Howard Gardner, interesting ideas of ethics in business
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Pregnant With Low Hcg
There's Something Fishy about it
I say that I find interesting reluctance at what is csr and corporate social responsibility. Reluctance to discuss a topic of such "delicacies" that staff do not understand yet (so I did not lose all hope) make me remember that to plead for an idea sent in almost unanimously, is challenging .
I say that I find interesting reluctance at what is csr and corporate social responsibility. Reluctance to discuss a topic of such "delicacies" that staff do not understand yet (so I did not lose all hope) make me remember that to plead for an idea sent in almost unanimously, is challenging .
Monday, October 5, 2009
21st Birthday Poems For Money Gifts
direct selling industry and corporate social responsibility in China
Christening Wishes From God Mother
Quote of the Day
"The best When of all worlds is the best of you Who has come out in What you CAN do. "C. Matthews
"The best When of all worlds is the best of you Who has come out in What you CAN do. "C. Matthews
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Apology Letter To Wedding
PR Week and winners in 2009 of the category "Social responsibility and dialogue with groups interested"
two day conference in which he discussed and the future of public relations and ethics in pr, pr creativity , 2.0 prweb lobby and gave me an extra insights. PRAward appreciate enormously the organization this year to strive to both speakers (past the appearance that the issues seem to be the same forever, that thing about "everything WAS Heard But Not from everybody ") and in the care of a framework to create inspirational and motivating.
I did not hesitate to ask the opinion of Mr Tony Meehan, spirit Scottish, President TMA Communications and former head of international competition IPRA Golden World Award of the existence of a visible line of demarcation between the pr and csr. Although CSR presentation mentioned that one of stages of development of PR, the response I received was good. There is a difference. To social campaigns that are independent and there is a corporate strategic action, organizational philosophy that takes the form of CSR campaigns. Roberto Zangrandi, I completed the response, the conclusion of the conference, saying that CSR is the business strategy is what a company communicate about what it is intrinsic. CSR study in parallel with PR, which Zangrandi practice in his lectures, is part of the correct perception of the two areas. So CSR should be saved in that kind of acuyaţia that is often a gimmik pr.
PR Award Gala held eight competition categories, including "Social responsibility and dialogue with interested groups." Professor Lord Borţun handed Golden Award for Excellence Award Germanos Romania V + O Communication: Drive Safe campaign - Keep your life in your own hands! and Silver Award for Excellence for Praktiker Romania: a Color Smile - a campaign for children's hospitals and BCR
& Junior Achievement Romania: My Finances - financial education program for youth. Interesting
campaigns and encouraging prizes.
two day conference in which he discussed and the future of public relations and ethics in pr, pr creativity , 2.0 prweb lobby and gave me an extra insights. PRAward appreciate enormously the organization this year to strive to both speakers (past the appearance that the issues seem to be the same forever, that thing about "everything WAS Heard But Not from everybody ") and in the care of a framework to create inspirational and motivating.
I did not hesitate to ask the opinion of Mr Tony Meehan, spirit Scottish, President TMA Communications and former head of international competition IPRA Golden World Award of the existence of a visible line of demarcation between the pr and csr. Although CSR presentation mentioned that one of stages of development of PR, the response I received was good. There is a difference. To social campaigns that are independent and there is a corporate strategic action, organizational philosophy that takes the form of CSR campaigns. Roberto Zangrandi, I completed the response, the conclusion of the conference, saying that CSR is the business strategy is what a company communicate about what it is intrinsic. CSR study in parallel with PR, which Zangrandi practice in his lectures, is part of the correct perception of the two areas. So CSR should be saved in that kind of acuyaţia that is often a gimmik pr.
PR Award Gala held eight competition categories, including "Social responsibility and dialogue with interested groups." Professor Lord Borţun handed Golden Award for Excellence Award Germanos Romania V + O Communication: Drive Safe campaign - Keep your life in your own hands! and Silver Award for Excellence for Praktiker Romania: a Color Smile - a campaign for children's hospitals and BCR
& Junior Achievement Romania: My Finances - financial education program for youth. Interesting
campaigns and encouraging prizes.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Dishlex Global 300 Pots Light Flashes
CSR is
's book launch in Romania Dennis Wilcox, PR bible, is a good start for us. On this occasion, Professor Wilcox gave a lecture followed by a debate on the economic crisis and the involvement of PR in overcoming it, ways to counter the lack of trust people in corporations. Referring to U.S. companies, the absence of "core values" have resulted in denial of what Wilcox calls the crisis of confidence, crisis of the symbols. Asked by Professor
Bortun about the demarcation between PR and CSR Wilcox denied the existence of a clear delimitation, both are limited to transmitting the reality of the organization, its identity. Moreover, the teacher emphasized the importance of media for the way in which organizations are perceived by stakeholders. Johnson and Johnson is a clear example when he said publicly that the public interest comes first. Hall
Galatecii the BCU was full, there were many questions, some related to PR, other policy issues uninteresting Romanian, Romanian tourism successful fantasy and Barack Obama. I laughed in a way the appearance of the book's joy Wilcox Romanian version, the book has worked for more than seven years, during who died and one of the translators for the Americans brought in two other editions in this time ... how long until it will appear next two?
attach a link with one of his interviews Wilcox. Enjoy!
