Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Top 10 Biggest Bollywood Boobs

am / not true / It's Not True

Norwegian poetry, recited by Odd Børretzen music in the style of a Jean Gabin or Paunescu our north, say ...

Here lyrics, free version ... link to find the right music in class consciousness:

not true that we

howling animals to other animals with other screams than ours.
not true that we izbim the shadows on the walls because we are afraid of foreign shadows that all animals are afraid of shadows.
not true that we sneak in hunting the cats, we can challenge ourselves sharp colors and sounds that the anxiety and sleep wake up with mouth open, the smell that we defend what we unleash unknown to the people, against children of other mothers .
not true that we are led, blind animals, fear and instinct that takes apart the month of November we that wolves hunt in packs that you need to yelling and howling pack for us when we could not otherwise because we are animals. Not true.
not true that we are driven by fear of everything that is unknown, it's not malice, is afraid because we are animals and books burn at the stake and cry along with mouths wide open to foreign red pale and scared and weird to write black paint in subway stations and do our duty with white faces, impenetrable, and obey the order and bring victims and take them ourselves in garbage truck and collect them in police stations and squeeze them in rooms and cells, or that run in herds on the streets with torches and stones and smashing windows of stores owned by Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew, because we are guided by instinct older than ourselves, our instincts so we drive for us, shouting, frightened animals in the herd.
's not true, we are not ants or wolves, we are people who make each other's hand and looking each other and are signs of love in darkness, wolves howling in the streets. Then sit and cry among the fragments: "You are like us. We are wolves. "But that's not true.


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