And in response, there of vibration when an old saying: When you know who you are, you're not >:)). Now is the time to reflect on how change works when we trezim.Cert ...... is that what is real and traibil is unspectacular, a deal here, a revelation there, to know a bit combined with making a change of beliefs, a small vibration descent followed by a new state of peace and experiente.Asta many individual level, overall, many, many, many stories. Each is trying to externalize
truth in one form or another, though truth itself has no particular shape, it's too dynamic to be smothered or turned into a static image, so that any expression can not be only partial and whole partial range of expression leads to fragmentation, the separation of our forms and shapes, working with that otherwise, we too obisnuit.Tot linked to the truth, there is one universal truth: that of our fiecaruia.Perceptia being reversed, the periphery to the center, a convention somehow interfere in a collective dream, but everything that we say and we each choose to experience what is Real.
I had doubts lately, knowing choke stories, great pictures and spectacular information, masters and chanelinguri, turn everything into a game which at one time ...... looks like you saturi.Nu spirit divintati Crimson angels and demons in permanent contrast, but he has value by itself, the mountains or the sea have to say anything without their own greatness, and people just really zei.Tolle, Haramein, Osho and sometimes (although at that time still wearing show), impresses with its simplicity, I think that real knowledge is implemented rather cuantisti physicists, expressing how impersonal universal dynamics, while most people know about their own characters and make everything povesti.Are and this side of her charm, but is ... impractical, even limiting. Faith-
know is the shape and form over the back to form, is worth the time, the moment of contemplation and reflection, and simply high.
Putting in pictures, words and ideas, so-called coherent, but relative consistency in the level of perception in this world, just the substrate-limited fund-essence that we want each of us, that existence is and is fed with wood no images of the essence. Returning to the question darimatoare
ego, a character created "Who I am?" Beyond attributes, is something no one, depending on the level of vibration that I gained from living and experience and change and express our the plans and different frequencies, even the attributes change depending on how vibram.Iar this is something no one goes to what is really me, that turns into I am very Way, the Truth and the Life, but invalid for the characters that we believe we are changing and ephemeral, subject to the law oscillation and causality, and especially polaritatii.Viata is not subject to the law, is the very law of life, and contemplating using the law and living creatures that are part and whole, is also and contemplate and becomes law, but not servile, but inseparable.
keep the whole perception changes, change the perception of a party which is considered partly by choice, is part of the existing inutil.Cind peceptia changes, all by free choice, giving up the boundaries and images of all kinds, inevitably approaching full, the only reality that truly express what is beyond forme.Umbrela that opens the mind or lotus flower foolish not express focused, but rather depersonalized, universalization being is going to reverse falling star, a star lifts:))
associating ourselves with the starry sky, feeling contemplative very high, the first word that comes at hand is their own projection diversitate.Este perceptions and of no value in itself than by this observer who we are.
diversity, vastness and discreet light reflected background are part of us outside of ourselves, as well as the blue sky with clouds of all shapes and colors from the picture-story zilei.Aceasta is better than knowing that treaties have one goal, affirmation of self-worth, and possibly a means to deny financiar.Nu I share your good intention of the information own, and ultimately this is what I here, but do not make an end of it and I did not expect, although feedback from the comments motivated.
I gave you the idea that has value to others say, is worth the time and really has no core, essence, pragamatism.Cresterea own vibration and level of perception, understanding, is always active, unconscious of each of us, but when I do not know what you are looking for, nobody cauta.Intr a high vibration, with serenity and positivism potential, like bulb that attracts butterflies, to assert their own value is meaningless compared to butterflies, moths see as light.
And back to who they are, one and nimc not ask us to be anything other than what we are, but what we really are is in contradiction with what we believe.
The best solution is not permanent redefinition endless, but total surrender to definitii.Chiar created the character, ego, if left alone the child becomes cranky, cheerful child, as I pointed fericit.Asa law oscillation can be contemplated and lived at the center to the edge of the sphere, which we are, and not vice versa, subject inconstinet false perception that everything happens, and most importantly, going outside noastra.In reality outside ourselves is nothing, or is potentially everything, the same need for the Centre, for things to "happen". Now, sharing pictures and words to express feelings and reflections, build a different story, but sometimes to knit and be , usually spotted by completing a puzzle, God knows why.:))
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