8En_Rom C3%%% C4% C3% A2nia_se_face_publicitate_ascuns 83_prin_PR/93 /
's book launch in Romania Dennis Wilcox, PR bible, is a good start for us. On this occasion, Professor Wilcox gave a lecture followed by a debate on the economic crisis and the involvement of PR in overcoming it, ways to counter the lack of trust people in corporations. Referring to U.S. companies, the absence of "core values" have resulted in denial of what Wilcox calls the crisis of confidence, crisis of the symbols. Asked by Professor
Bortun about the demarcation between PR and CSR Wilcox denied the existence of a clear delimitation, both are limited to transmitting the reality of the organization, its identity. Moreover, the teacher emphasized the importance of media for the way in which organizations are perceived by stakeholders. Johnson and Johnson is a clear example when he said publicly that the public interest comes first. Hall
Galatecii the BCU was full, there were many questions, some related to PR, other policy issues uninteresting Romanian, Romanian tourism successful fantasy and Barack Obama. I laughed in a way the appearance of the book's joy Wilcox Romanian version, the book has worked for more than seven years, during who died and one of the translators for the Americans brought in two other editions in this time ... how long until it will appear next two?
attach a link with one of his interviews Wilcox. Enjoy!
8En_Rom C3%%% C4% C3% A2nia_se_face_publicitate_ascuns 83_prin_PR/93 /
Friday, September 18, 2009
Welcome Speech On Cruise
return home ... Signals
"If he would have the horizon, if it would be high,
What would, what would be my life?"
At one time he came on 7 June 2009, ie the end of my time in Africa. My Journal insists on questions like: Let's stay? Why did I come? What will I do in Romania? (Not that there would be plenty to do, but then I felt extremely strong, they can not do much because the system we are forced to work and because of many barriers ...) I left
hard in Cape Town, I left with tears in eyes and sadness in my heart. I knew exactly why. I broke the world crying CDRA and Davidoff-Kaplan family. The only solution was to think and to promise to get back, soon, to continue what my destiny I say we just started in South Africa. I do not know when and how this will happen, but somehow I sure will happen - or that's important.
way home (about 2 days) was shorter than I wanted than I ever experienced. It seemed even shorter than some roads Bucharest - Chennai that we did last year ... and this, of course, because something in me wanted him to stay there. The transition itself (from South Africa to Europe and Romania, from one season to another, from one side to another, from English to Romanian) was very sudden and the shock was felt for about 3 months. If we took three months for me to integrate into South African society and get rid of homesickness, I have had, like other 3 months to return "home", especially since before I had lived in Bucharest Oradea almost a year. A return to Oradea Africa after Bucharest and then was in itself a shock ... I would never have thought! While I sat in Bucharest I wanted to come back here and Oradea seemed a place where I could live (although I dream of mountains): large enough not to be too small, somewhat charming with its old buildings and beautiful with the mountains close enough, the city you know so well and where they are most of my family and friends ...
It seems that a "out of the picture" may have a very strong impact on man and behold the light My town over that before we called it "home" has changed considerably. Now, Oradea gives me the feeling of a rather small place, which "shrink" - both literally and metaphorically. Romania itself seemed to me a sudden dead a great community, a country devoid of any spirit alive and direction to make sense of things and people here. We had, for the first time in my life, feeling that since I hit a border crossing difficult inertia - basically invisible, but very directly manifest and attainable immediate reality: roads for years waiting to be repaired and that people are already used to his need, abandoned houses, cultivated fields, human-machine and go ahead without knowing even without asking why , where, how and for what purpose, on whose sides there is a genuine smile every few months ... I found Romania, unfortunately, sad and dull, lifeless and feeling drained of almost any creative energy, the country I admired so much thought to the nation God came to me seem like a myth. Furthermore, we have come to see a society where the power of "need" is greater than that of "I" or "I wish" and - despite almost 20 years after the end (at least theoretically) dictatorship - do not know what to want and most importantly, here we do not know what we want and what our best, just what should or what we are told. Elsewhere it seemed easier to you and your dreams can come true ...
better if we think all these are just some initial impressions My return to the country, perfectly explicable in terms of culture shock. I thought about it and intentionally over those three months I waited to write this because I wanted to pass the initial shock and reflects what is perhaps a reality of today's Romania. Sometimes it is necessary to "out of context" so that you can understand and see it as it really is, not as you imagine. Sometimes you need to be on the high side and the sea horizon to observe things and to penetrate the essence. And without such a perspective (say, more detached) and without adequate observation, tend to believe that most of us remain on the surface of phenomena and reality, which can lead to actions and truly inspired creative again.
Overall, what I lived in South Africa was still an experience to wake me, which helped me understand and better understand the visible and the invisible world in which they live (along with billions of other souls and human bodies). I had the chance to spend some months among people who have evolved in a geographical, social, politically very different from anything I've ever seen in Europe and, in one way or another, good and bad, gave birth to a country as large as land area, the more open emotionally. I met a country with all the problems created by colonialism and white minority rule, which is the fourth black president, he knows how to find spiritual and to redefine the new world in which we live. It is a country where people recognize: "South Africa has no model that would guide the transformation and transition from a past dominated by apartheid in the future that and it imagines. You have to find their own way. "(Mamphela Ramphele)
It is said that we are not on a continent where there is a European Union to put on a plate" models "and modes of action, but because we are at another level of consciousness and self-determination and social individual. This I can say about the entire population of that country, be it white or black. Of course, there are big difference in history, but each category of population (in South Africa there are at least six different types populations - and the black population is divided into many tribes) has its own inner strength and sense of identity, often well defined, so that actions become easier to formulate and to implement. It also becomes easier to live life when you have a common goal, you know where you live in the community wants to move, and all these are complemented by a positive attitude and appreciation of the small but beautiful things that happen.
