It is word order, changes that reflect a kaleidoscope image which I always revolves rearajind fractals and images in this rearrangement are not harmonious linking of habit and our perception inertiei.Caleidoscopul is the transposition in the form of those combinations sound light at a high level of electro magnetic specifically those densities, density that is changing and it otherwise, what we call the world is already much more subtle.
level of perception not only generate private reality, but scores of Knowledge and evolution of each, and what becomes apparent is the most natural and overlapping with pace and swing specify that passing daily through very different patterns of vibration, through carefully structured and well defined, but not on a temporary axis, apparently disparate lineara.Experiente get sinusoidal nonlinear link, located in the same sphere of perception feature in our perceptual field. By an exercise of imagination
comes rather easy for us to perceive more fields in the first phase, following its own field in which we live as our frequency is tuned as fin.Multi field say that the game is imagination and self-delusion, but From this point of view everything that think is illusion and suggestion, and that would be a difference in our minds that we perceive colored ball field or simply a physical body? Limit
senses lagging behind the physical acts of perception and we are able in most of our actions, except in the state of me, that meditation, contemplation, detachment or two in one state, when the perception iubim.Alte physical states are passing regulations creative, social and friendship founded by opening this in the midst of nature, with its coverage of the physical manifestations of non-physical perception.
Even if there are accusations of quackery now, so everyone involved in chaneling or meditation, in every field of knowledge and evolution without physical arguments are challenged to demonstrate their feelings, I believe that the individual perception is nothing to prove especially that inner transformation, regardless level, change the way people and things constructive.
The magical, mystical, dramatic change is just one facet of which prompts the question, in fact it is another level of interpretation of a profound change in mental and psychological level, with direct reference in the world of form.
What is interesting cuantisti physicists are not challenged to prove their claims, although they could demonstrate and mathematical aspects of perception, based on the idea that scientists always know better, but no clear evidence as required to be chaneling required in the example.
A cuantist asked about chaneling will respond that since everything is infoenergie, anything is possible in terms of energy consciousness being conscious can create connections to other energy plans, which is implicit in all infoenergie physical, already demonstrated that even at the elementary physics and chemistry. I will not pretend I
in subtilistilor defender of all kinds, how they perceive each other's work and builds this reality, otherwise ephemeral and dynamic, because if we observe only express how many different states of vibration in one day, the level of perception and communication specific to each state in part, in a biorhythm that measures the number of breaths and frequency diurnal difference until night, any subtle explanation and demonstration of us is unnecessary.
I just want to point out that level of perception of the body in the field, to help us be as exercise The imaginatie.Prin perception that field, make room for LOVE, LIGHT, because of our perceived body radiates not physically visible, BUT JOB DA.Este binder fluid, empathy, merger, although we perceive in our field one-one, everything that follows from it, others are not others around us as is our projection, the sky is larger, the body is smaller, everything is connected and all in all and all, and nothing is separate from nothing, an illusion neiluzie, try and see what happens when you are a small effort by a sphere of 3-5-8 m.
In our field of perception and movement is life, there are symbols, there are background states, telepathy, energy exchanges discernible , color intuitive, dynamic sound and countless forms formless perceivable form referring directly to the senses, may seem mystical and spectacular, but and this is exactly what we say, a think-impression that everything that we experience the vibration of the moment.
In the physical body are instincts and habits, exercise and limited vocabulary, fears and self-preservation, physical senses to the limits of rigor than the Pope and sleep, life as a prey, our ancestral heritage, and yet this wonderful vehicle is one that we the body needs to make field and neglect invers.Daca not risking our physical presence to be only field, but if we consider only body that soon we risk not to be something, no body, no field, because it belongs to the mass table. Perception
dual field body and simultaneously generates equilibrium between the children and do, we get anyway, making it arguably the corpului.Nu limits must be set up to collect large that we always mind, feelings, imagination, transcends the level of knowledge and understanding within the body without hesitation, and then the big question is, where it begins or ends all this?
Well, do not begin and does not end simply because this field is not as though includes forms, but is also the generator and condenser form and the purpose of perception, transformatorul.Acesti technical terms "the field" match vibration present, namely electromagnetism specific.Cu Although it is found that vibration of the planet's magnetic decreases, the magnetic field increases just individual the need for balance, hence the vacuum outside the power vacuum, the thoughts, the possibilities for physical action, formal agreement, in a word, crisis.
But being aware of his own magnetism, because the electrical energy is equally divided in all creation, the infinite vibrational bands, bring it to the assimilation capacity of field level in the field than now, people, planet, galaxy .... .. This increase individual
magnetism, which also applies to trees, animals, mountains and rivers of the mountain taken as singularities, and individualization is also expanding, raises and lowers the overall responsibility of the individual, each field becomes self constinet by itself, regardless the level of expression, a to have the opportunity to discover autoevoluante technologies, the simplest example is how well it goes a computer or a custom car (a) and encouraged (a). Also as a personal example, increases the ability to repair electronic items "two left, 2 Right ", as we say, that the concentration and positive suggestion, it also as a result of the perception of the field, the field gradually becomes posibil.Am repair any electronic objects without glue gun and screwdriver, just a simple thought positive and a little effort of will, a ball and broke chiar.Bineinteles we all technical and that certain forms which were already wearing outdated, somewhat demanding new:))
interaction fields of imagination is not playing now, is that and conclusive, only a small change in perception of the model increases the chance of living beyond to observe and translate that to the limit in ginduri.Sugestile gindii and gender: can not, no, I do not think it is not enough negative Generally, it is becoming increasingly isolated and unconstructive in a universe that is primarily infoenergetic CIMP, and then shape.

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