Interdependence Days
A day's conference for RCS. Many charity less CSR, I say this because philanthropy is just a part of CSR's. I'm not saying it's not good, do not get me wrong Sweethearts. He drew attention
presentation by Robert Brown, Managing Director of Braun & Partners Ltd.. If the twentieth century was that of marketing-oriented company, the twenty-first century is representative of companies oriented responsibility. biggest environmental challenge of the twenty-first century corporate century is to find the best ways to integrate social values \u200b\u200bof the stakeholders in their business operations.
Friedman talks about the new role of companies, referring to the stakeholder theory, the crises reputation and the challenges of environmental change (Al Gore. In the middle are companies network of interactions between stakeholders and institutions.
Braun presented the results of a survey conducted by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conducted in 10 countries, 500 companies: CSR is defined as a strategy (23.6%) and that engagement with stakeholders (24.7%), and less government, performance management, transparency in relation to the public and the insurance. In the context of the XXI century century, CSR is a business strategy as any.
instrument used for measuring activity CSR is accountabiliy rating, first applied in 2004 and involves four areas of assessment, including social, economic and environmental, identification and commitment to stakeholders and the company's impact on the environment. Top 3
socially responsible global companies are Vodafone (77.7%), General Electric (70, 2) and HSBC (67.7).
current context of accountability-oriented companies can be sketched as follows:
- CSR is applied only to large companies (new WAZ of doing business);
- management tools are rudimentary;
- background (environment, organic products) is more important than form (processes, management systems).
"Think globally, act locally!" ese slogan strategic orientation to local stakeholders.
Another speaker, Dragos Bucurenci CSR situation presented in the current global crisis and spoke about the activities MaiMultVerde Association, which has invested over € 1 million, funds collected from large companies.
Bucurenci argues that CSR budget reduction would mean a further deepening of the crisis, since it is the cause lack of accountability. Another reason is nominated Bucurenci trust deficit (Not cash) in banks, banks are, from this perspective, reliable borrowers.
Although CSR actions are taken mostly by large companies, small companies should realize the importance that may have in this process, but small companies are filled by the profit motive and have a culture of accountability.
Concluzinând, the moment of crisis is a good time performing activities that differentiate corporate social responsibility to be more visible.
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