I felt during this trip, for the first time in life mine that human possibilities are truly endless. I've seen what man can do when he has the mind and heart open to the world and to itself, choosing not to put their own drawbacks.
We often is easier to hide beyond the various pretexts to justify our inaction, the wrong actions or failures. Sometimes we build, unconscious and full of zest, real "parallel reality" in which life and the world might be better suited to what we want or imagine. I think that many Romanian do it because life here is is an art to know reality and look at you as they actually are, and with this awareness to be able to act positively, but strategic human rational and emotionally involved at the same time. True, in Romania you can wake up very quickly overwhelmed by problems and life is a continuous struggle and the possibilities of the individual or even social groups to influence the often disturbing reality in which we live are low. However, real change can not start unless the common will and consistent, sincere, friendly future for both consciously assumed the level and visionary actions.
Here I am so in September, seeking ways to not lose what I found during my journey and to find what I lost in Romania - or perhaps the re-discover otherwise .. .
Perhaps what happened is just a change in my perspective. Maybe I would have come to see such things and not just leave the Cape of Good Hope. I think each of us needs different experiences and ultimately, it is important to you and to give them to do not refuse what you get best out of life, in whatever form. Eventually, if we look back in time to lead their lives, which are moments which we can say that we have deeply marked existence? There were such moments, even? Where did they come and how our response to them? I agreed to live or have rejected them, out of fear or convenience or other reasons? Here are some questions that can not ever put us in life - because we can not understand certain things about ourselves! And that, my dear, it seems I mean to stand in the way of your own development as an individual. Hence, until becoming a barrier to the development of your community is just one step - and unfortunately very small. My journey thus born, after further reflection, we întebări about the state of my country, about why (I feel that) we're stuck in our development process, we multdorită others and even imagined. But this is a theme to which I return in a different material ... Until then, let's take a break and maybe we'll have some of the questions above, as an exercise of self-knowledge. Or if not, I'm sure we can find other ways, just want to make steps forward ... Good luck!
Oradea, September 17. 2009
"If he would have the horizon, if it would be high,
What would, what would be my life?"
At one time he came on 7 June 2009, ie the end of my time in Africa. My Journal insists on questions like: Let's stay? Why did I come? What will I do in Romania? (Not that there would be plenty to do, but then I felt extremely strong, they can not do much because the system we are forced to work and because of many barriers ...) I left
hard in Cape Town, I left with tears in eyes and sadness in my heart. I knew exactly why. I broke the world crying CDRA and Davidoff-Kaplan family. The only solution was to think and to promise to get back, soon, to continue what my destiny I say we just started in South Africa. I do not know when and how this will happen, but somehow I sure will happen - or that's important.
way home (about 2 days) was shorter than I wanted than I ever experienced. It seemed even shorter than some roads Bucharest - Chennai that we did last year ... and this, of course, because something in me wanted him to stay there. The transition itself (from South Africa to Europe and Romania, from one season to another, from one side to another, from English to Romanian) was very sudden and the shock was felt for about 3 months. If we took three months for me to integrate into South African society and get rid of homesickness, I have had, like other 3 months to return "home", especially since before I had lived in Bucharest Oradea almost a year. A return to Oradea Africa after Bucharest and then was in itself a shock ... I would never have thought! While I sat in Bucharest I wanted to come back here and Oradea seemed a place where I could live (although I dream of mountains): large enough not to be too small, somewhat charming with its old buildings and beautiful with the mountains close enough, the city you know so well and where they are most of my family and friends ...
It seems that a "out of the picture" may have a very strong impact on man and behold the light My town over that before we called it "home" has changed considerably. Now, Oradea gives me the feeling of a rather small place, which "shrink" - both literally and metaphorically. Romania itself seemed to me a sudden dead a great community, a country devoid of any spirit alive and direction to make sense of things and people here. We had, for the first time in my life, feeling that since I hit a border crossing difficult inertia - basically invisible, but very directly manifest and attainable immediate reality: roads for years waiting to be repaired and that people are already used to his need, abandoned houses, cultivated fields, human-machine and go ahead without knowing even without asking why , where, how and for what purpose, on whose sides there is a genuine smile every few months ... I found Romania, unfortunately, sad and dull, lifeless and feeling drained of almost any creative energy, the country I admired so much thought to the nation God came to me seem like a myth. Furthermore, we have come to see a society where the power of "need" is greater than that of "I" or "I wish" and - despite almost 20 years after the end (at least theoretically) dictatorship - do not know what to want and most importantly, here we do not know what we want and what our best, just what should or what we are told. Elsewhere it seemed easier to you and your dreams can come true ...
better if we think all these are just some initial impressions My return to the country, perfectly explicable in terms of culture shock. I thought about it and intentionally over those three months I waited to write this because I wanted to pass the initial shock and reflects what is perhaps a reality of today's Romania. Sometimes it is necessary to "out of context" so that you can understand and see it as it really is, not as you imagine. Sometimes you need to be on the high side and the sea horizon to observe things and to penetrate the essence. And without such a perspective (say, more detached) and without adequate observation, tend to believe that most of us remain on the surface of phenomena and reality, which can lead to actions and truly inspired creative again.
