back Lavinia, to watch those little paintings impressive, just-just why remains something of beauty in me, my soul, in the eyes who saw my too bad lately ...

heartily recommend you visit the museum - and I'll come back with impressions of the Romanian art gallery!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mario Salieri Blog Filmography


Saturday, August 23, 2008

18 Year Old Sea Kamesutra

Eat, Pray, love / Eat, Pray, Love

WOW is a book written by a U.S. woman in the world starts to look pointless. On his return tells about the experiences she went through. Write to how honest, open, deep, although serious, is a style sprinkled with humor. Vo highly recommend it. So far we have selected a few quotes that I have found inspirational ...

"Virginia Woolf wrote:" Over the vast expanse that is the life of a woman's shadow stretches a sword. "On one side of the sword, she said, find the convention, tradition and order, there," everything is right ". But on the other hand, if you're pretty foolish enough to pass in there and choose a life that does not follow conventions, everything is confusing. Follows the usual nothing. Her argument is that the other side of the shadow crossing swords that could offer the woman an existence much more interesting, but much more dangerous. »

" Augusteum I look at my life and I think that still has not been so chaotic, one above another. Actually it's chaotic world that is changing and changing and we ourselves as not dreaming. Augusteumul warned me not to get attached to any preconceived idea of \u200b\u200bwho they are, what represent, who belong to or what I wanted to do at a time. Yes, maybe yesterday I was a great monument for some! But tomorrow is likely to be a fireworks depot. Augusteumul tells us that even in the Eternal City should be prepared for disturbing and relentless waves of change. »

" I think the core of all world religions is the same: the desire to find a metaphor that people can be high. When are you going to communion with God, you really want to break the world and join in the infinity (to leave the village and join in the woods, I could say to get there ...), and you need a grand idea which one to use as a vehicle. Metaphor that has to be something great - something really huge, magical, powerful, because you have to go very far. Must be largest boat imaginable. [...]
So our job, assuming we decide to accept it, is to seek further metaphors, rituals and teachings that will help us get closer to becoming more than divinity. The writings say that God rasunde yoga sacred prayers and efforts regardless of how the human mortals revere him as long as their prayers are sincere. How and Upanishads say, "People will take different paths, either straight or sinuous, depending on the nature of each and how they think is better or more courteous, but all come to you, the rivers flowing into the ocean . »

" Parents educasera me to be independent, feet and able to take my own decisions. When I turned 24, I was supposed to be able to choose, to be autonomous. But the world was not always so. If I had been born in any of centuries of Western patriarchy, until I married my father's property was considered, then I went into her husband's heritage, as a good marriage. I would have had little to say about important issues in my life. Someday, if any man had asked my hand, her father would put a long list of questions after which they would decide whether or not the right person petitorul. [...] At that time my father had given me not just someone's wife just because I love the man in question. But in today's world, when we have decided to get married, my father was not involved modern at all. It amesecat in my decision as much as my style to my style.
Believe me, I have no nostalgia about patriarchy. But I realized that, with the dismantling of (justified) the patriarchal system, not necessarily emerged another form of protection. I do not want to say that I would have never passed through the head to put any of the men that I love those questions that, in other times, they would have put my father. I gave many times just for the sake of love. And sometimes it was to lose everything. To become truly autonomous, should I take my role as guardian of his own people. Gloria Steinem once
gave women advice fame : Try to become like the men with whom they want to marry. I recently gave you should be aware that not only my own husband, but my own father. »

Friday, August 22, 2008

Backyard Dog - Baddest Ruffest Lycris

Det er ikke

this life of mine ... when does it end, really? What it does have a shape, color, smell, taste, indeed ... ? Things

makes sense if we give them respect. If we see in them a meaning. As chair that if I did not appoint a chair would have no meaning ... Sometimes, the meaning is obscured by multiple illusions. I am convinced that happened to us all to believe in something that we very much had happened or what I felt something that steam very well, and actually have a thing or phenomenon completely different meaning than we understood ...

Our life today is confusing. This is so because we do. Because we no longer believe in anything, except maybe in the absolute freedom to do and to be. No ties, no responsibilities, without purpose, without the "afterthoughts". In reality, no longer hindered as to be almost anything we want whenever we want, do what we feel like we want, whenever we want. That means it end?
When we are caught in the complicated network of rules and social obligations, which is actually the meaning of what we do and who we really?

We can live without that? We can be ourselves without the need to feel press a particular purpose? We can find ourselves in Every moment of freedom in an atmosphere more or less absolute? If you choose this, we believe in some rules that we respect and can still be free enough to choose our sense of life?

But what does my life if I do not know and I do not understand me? That's

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Top 10 Biggest Bollywood Boobs

am / not true / It's Not True

Norwegian poetry, recited by Odd Børretzen music in the style of a Jean Gabin or Paunescu our north, say ...

