our body is biomasina confuse us, living and dynamic level or within the limits of material existence, but without self-consciousness that smile off noastra.Cel, insight, understanding, communication , moving reality is our present selves in the field, what with this and impregeneaza body awareness, but not matter in itself.
material has its its level of perception and consciousness, in a somewhat programmed automatically, but well below the level of what we call viata.Altfel, I constantly witness to a kind of cartoons, in which furniture, homes, cars Our single move, smile and talk, a dance that would upset permanent psychic understanding which impregnates noastra.Liantul, move, change and create awareness is ..... life, energy, or spirit-LOVE widest acceptance.
chemical and physical reactions in the field are perceived consequences, the linearity observed effect that creates the link between perception and sensation, but have the same feature found in the study of quantum physics, the observer need.
I brought you a series of afiramtii without arguments in order to upset, to remove from the mind patterns programmed, the memory and analysis, focused and scattered, that we'd play creation.
in mind always works so and so, less so-so, but the general, so-so with it, or vice versa is coiniciliaza but biocomputer biomasina with paradoxes is not designed to coinciliate, anumnit how a perceptual level, level which he is subject to the law of transformation, what we call evolution.
But everything is complete and complementary, you can not take something without something to put to change the perception of the level of awareness, you have to leave something in place and what remains to the beat, is understanding. Limits
perception materials are well known, a specific range of sensory vibrations otherwise quite limited, placed on some empirical called space-time coordinates, having intended to implement the form of a subjective present viewed from the bottom up, that the world of thoughts and sensations.
This world we are, without borders and patterns, namely the unconditional and untargeted, the proof is its dynamics, lack of control by biomasinilor in thoughts and feelings.
Why this? Because most people confuse with this wonderful armor literally, practically we dive here, and the solution would be to learn to breathe underwater and we could miss the suit, using it only out of respect for el.Costumul those who believe in itself is worth the time, life is short, but our presence is eternal and unchanging, after so many costumes changed even begin to realize that here are some divers.
This is not a necessity, those who enjoy walking through the suit with five sensors giver afferent sensation novel, may not have had the opportunity to experience the most wonderful tool costumului.Este qualities of perception and sensation, but so, why we use and enjoy it and through it, and yet we mock him? Let evolueze.Nu suit to have any guilt, that we do not really part of it makes it less perfect and beautiful, just as it is so limited.
A feature inherited the instinct is linear coordinates, the direction of primary body-suit is to preserve and operate at maximal parameters, but cheerfully inconstineta, having deep rooted sense of eternity in themselves carriers ignore it and simply make fun of him.
Through Food by destructive thoughts, sex misunderstood and uncontrolled premature ruin this tool in this part of the evolution of this plan.Macar of respect for his plan that we are required a respect for these bodies, as and it is alive, living as everything that surrounds us, life which is the source and binder, but not less important reflection.
opposite of what I mentioned above, one that always let go after completing that deal, it is ignorance, from the fact that if we go before the limit is, if we accept the conditions imposed and the rules set by others, and evolve as those looking for something and constantly changing, the creators in their own sphere can existenta.Se so, only This is the most inevitable, the way thousands of costumes.
In fact one does not ask for anything in the universe, but we see how the body bearers, in their depth, are nemultumiti.Vor any price change, or even disastrous, but schimbare.Iar change does not happen without effort or distructiv.Efortul he focused energy is needed to form a certain state to take shape, but without ingoranata create forms and responsabiltatea accept the consequences. When you see how enthusiastically
is invested in a frenzy and be sick, weak, irresponsible, unhappy in a word, we come to affirm and apply the famous phrase of the famous OM: Stop the planet, I want to get off.
But when we got was otherwise able to field everything is possible and what now seems hard and izibit head against the wall, seemed childish and easy, the gods will change the world but the world may not want to change, is changing, but in rhythm.
But in this game is not only the convention called this world, but the whole universe that moves super dynamic, with or without actually noi.De without us can not, and we are, but if we refuse to move in a natural rhythm naturally, we move the consequences, stay and eat prana no nothing, only Framework and apparently limited periods. Those who chose
period of change as a feeling of ciupelii gajbelii and based on some past experiences which may land then they are put in a position to accept consecintele.Acel level of understanding that force you to put something in place , and also force you to quit does not necessarily ceva.Si obligation, as if existence would have preferences and needs, how accepting the sole purpose of universal harmony of conscious evolution.
The unconscious can you deny everything, even their own membership at all, you can have any impressions and feelings you want, you can even deny you any value or meaning, but there comes a time when our exhausted the essence of this game, and itit simply ask to quit, and if you can, what you have designed and rebuilt wrong, wrong from their point of view is overly evaluari.Daca you to fix something, fix existing, but it requires taking responsibility, the simple: I was wrong, I'm sorry, I beg forgiveness, I actually stood for everything. This small
indictment involves him in equal measure and the person who writes these lines, its all periods of blindness is still not invented holy state of perfect, imperfect just some issues we gather all this plan.Daca still living with the impression the characters were perfect story perfect tangent reality of this world, I have sinned against in due course when we have their perfect place incarnat.Povestile causality and beyond, and even here there is need for experimentation to become what they are, but when it becomes perfectly experimentation, and play continues.
finality, head and tail, is the largest sensory illusion that assist smiling, as if a single element would be the end, everything can be finally, what is the greatest denial, denying the very simple dynamics universala.Specificata Jesus: He who blaspheme father or son, will be forgiven, but who blaspheme holy spirit, and not be forgiven either in heaven or on pamint.Cu other words, do what you want with your mind and yourself, but Sine.De not deny the existence in fact, it is impossible to deny its existence, you can Amagi and suggestions to that is a complex chemical reaction that creates some stimulus Electric in an electromagnetic field called bio, but this does not explain the necessity or the law of attraction smile.
Presence, Love, Spirit, Divintate not ask anything, but do not give you anything, how could you give something in their own self, and how it could end some of what is, in a single offering?'s Why say everything is and that I am, is the basis and essence of everything that can be shown, imagined, concrete, or altered in the same frame of this immutable and physicist smart people say that nothing in pierde.Cresterea vibration in conscious and present, in charge even changing the level of perception, it involves taking and giving in Everything, great sensory illusion, how to accept or deny, and harmonic triad at its best, has seen the guy smile and zimbii.Nu circumstance, which resembles a grin and the door is part of the diving suit, how that smile with everything from head to toe and how a range includes perception around, and much more all astea.Zimbiti, tomorrow will be.