Overall, what I lived in South Africa was still an experience to wake me, which helped me understand and better understand the visible and the invisible world in which they live (along with billions of other souls and human bodies). I had the chance to spend some months among people who have evolved in a geographical, social, politically very different from anything I've ever seen in Europe and, in one way or another, good and bad, gave birth to a country as large as land area, the more open emotionally. I met a country with all the problems created by colonialism and white minority rule, which is the fourth black president, he knows how to find spiritual and to redefine the new world in which we live. It is a country where people recognize: "South Africa has no model that would guide the transformation and transition from a past dominated by apartheid in the future that and it imagines. You have to find their own way. "(Mamphela Ramphele)
It is said that we are not on a continent where there is a European Union to put on a plate" models "and modes of action, but because we are at another level of consciousness and self-determination and social individual. This I can say about the entire population of that country, be it white or black. Of course, there are big difference in history, but each category of population (in South Africa there are at least six different types populations - and the black population is divided into many tribes) has its own inner strength and sense of identity, often well defined, so that actions become easier to formulate and to implement. It also becomes easier to live life when you have a common goal, you know where you live in the community wants to move, and all these are complemented by a positive attitude and appreciation of the small but beautiful things that happen.
I felt during this trip, for the first time in life mine that human possibilities are truly endless. I've seen what man can do when he has the mind and heart open to the world and to itself, choosing not to put their own drawbacks.
We often is easier to hide beyond the various pretexts to justify our inaction, the wrong actions or failures. Sometimes we build, unconscious and full of zest, real "parallel reality" in which life and the world might be better suited to what we want or imagine. I think that many Romanian do it because life here is is an art to know reality and look at you as they actually are, and with this awareness to be able to act positively, but strategic human rational and emotionally involved at the same time. True, in Romania you can wake up very quickly overwhelmed by problems and life is a continuous struggle and the possibilities of the individual or even social groups to influence the often disturbing reality in which we live are low. However, real change can not start unless the common will and consistent, sincere, friendly future for both consciously assumed the level and visionary actions.
Here I am so in September, seeking ways to not lose what I found during my journey and to find what I lost in Romania - or perhaps the re-discover otherwise .. .
Perhaps what happened is just a change in my perspective. Maybe I would have come to see such things and not just leave the Cape of Good Hope. I think each of us needs different experiences and ultimately, it is important to you and to give them to do not refuse what you get best out of life, in whatever form. Eventually, if we look back in time to lead their lives, which are moments which we can say that we have deeply marked existence? There were such moments, even? Where did they come and how our response to them? I agreed to live or have rejected them, out of fear or convenience or other reasons? Here are some questions that can not ever put us in life - because we can not understand certain things about ourselves! And that, my dear, it seems I mean to stand in the way of your own development as an individual. Hence, until becoming a barrier to the development of your community is just one step - and unfortunately very small. My journey thus born, after further reflection, we întebări about the state of my country, about why (I feel that) we're stuck in our development process, we multdorită others and even imagined. But this is a theme to which I return in a different material ... Until then, let's take a break and maybe we'll have some of the questions above, as an exercise of self-knowledge. Or if not, I'm sure we can find other ways, just want to make steps forward ... Good luck!
Oradea, September 17. 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009 Vanta/vanta Lt
gimmik not a PR responsibility
Sometimes people are amazed by the depth of their ideas and how to exist . That if you lean a little ear and hear what they say. One of the telling moments, magical moments for me, revelatory, it happened just yesterday, when I took part, practicing my passion for make-up artist at a Polish wedding. My admiration for the Polish community in Suceava Polish genealogy comes from my roots, especially in light of the fascination which may have their community. Perhaps a Sociology
I could confirm that community members are more relaxed and interact together for me was obvious. Consciousness minority is large. I am fascinated by the lust for life that had people that I met yesterday for the first time and at the same time, Pensive Thought easy because many people lack it. Now I'm not trying to point out flaws, but I intend to point out that nothing can stop us from having a right attitude towards our surroundings, to take responsibility for people and what might affect them.
generosity is a message that has a huge proportion of our lives and how we understand our responsibility in that community apraţinem.Acum I realized more than ever, it all starts from us and from the people we can influence or can influence us. Stone House, Franz and Otilia!