Here lyrics, free version ... link to find the right music in class consciousness:

not true that we

howling animals to other animals with other screams than ours.
not true that we izbim the shadows on the walls because we are afraid of foreign shadows that all animals are afraid of shadows.
not true that we sneak in hunting the cats, we can challenge ourselves sharp colors and sounds that the anxiety and sleep wake up with mouth open, the smell that we defend what we unleash unknown to the people, against children of other mothers .
not true that we are led, blind animals, fear and instinct that takes apart the month of November we that wolves hunt in packs that you need to yelling and howling pack for us when we could not otherwise because we are animals. Not true.
not true that we are driven by fear of everything that is unknown, it's not malice, is afraid because we are animals and books burn at the stake and cry along with mouths wide open to foreign red pale and scared and weird to write black paint in subway stations and do our duty with white faces, impenetrable, and obey the order and bring victims and take them ourselves in garbage truck and collect them in police stations and squeeze them in rooms and cells, or that run in herds on the streets with torches and stones and smashing windows of stores owned by Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew, because we are guided by instinct older than ourselves, our instincts so we drive for us, shouting, frightened animals in the herd.
's not true, we are not ants or wolves, we are people who make each other's hand and looking each other and are signs of love in darkness, wolves howling in the streets. Then sit and cry among the fragments: "You are like us. We are wolves. "But that's not true.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How Long Does It Take To See Results With Zumba

I have discovered a nice poem ...

"no return no past

no desire is not lust

history, at last
how anyone Could Be sorry?
give the chance,
(What exactly should it be, how CAN you know?)
refuse the universe and serenity inherent ITS
put the blame on me and move on

into history I have overcome things Dreams Reality Thoughts,
Meet fruits to eat people to book entire year I have
signs of the Crossed margin
Might get him now wherever
CAN BE only inside of me. "

(Maia Malcea, 2008)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How Tomae A Mini Moto Quieter

Impressions of Bucharest III / III

- you still get a beer? But it means that you stay outside?
- Yes, there are.

for casual conversation Saturday evening, between the buildings in Bucharest. What else can people do here than to go out in a park full of soul searching for peace or on a bench near the block oppressive heat suffocated the day that just ended? Maybe go on a terrace (one of those built in the parks, of course), you have got to make reservation and if they have sufficient resources to pay for an expensive dinner or consume enough not to be changed by others more "able" ...

What makes this city with his men? What
people are doing with this town?

things work both ways. Nothing is random and every action has its effects, some unpredictable ... We are prisoners of their desires and actions, as they are with head or headless, with no regard or respect. But who can distinguish between what she wants ordinary people in Bucharest and the mayor not know whose sector? In such a crowd of neurons and cells per unit area, it becomes far too complicated and a better pool of home leave. And so we deserved fate, as they say ... the shepherd of Miorita ...

this city you buimaceste, primarily, with which it emanates chaos everywhere trying to reach. Anomaly, it houses inexplicably, with some anomalous character of many local events ... City-people mutual influence is obvious, but observe and keep a certain paradox of "normality" of people, despite the circumstances, once the city's survival, despite the crowd of people and their annexes (cars, houses, shops, markets. ..). Raman

the feeling of paradox ... until proven innocent! **

"Are you HAVING Another beer? This Means You'll Be Out Some More ...? "
" Yes, I am. Both of Them. "

You Can Hear A normal conversation on a Saturday night, Among blocks of flats in Bucharest. What else CAN people do here, Than go out in a park loaded with people trying to find their peace or sit on a bench by the blocks, suffocated by the incredible heat of the day that just ended? They might as well go out on a terrace (one of those built in parks, of course), if they booked a table or if they have enough resources to pay for an expensive dinner or enough drinks to make sure they’re not kicked out by more “capable” clients…

What is this city doing with its people?
What are people doing to this city?
Things work both ways. Nothing is random and every action has its effects-some of which quite unpredictable… We are the prisoners of our own desires and actions, as they are – smart or not, meaningful or not. But who can distinguish between what the common person in Bucharest wants and what the mayor of whichever Sector wants? When you’ve got so many neurons and cells on a surface unit, everything becomes much too complicated and it’s better to leave it from the very start. So we deserve what we get, as people say, just like the shepherd in Miorita…

This city makes you dizzy, first of all, with the chaos it emanates through all its pores. With the anomalies it inexplicably hosts, with a certain pointless character of many local phenomena… The mutual influence between people and city is obvious, but we also notice the paradoxical keeping of a certain “normality” of the people – despite the circumstances – and the survival of the city - split the large quantities of people and Their Annexes (cars, houses and blocks, shops, Markets ...)

