reflect on the fact that the entire range of experiences that we reported some time is purely subjective trecut.Tot what we do is at the surface being , understand and use everything that is just part of the plenary, having subjective value and then moment.Uitind experience or what I thought I made in some time, in context, relive memories of certain experiences in another context as if there is continuity, but the same is an illusion, an interpretation of a limited level of perception.
In fact, our experience plenum that defines us, our fully self is composed of the sum of experiences apparently no connection between being ele.Multiplicitataea is a fact, and as a psychological reality, are always much more than we think we beyond the apparent.
fragmented experience, located on a linear axis, can capture the essence of which is in this experience, in resonance with many other experiences that complement, and that vibration levels can come and deal with all different.
Why perception matters in all this? Because continuity is a representation and constructive another level of perception, based on the fact that experiences are built progressively larger, but continuity is not required to overlap the linearity, a summary of how the spherical sphere representing their mental field, his personal perception.
founded universe is the pulse infoenergetice that, increasing our ability of perception, hence the quality of experience, synthesize these pulses in a formal or symbolic, building and deconstructing the structures at any level, from the high revelation and contemplation beyond the forms, to beat up on a nail.
This is the universal quality of perception, and of course, as a concept is a limitation because it is the mental understanding of the total living experience is actually any purpose of any concept, fulfillment or merge with its creator and creation.
between the perceived and the resonant, one lived there any self-consciousness quality, the whole creation is mirrored in the observer, and at this level, as conscious beings, we are observers.
Therefore, everything is in our level of perception which is abstract and generally beyond the forms directly reflects what is just translation.
ancestral part of us and our evolution, which maintains all cognitive processes, which occupies our entire body, but also certain instinctive reactions, gestures and movements of our machines, called the subconscious, which is the background dezvolta.Punctul us conscious of the connection between the conscious and unconscious thought is not as it seems at first observation, but repiratia.
Breathing can be conscious or unconscious, but is the only quality that never stops being embodied and broadly keeps pace, is our real life line, in direct connection with a deeper part of the rhythm, usually unconscious, beats heart.
I recently discovered an impressive picture of an impressive man, Lama Govinda (<
Even physically, we are all star dust, we compose the atoms are the same with those of the entire universe, from the visible up to the depth of the more subtle parts of us represented the silence absolute = absolute potential, we are universal beings.
The greatness of being makes us wonder why our presence in this world is so limited and ephemeral, in the form of a game that often seems not ours?

Here is the choice between the old and again ancestralitatea our being is measured in depth of knowledge and not the number of years or perceived physical lives. Always
tradition, inertia, habit and conservatism exist as a hindrance to development and would be resumed aminte.Daca bringing the overall evolution of mankind in the last decades, we see a development of the intellect with everything that follows from this, that practice facilities, but also the necessary restraint and limit the fragmentation and scattering the four winds, due to too great an amount of formal and rigid concepts arising from the need to adapt to a world of form, not fondului.Pe the other hand, the same expansion of intellect and knowledge volume formal quality significantly reduced feelings led to the exacerbation of feelings but instinctively, as a defensive reaction and response to a volume of information in the vast majority of neconstructiv.Notiunea being impractical and totally loses its universal quality in a world where most of the times, and have doing is more important than the sons, and then where the living, if you're not?
consciousness that we, individually or generally perceived to move from one level to another through dynamic experience peceptibila universale.din a small part is the physical world, but we believe accessed the real world as though thoughts and feelings in life that is built Our (not to say emotions or feelings because they are the direct consequence of Thinking), not physical at all, even if in general turn in activity or physical objects.
Even if it would be to take into account the materialistic view of its synapses and brain chemistry to match the emotions and physical states, would mean that our reality is made of electromagnetic and chemical processes, so energy is being represented by the quality of all processes and infoenergetice not to acquire skill in the field or move around.
Returning to the status of being universal, the whole range of concepts that bind us and our affiliation chained up in the illusion of this world and this plan, since the drug ads till the fear in carefully maintained to preserve its own integrity, respectively this level, its transience, we break to that watched the starry sky, because anyone contemplating this image to consciously and with a high level of living, he practically admits both origins, as well as reality.
noi.Cel what we're new at what was and who will be are the same, even at the physical level, from this point of view, nothing new under soare.De was not new so far, and Some aspects seem us? this is the game of appearances, everything that seems new is new but the vibration is no longer fragmented ages, what is the amount of live experience put together millenary.
By this we assume this role in helping the evolution of humanoid species on this planet, and beyond as we forma.Aflati the same level with all levels of vibration perception corresponding to this physical world, we can experience how both subjective and objective reality, the subjective and the objective is overall private.
lack of memory of what we have an objective sense in recognizing how our involvement and subjective, but is not always so necesitate.Scuzele such is life, leave me trapped in various, my mind is playing tricks etc.nu motivation enough to recognize how simple fact that we are part of nature and life on the one hand and our universal origin on the other hand, what if we do not responsible for subjective reality, general and oscillating, sure makes us responsible saves us from ourselves and the humility to be the biological reproductive machine, whose necessity is to grow, multiply, and masters also introduced the hell pamintul.Cine thing in religious precepts, it appears that only some land he mastered that and they in turn then mastered the master of the .... obstescul give their end, an end to you in common, I think.:))

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