Sometimes people are amazed by the depth of their ideas and how to exist . That if you lean a little ear and hear what they say. One of the telling moments, magical moments for me, revelatory, it happened just yesterday, when I took part, practicing my passion for make-up artist at a Polish wedding. My admiration for the Polish community in Suceava Polish genealogy comes from my roots, especially in light of the fascination which may have their community. Perhaps a Sociology
I could confirm that community members are more relaxed and interact together for me was obvious. Consciousness minority is large. I am fascinated by the lust for life that had people that I met yesterday for the first time and at the same time, Pensive Thought easy because many people lack it. Now I'm not trying to point out flaws, but I intend to point out that nothing can stop us from having a right attitude towards our surroundings, to take responsibility for people and what might affect them.
generosity is a message that has a huge proportion of our lives and how we understand our responsibility in that community apraţinem.Acum I realized more than ever, it all starts from us and from the people we can influence or can influence us. Stone House, Franz and Otilia!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Prostate Tight Underwear
people to Hollywood Going Green Google
two of the most famous names in the world contributes to promoting a sustainable social responsibility. admit that I find interesting intervention Hollywood Americanisms responsible for promoting, in terms of power of social influence (do not forget that women were encouraged to smoke when they sought Hollywood productions from that time.) but this time, Hollywood began to rethink the use of energy in the production of films, ranging from the simple use of recycled materialeleor first production of this kind is the 11th hour ", led by Leonardo DiCaprio. I think the encouraging initiative from Google to use green energy (approximately Installed 300 solar panels that will pay off in more than 8 years, after which the energy will not cost anything) in the routine activities of the company.
are two examples of conservation of return, which shows that being green is not a fashion and beyond appearances.
two of the most famous names in the world contributes to promoting a sustainable social responsibility. admit that I find interesting intervention Hollywood Americanisms responsible for promoting, in terms of power of social influence (do not forget that women were encouraged to smoke when they sought Hollywood productions from that time.) but this time, Hollywood began to rethink the use of energy in the production of films, ranging from the simple use of recycled materialeleor first production of this kind is the 11th hour ", led by Leonardo DiCaprio. I think the encouraging initiative from Google to use green energy (approximately Installed 300 solar panels that will pay off in more than 8 years, after which the energy will not cost anything) in the routine activities of the company.
are two examples of conservation of return, which shows that being green is not a fashion and beyond appearances.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Lexus Hs Toyora Corrola
stakeholders, and stakewatchers
A recent article written by Yives Fassin (2009) proposes a new model of stakeholders. Unlike the models of Freeman (2003) and that of Post, Preston and Sachs (2007), visible improvements stake model for what stakeholder management, introducing two new terms, and stakewatcheri stakekeeperi. The strength of the model
The triangular relationship is formed between the three types of stakeholders, so that every stakeholder is supervised by a stakewatcher, which, in turn, is watched by a stakekeeper (a kind of Russian matriusca). What
Fassin apparent from his perspective is that the roles are interchangeable, with a dynamic character. Government regulator, regulatory, so a stakekeeper, but can also be a silent stakeholder, the media is a stakewatcher, but also a stakekeeper.
Fassin's model shows that the mapping of stakeholders does not follow a strict pattern, a recipe, because the dynamic nature of stakeholders.
A recent article written by Yives Fassin (2009) proposes a new model of stakeholders. Unlike the models of Freeman (2003) and that of Post, Preston and Sachs (2007), visible improvements stake model for what stakeholder management, introducing two new terms, and stakewatcheri stakekeeperi. The strength of the model
The triangular relationship is formed between the three types of stakeholders, so that every stakeholder is supervised by a stakewatcher, which, in turn, is watched by a stakekeeper (a kind of Russian matriusca). What
Fassin apparent from his perspective is that the roles are interchangeable, with a dynamic character. Government regulator, regulatory, so a stakekeeper, but can also be a silent stakeholder, the media is a stakewatcher, but also a stakekeeper.
Fassin's model shows that the mapping of stakeholders does not follow a strict pattern, a recipe, because the dynamic nature of stakeholders.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Spanish Flea Tv Theam
During my stay in South Africa, speaking at home, know the weather in Romania is very changeable and, again, things jump from one extreme to another. First, summer is coming in May (I wonder if and where are the cherries), and then suddenly we get temperatures in July, then jump back in March, to 15 degrees ...
In fact, wherever you are on the ground, things are the same: extreme natural phenomena increasingly strange and unexplained things can not be solved, everything beyond us ... Not beyond us because we are incapable, as humanity, or else to invent new technologies to respond to disasters through our extraordinary ability to mobilize and organize us, but we have reached the threshold beyond which things can not be controlled. We determined a reality whose variables are, at present, impossible to be solved in a mathematical formula. We are faced with problems whose resolution is not how to draw from the same sources as before. Today, even floods beyond us - and this is not because we are in Romania or because Romania is incapable, but because the force that generates floods is not clear, passes our country's borders and is determined by a complex of factors that no longer see, whose relations are perhaps too confused as we understand them.
few days ago, 50 whales have emerged from the sea and decided to die on a beach near Cape Town. Work incredible, unseen, as happens very rarely and is unnatural, not only in time, location and number of animals, as well as an idea. Although they tried to send them back to the sea, the whales are returning to shore. Many were killed because they wanted to die, so great had become a place where they could no longer live. It is an extremely important signal. He will listen to anyone? Details
news on
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Blog Spot Beautiful Agony
O Mary Do not You weep
Well if I could I surely would
Stand on the rock where Moses stood
Here I am, home alone in a place that is as good a home as my own, although it is not literally my own. After more than one month of being here, it has become a home, just like this country as a whole. This place has permeated me and it is amazing to feel it from that position, it totally shifts the perspective and the understanding of things, people, phenomena, places… During this journey, I have really gone through the entire distance and closeness of extremes, from the fear of unknown to the freedom of the spirit. Sometimes it is unbelievable what we put ourselves through in order to FEEL something, to feel alive. Why do people live and still do not feel alive?
