Thursday, January 29, 2009

Aishwarya Rai Showing His Titts

The Triple Bottom Line or TBL is a concept thought initiator sustainable business consultancy in the UK, John Elkington, since 1987. Minimalist, "the triple bottom line" is a corporate target in three directions axiological: towards the economic, environmental and social giving.
What caught my attention in the book that I started to read, "The TBL does it all add up?" (2004) is a progressive line triple bottom line, that under 70s PR managers and lawyers were in sight of sustainability policies, while involving only the 90 CEOs and board members. It's a shift that shows the growing importance and evolution of the concept of sustainability over time for 20 years. Returning
Romanian mioritic space, speaking about CSR as a corporate new accessory, a must-have "of the PR strategy, I think, in a breath optimistic that the current state of the TBL is a first step (the one from the 70s) and that at a time, we will cover the advance of Western countries have it (twenty years).

Elkington speaks seven revolutions, 7 paradigmatic change that marks the transition to a sustainable capitalism: markets, values, transparency, life-cycle technology, partnerships, time and corporate governance. The first revolution, which will be the result of market competition Will lead to real economic earthquake that will transform the world, in fact, markets, thixotropic, companies and industries will swallow, given that they will not be addressed TBL thinking strategies.
The second revolution of values \u200b\u200b involves an increase in universal values, which, again, a company may purpose thixotropic.
the Revolution partnerships that caught my atenĊ£ia.Pentru new types of partnerships between companies will appear, competing organizations began to flirt to make the third and fourth sustainability revolution.
ravoluĊ£ie Seventh, the corporate governance, resulting from changes in the past, capitalism will increase the chances of sustainable development.
All changes are strictly related to movements in the political landscape. Any development outside it is impossible.


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