same problem always returns carefully, knowing that the state fund and pragmatism does not lead to adequate know more, not only apply little or nothing of what we know, because it is generally difficult to change our habits and waived all kinds. Because this time
specific vibration, inertia and habit as mental a story with head and tail ideatic world is nothing like the world in which we focalizati.Acest entity confirms that the elevated plane of consciousness may be quite limited in the event plan, proof that we all indulge in formalism, although intuition says actually everything is beyond form, is the ultimate form of expression and awareness.
refusal to accept reality as the primary psychological and mental, in favor of formalism creates the perception limit fierce emphasis on the sensory perception, the effects of prior causes, direct living habits before, having before him to do, and any identification attribute and before his sons. Idealism is
primary state of consciousness, contemplative thinking where everything is possible, that this does not occur directly, it is precisely because my kingdom is not here, not yet, a big contradiction between inner and outer world. Ideational
speaking good of mankind knows, feels, how things should be constructive and positive way, but as applicable, the interest and survival instincts, to fear the consequences of all kinds, lack of mental control lack of psychological balance, generates the same bottlenecks and limitations, yielding form, worship of the beast. To overcome these bottlenecks
three instruments always have perfect sex, love, meditation and contemplation, not in this order, in fact in no particular order, but gathered in a way close to how ideational life.
A stop to contemplate thoughts, people, moods and places to meditate at all and everything and especially to love unified and undifferentiated, is the glue which transposes the ideational level of consciousness manifested in the world, that recognition and living in spirit, even in as being.
mental orientation in spirit as the generic term spirituality, brings us almost to the truth than any other form of intellectual knowledge, it's just another way of feeding the character created egoul.La that way, ecstatic feelings, mystical, mythical are emotional fluctuations, which can reach unusual levels of vibration, but the majority of uncontrolled oscillations are impractical. Considering
spirit existence as plenary, complete, everything is infoenergie, even so close to our field, we can overcome the impasse created by the fluctuations of all sorts, considering any state, thought, and the fact that energy transformation.
From that contemplation is the most appropriate instrument in understanding because thoughts become states, states in deeds and actions in thoughts, and simply perceive everything that is exactly what is a fractal decomposition and recomposition of legitimate and permanently identical expression levels of the plan in the plan. The easiest
contemplative thought is the analogy between atoms and the solar system, see how each works the same principle, only the reach of us being everyday life than astronomy or chemistry, we consider the people around planets or electrons, neutrons, positrons, and thus discover simple processes of resonance and interference.
same laws, same motion, same transformation, and the same instrument that connects all contemplative, beyond contemplation is essentially the core, we can tell which light, love, cohesion, unity, or simply between essence and contemplation viata.Echilibrul any fact, form or substance, is the state of meditation, the best form of linking with the fund, access to fitness and non-physical energy in the form of infonenergiei transunerea the infinite frequency range.
But to return to the theme posting, idealism is opposed to materialism, but between those two trends and orientations is a simple fact connects them, it's us and our lives, and what we choose.
From my field, I find that there is no question of choice, free will is also a structure of mind, something out of love, harmony, understanding, friendship, knowledge, confidence and wisdom, the essence of existence, I could not see what choice . The essence of it all and me and all is wrapped in layers-layers infoenergetice from a higher level, creative, down to the drum and bass clubs, matters less, is the state of each of us went directly to the target or avoided, but we're all here and that, essentially, that the level of detail in which we perceive all, is life itself, whatever the appearances, orientations and choices.