Pharaoh's army got drownded
O Mary don't you weep
What happens is that you move from routine and order into chaos, try to stabilize and manage to enter another routine and find another order, but then inevitably chaos comes again and takes over your life and you find yourself in need to look for order again and again and again. Sometimes you look for chaos because there has been too much order, other times you look for order because there has been so much chaos… Still, it is all life! I believe that when signs appear, showing that your life has been stuck somewhere, any human being will be ready to do whatever it takes to evade that place. Some of us have a hard time deciding that they need to challenge themselves, for some it is hard to accept and acknowledge that they are in a closed space and need to open up. But this is life and life can take you to different places, just as you take yourself through different experiences, because that is the only way to find yourself. And the beauty of it lies in the diversity we can all live and create!
Well Mary wore three links and chains
On every link was Jesus' name
Pharaoh's army got drownded
O Mary don't you weep
Sometimes you have to break the chains in order to re-gain your life…
When I look back at my life one year ago, I can’t believe what actually happened since then. It seems somewhat unreal, but it was all so liberating! Even working in a place I hated and doing a job I did not like and could not identify with, even living in what seems to me as one of the ugliest cities of Romania was a relief. Ironically enough, it was all a relief from the way my life had been up to that point. It is interesting to observe how things that you sometimes catalogue as difficult can be so easy if you are in a different situation – and the other way around. It so much depends on the perspective you take, on the way in which you relate to things! I had thought that working 12 hours a day, doing three or four different jobs and having no time for yourself was the most difficult part of my life, but then I realized it was at least as difficult to have only one job and a lot of free time to spend for yourself. That different feeling came from within myself, because the only person in the world who can change things is oneself and we are responsible first and foremost towards ourselves.
But sometimes it takes a lot of time to understand that and to really feel it and put it into practice. For example, I often think about the Scouts - how we often tend to disregard ourselves in the scouts, because we are so eager to help the world and do things for others. It takes years and years to realize that you can’t help others if you are a wreck or if you are not able to help yourself in the first place. Just like in dancing: how can you lead your pair if you have not taken your position or are not clear about where you want to go?
On the other hand, it is also true and real that we often need a lifetime to discover ourselves and to understand our purpose in the world, while in the meantime we do have to help and play a role. So I guess these are all questions to navigate through and find our own path among them, so that we do not neglect any aspect that is important to us…
Well one of these nights ‘bout 12 o'clock
this old world is gonna rock
Pharaoh's army got drownded
O Mary don't you weep
I can’t say that I have discovered everything I needed to, along this journey so far – on the contrary: when you start such a journey you realize sooner or later that things are more complex than you had imagined. The mere fact that you are able to see that complexity and work with it is some sign of improvement, I guess… because if you do not see the complexity it does not mean it isn’t there…
What is so wonderful about exploring yourself and the miracle of life as a whole is that, once you’ve started it, you can’t go back! This kind of journey needs to move forward and not backward, so maybe even without knowing it, you will take yourself further along the road. This does not mean it is going to be easy or that you don’t need to put effort in it, but it is definitely important. I think, if we look at our collective struggle for meaning and clarity of purpose in the world, it makes such a difference to find that there is a number of people who are actually walking the same path. Nobody is alone, in fact. We are all on that path, in one way or another, even though sometimes unconsciously. But we do have our individual selves to look after and work with, and that we must often do on our own.
Well Moses stood on the Red Sea shore
And smote the water with a two by four
Pharaoh's army got drownded
O Mary don't you weep
Well, old Mr. Satan he got mad
Missed that soul that he thought he had
Pharaoh's army get drownded
O Mary, don't you weep
How to keep going? How to keep yourself consciously on the path? How to keep connected to all the other co-walkers? It is hard, at times, because you go through all that chaos quite often and you are alone many times and you may lose touch, you may lose courage, you may get tired or feel insecure. People nowadays are so much looking for security – this word, in all its meanings, seems to be such a paradox of the 21st century and maybe beyond. Our world is now such a fluctuating world, it changes at such a high pace that nothing seems to stay the same from one day to another even. I mean EVERYTHING, from weather or laws to human feelings. Is there anything, then, that can actually provide stability, the mere stability that we need so as to feel secure? Or, if not, how can we actually start living with all this instability and still feel secure? What made it possible for the people of Israel to cross the river when Moses smote the water, even though they knew it was a rationally unreal or impossible thing to happen? What held the waters apart for enough time to allow safe passage? What is the difference between safety itself and the feeling of safety that the Israelites had? Is safety real or is it just a feeling? Do we find it in the world outside or within our soul?
Brothers and sisters don't you cry
they'll be good times by and by
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
Said, "No more water, but fire next time"
Last week I took part in the CDRA Biennial Conference, a quite recently born event that brings together development practitioners from around the world to share from their practice. The Conference itself was an extraordinary space and, due to its nature, it enabled many breakthroughs, I think. But that is another subject and I will need another space and time to write about it, just as about other “events” that occurred during my journey.