I stick to the feeling of paradox ... Anything else is Until Proven!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tamil Invitation Wordings For Marriage

invocation feelings Delhi / invokation

I think we need rain! I think we should remember her call ...
(I think WE Need rain, so let's remember how to call it!)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

How To Avoid Frequent Erection Of Penis

To the memory of my grandfather in Baia Mare Bucharest

People Who understand.
People Who Do not just accept for the sake of accepting, But Who really understand you or they understand you're on the Situation, Without Really needing to get to its core.
These people are rare.
People who don’t put pressure on you because you are not responding to their expectations, but they allow you to be yourself and they see that as being more important than being someone else just for their sake.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Where To Buy Nembutal In New Zealand

II Impressions / Impressions

If anyone told me, some time ago, that I would once reach this place, I would have laughed in their face. Only because I had such a preconception about it that nothing good could have emerged in my head when thinking about Bucharest... Strange how sometimes you block yourself systematically and maybe uncounsciously and you don't understand how it can be that the world seems to wrap around you instead of opening up in front of you. Well, it's only a matter of working upon yourself and allowing yourself to "suck in a new experience", to quote from The Beach. Amazingly, new experiences may bring you to despair or ecstasy, they may either drive you crazy and you may give them up or they may give you dependency. Dependency on adrenaline and the feeling of coming closer to some edge or dependency on the experience itself and its content. Either way, I believe that you need to cultivate a certain taste for these new experiences in order to make them real. Otherwise, they will never happen to you or at least you'll never feel them as such. Some people prefer to be quiet and calm, to settle down and remain in a familiar world.

To anyone coming from outside of it, Bucharest will surely be a new experience that both sucks That You Need you in and to suck on. Else, it is going to hurt badly. And the major challenge is to stay true to your essential self, Being Even if it emerged in wholly Sometimes! Name

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Microowave Flashed

wonderful times ... Two

... of course, Advero.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Write Provisional Certificate Application

Bucharest Bucharest Feelings II - I / Bangalore Feelings - I

hollow to me at least ...
name that always made me feel weird, sometimes horror, sometimes unknown patemi always, it's Nikita ...
Let us live and feel on your skin it is still an experience totally different name and its actual content. It is as if you tattoo, not just talking about trying to get a tattoo or pierced with the needle ... And the tattoo, blood and implies that any will and art, it hurts. Pain painfully sweet, actually ... that every thing has its price. Someone told me a few days ago a very interesting thing, another version of this idea, as that every man has his price. Bucharest typical thinking, perhaps - although increasingly noticing a meeting here of all possible contrasts ... ** Empty

name. Sounds
empty - to me, at Least ... Name That HAS
always given me a strange feeling, Sometimes of dread, of unknown Others, always contrary and Passion, I used to say ... our Nichita Living
it and feeling it on your skin is, however, a totally different way to experience real ITS ITS name and content. It is as if you actually got a tattoo and note just talked about or tried to extinguish it yourself once with a needle ... And the tattoo, just like Everything Which implies Some blood and William and art Hurts. It Hurts a sweet pain, in fact ... Because Everything Has Its Price. Someone telling me a different thing WAS These Days, a version of the Same Quite interesting idea, Every Person That Also Has Its Price. A typical piece of wisdom from Mumbai, and guess - although I already see how this all Possible contrasts attracts like ...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gays Meeting In Hyderabad

My Romania / My Romania

my name is ancient and deeply
things are said and people are living legends of miraculous
each day.
Here where I live, everyone has different color
And everything smells so strong
So that you move up the soul of the place. Country

that mine is an end and a beginning
light and dark shadow of the day looking,
a place hidden in the forests and mountains,
is the dream that I wake up in the morning and wisdom
haystacks, peasant smile
years worked with the hands, spring fruit
mist over the green fields, infinite,
water we drink and
me her story. My Romania

are all things I will not disappear suddenly
beauty and ugliness,
without which my soul dies, and the world
mea saraceste si doare.

My Romania is deep and old, its talk miraculous
and people live legends every day.
Here, where I live, the world is coloured
and things smell so strongly
that it takes your breath away.
This country of mine is an end and a start
light and darkness altogether
looking for the shade,
a place hidden between mountains and woods,
the dream waking me up in the morning
and the wisdom of haystacks rising up the hills.
it is the smile of the peasant woman,
unknown and silent but happy,
the raw taste of summer fruits,
the fog riding those endless fields of wheat and maize,
that haze,
the water i drink and its story within me.
My Romania
is made of all those things i don't want to slip away and miss,
the beauty and the beast,
that which keeps my still
keeps me wondering
keeps me on the track of myself, my world, my dreams.
(Maia Macut, 2006)