trying to analyze a statement of a friend who probably knows what it says, namely: the memory is intuitive apa.Cunoasterea implies a level of vibration well above the general intellect which gives us dual-memory based on partnership and that the overlap and repetition is the default mode of perception and reality manifest.
Indeed, water itself has a save feature, I noticed the mountains regarded as highly speculative, flowing water can be seen as a fractal aranajment high vibration that carries a certain type of information to areas with vibrational state, in the valleys and plain.
speaking astrological signs of water, namely crab and scorpion fish, featuring well-built memory, then the fluid oscillations temporary carrier, which also, by overlapping and repetition becomes manifested reality.
entire plan events, the physical is a function of memory, horizontal electromagnetic vibration, physical reality is a practical amount of repetitive and overlapping forms of thought, which according to need and vibration that have won it at that time called the apparent linearity become more or less concrete forms less elevate.Chiar and the physical body as a result of a mental process evolving in a very large stage time factor is what is a complex instrument of knowledge and creation in the world of form, and the water is the main element of this type life, life fizica.Purtatoare of information and structure from fractal dynamics celelelate elements, water based building and everything that arises is born, and the physical body primarily biocomputerul is more liquid, hence the conclusion water of this natural basis of everything that is physical life.
function of storing water is a result of indirect observations (see Emoto's studies), and certain subtle observations of the transition between the physical and ethereal element closest would be hydrogen, but perceptible condensation level, physical is ... the water.
strictly sensory perception does not accept the synthesis between the visible and invisible, as not to accept the fact that the relationship between visible and invisible is the first statement hermeneutics: Everything is spirit, the universe is mental, the spirit can be replaced with energy and intelligent mind. Credibility unidirectional fragmented knowledge, that sense, decreases exponentially when the energy level of information fund grows beyond sine.Dar potential energy in the oscillations of the structure closer to insight of what we call reality yet (at least one reality): Synthesis of the Elements
constinetizez prefer to get started high perceptible vibration, the vibration of light, the all encompassing and giving meaning, vibration and heat that enveloped the creation in essentially all spheres strokes toward the outside and from inside, light colors became already turn prospects into fractals fractals messengers creators, big and small angels are in the core processes in the EU's crystal stelei.Lumina direction, and in this universe I see the four directions expressed in the four elements that create the four types of expression essential, the four branches of the flake axis traveler now that we call existence.
vibration arising from the light elements built field events, the fire-we are not, we think, see-no-air look, build, feel, do not feel the water flowed, and the earth are we will never again rooted.
essential event here is the fire of creation, creative air, water, land information and sensation, light-projection acquires meaning through human feeling, thinking, perception and senzatie.Am built this man in the image flow that are helical oscillations of the primordial sphere Perception-SUNT.Multitudinea of \u200b\u200bcondensation present in field-AM, sparks small concrete-form characters or not, that slow and dynamic energy, I I express myself and express myself and inspire primordialul kindly light that has a share in her endless expansiune.Cel I was looking in their synthesis and vibration elements is beyond them, not one but all, the whole vibration character sparkle gathered together in the crystal light undifferentiated.
Okay, I've returned from our journey, it is an example of levels of perception in mental functioning, each expression level of rigor, in the language until the transition to the image, color and sound, yet we are in a position of use. Language is a synthesis of image and symbol, not thinking, contemplation, according intotdeuana recunoastere.Chiar this word shows the limits, recognition is still knowledge, and Reul in to show repetition, which is irrelevant, indenticul is unreal.
expressed in language or not, negation always builds and deconstructs the claim, regardless of the apparent justification or denial aparentei.Cine helpful actually builds an image deconstructs ready accomplished, and not always put something in Christ that now loc.Vibratia We all breathe the same thing we're a very popular character not in the plan: Teach, invatati.Si can say, beyond the false interpretations of mythical and mystical, primitive apologetic and otherwise, that now, right now dilated, Christ is with-us, expressed through what we pick the most natural and simple: smile.

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