However, on our way back from the conference venue, we were passing through Du Toit’s Kloof area and the weather was stormy, with clouds and bursts of strong rain coming and going. Just as we were approaching the pass, this double rainbow appeared in the sky. It was a whole rainbow – I mean you could see all of it rising up amazingly in the middle of the field. I think it was the first time ever that I could see very clearly the start and the end of a rainbow. It appears to start from nothing and it ends into nothing, for there is no physical place for its beginning or end. It was amazing to see that! I could never have seen it before, as I’ve never seen it in such an open space. It was as if someone had placed an arch in the middle of the field. Talking about rainbow, that was to me one of the special experiences on this journey: seeing something as beautiful as a rainbow being created out of the interaction of air and water and light, all invisible and giving birth to something visible.
I have three more weeks in South Africa and when I look at my luggage, it is almost the same as it was when I came here. Myself too, I am apparently the Same, for I look the same. But There is so much of That invisible field that I take with me! Somehow, this Whole trip cam and it ends out of nothing into nothing, I mean literally see nothing That You Can, But Something There definitely is - a creative force, invisible year interaction of elements. Difficult to GRASP or name, But very real and, I hope, beautiful. Pretty amazing!
(The Seeger Sessions Lyrics from by Bruce Springsteen)
Well if I could I surely would
Stand on the rock where Moses stood
Here I am, home alone in a place that is as good a home as my own, although it is not literally my own. After more than one month of being here, it has become a home, just like this country as a whole. This place has permeated me and it is amazing to feel it from that position, it totally shifts the perspective and the understanding of things, people, phenomena, places… During this journey, I have really gone through the entire distance and closeness of extremes, from the fear of unknown to the freedom of the spirit. Sometimes it is unbelievable what we put ourselves through in order to FEEL something, to feel alive. Why do people live and still do not feel alive?
Pharaoh's army got drownded
O Mary don't you weep
What happens is that you move from routine and order into chaos, try to stabilize and manage to enter another routine and find another order, but then inevitably chaos comes again and takes over your life and you find yourself in need to look for order again and again and again. Sometimes you look for chaos because there has been too much order, other times you look for order because there has been so much chaos… Still, it is all life! I believe that when signs appear, showing that your life has been stuck somewhere, any human being will be ready to do whatever it takes to evade that place. Some of us have a hard time deciding that they need to challenge themselves, for some it is hard to accept and acknowledge that they are in a closed space and need to open up. But this is life and life can take you to different places, just as you take yourself through different experiences, because that is the only way to find yourself. And the beauty of it lies in the diversity we can all live and create!
Well Mary wore three links and chains
On every link was Jesus' name
Pharaoh's army got drownded
O Mary don't you weep
Sometimes you have to break the chains in order to re-gain your life…
When I look back at my life one year ago, I can’t believe what actually happened since then. It seems somewhat unreal, but it was all so liberating! Even working in a place I hated and doing a job I did not like and could not identify with, even living in what seems to me as one of the ugliest cities of Romania was a relief. Ironically enough, it was all a relief from the way my life had been up to that point. It is interesting to observe how things that you sometimes catalogue as difficult can be so easy if you are in a different situation – and the other way around. It so much depends on the perspective you take, on the way in which you relate to things! I had thought that working 12 hours a day, doing three or four different jobs and having no time for yourself was the most difficult part of my life, but then I realized it was at least as difficult to have only one job and a lot of free time to spend for yourself. That different feeling came from within myself, because the only person in the world who can change things is oneself and we are responsible first and foremost towards ourselves.
But sometimes it takes a lot of time to understand that and to really feel it and put it into practice. For example, I often think about the Scouts - how we often tend to disregard ourselves in the scouts, because we are so eager to help the world and do things for others. It takes years and years to realize that you can’t help others if you are a wreck or if you are not able to help yourself in the first place. Just like in dancing: how can you lead your pair if you have not taken your position or are not clear about where you want to go?
On the other hand, it is also true and real that we often need a lifetime to discover ourselves and to understand our purpose in the world, while in the meantime we do have to help and play a role. So I guess these are all questions to navigate through and find our own path among them, so that we do not neglect any aspect that is important to us…
Well one of these nights ‘bout 12 o'clock
this old world is gonna rock
Pharaoh's army got drownded
O Mary don't you weep
I can’t say that I have discovered everything I needed to, along this journey so far – on the contrary: when you start such a journey you realize sooner or later that things are more complex than you had imagined. The mere fact that you are able to see that complexity and work with it is some sign of improvement, I guess… because if you do not see the complexity it does not mean it isn’t there…
What is so wonderful about exploring yourself and the miracle of life as a whole is that, once you’ve started it, you can’t go back! This kind of journey needs to move forward and not backward, so maybe even without knowing it, you will take yourself further along the road. This does not mean it is going to be easy or that you don’t need to put effort in it, but it is definitely important. I think, if we look at our collective struggle for meaning and clarity of purpose in the world, it makes such a difference to find that there is a number of people who are actually walking the same path. Nobody is alone, in fact. We are all on that path, in one way or another, even though sometimes unconsciously. But we do have our individual selves to look after and work with, and that we must often do on our own.
Well Moses stood on the Red Sea shore
And smote the water with a two by four
Pharaoh's army got drownded
O Mary don't you weep
Well, old Mr. Satan he got mad
Missed that soul that he thought he had
Pharaoh's army get drownded
O Mary, don't you weep
How to keep going? How to keep yourself consciously on the path? How to keep connected to all the other co-walkers? It is hard, at times, because you go through all that chaos quite often and you are alone many times and you may lose touch, you may lose courage, you may get tired or feel insecure. People nowadays are so much looking for security – this word, in all its meanings, seems to be such a paradox of the 21st century and maybe beyond. Our world is now such a fluctuating world, it changes at such a high pace that nothing seems to stay the same from one day to another even. I mean EVERYTHING, from weather or laws to human feelings. Is there anything, then, that can actually provide stability, the mere stability that we need so as to feel secure? Or, if not, how can we actually start living with all this instability and still feel secure? What made it possible for the people of Israel to cross the river when Moses smote the water, even though they knew it was a rationally unreal or impossible thing to happen? What held the waters apart for enough time to allow safe passage? What is the difference between safety itself and the feeling of safety that the Israelites had? Is safety real or is it just a feeling? Do we find it in the world outside or within our soul?
Brothers and sisters don't you cry
they'll be good times by and by
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
Said, "No more water, but fire next time"
Last week I took part in the CDRA Biennial Conference, a quite recently born event that brings together development practitioners from around the world to share from their practice. The Conference itself was an extraordinary space and, due to its nature, it enabled many breakthroughs, I think. But that is another subject and I will need another space and time to write about it, just as about other “events” that occurred during my journey.
However, on our way back from the conference venue, we were passing through Du Toit’s Kloof area and the weather was stormy, with clouds and bursts of strong rain coming and going. Just as we were approaching the pass, this double rainbow appeared in the sky. It was a whole rainbow – I mean you could see all of it rising up amazingly in the middle of the field. I think it was the first time ever that I could see very clearly the start and the end of a rainbow. It appears to start from nothing and it ends into nothing, for there is no physical place for its beginning or end. It was amazing to see that! I could never have seen it before, as I’ve never seen it in such an open space. It was as if someone had placed an arch in the middle of the field. Talking about rainbow, that was to me one of the special experiences on this journey: seeing something as beautiful as a rainbow being created out of the interaction of air and water and light, all invisible and giving birth to something visible.
I have three more weeks in South Africa and when I look at my luggage, it is almost the same as it was when I came here. Myself too, I am apparently the Same, for I look the same. But There is so much of That invisible field that I take with me! Somehow, this Whole trip cam and it ends out of nothing into nothing, I mean literally see nothing That You Can, But Something There definitely is - a creative force, invisible year interaction of elements. Difficult to GRASP or name, But very real and, I hope, beautiful. Pretty amazing!
(The Seeger Sessions Lyrics from by Bruce Springsteen)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Find 60th Birthday Speech Samples
Romania stakekeepers 360 degrees
We used to hear the harsh words against the country in which we live. Long time since I heard something good. Olympic Medals, Romanian athletes of international successes make us vibrate. I would venture to say that there are times when you feel proud and not ashamed to say out loud that you are Romanian, and anthem gives you goosebumps. In moments of glory, the shame disappears.
concept "Romania 360 degrees" is a beginning to start to rediscover the beauty of the country where we were born. Because it takes to do this and I firmly believe that we would make us feel better ... but especially for a country that the image is created by people who compose it, identifying with her. Everyone can contribute, with images captured in the most beautiful places in Romania. Because I think there is someone who has at least one pleasant memory of a place that has remained impregnated retina. And for that, seeing the beautiful places that bind us, we mark the desire to keep those places and our children will grow.
I invite you to see a full Rumania, Rumania 360 degrees, a Romania that, I put it somewhere in the back, among the junk. Here it is!
We used to hear the harsh words against the country in which we live. Long time since I heard something good. Olympic Medals, Romanian athletes of international successes make us vibrate. I would venture to say that there are times when you feel proud and not ashamed to say out loud that you are Romanian, and anthem gives you goosebumps. In moments of glory, the shame disappears.
concept "Romania 360 degrees" is a beginning to start to rediscover the beauty of the country where we were born. Because it takes to do this and I firmly believe that we would make us feel better ... but especially for a country that the image is created by people who compose it, identifying with her. Everyone can contribute, with images captured in the most beautiful places in Romania. Because I think there is someone who has at least one pleasant memory of a place that has remained impregnated retina. And for that, seeing the beautiful places that bind us, we mark the desire to keep those places and our children will grow.
I invite you to see a full Rumania, Rumania 360 degrees, a Romania that, I put it somewhere in the back, among the junk. Here it is!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Mobile Movies Xx Movies
going deeper / Going Deeper
After two weeks, I went deeper into the local language universe (dominated by English, because I do not speak any other of the 11 official languages \u200b\u200bof Africa deSud), but also in the spirit of the city of Cape of Good Hope. We found I think some lyrics that express very well the idea of \u200b\u200bAfrica (my translation):
Africa, you're not a country
a concept outlined in
each of our minds To hide us, each, fears,
To Us Visa, separate dreams.
(Abioseh Nicol, "The significance of Africa")
In recent days I managed to visit some places in Cape Town - otherwise a huge city (2455 km2), which occupies a good part of the peninsula, all suburbs, creating an area metropolitan.
I went by train to the last station on the Indian Ocean coast to Simon's Town, to visit the Pebbles Beach (Boulders Beach) - a place famous for its African penguins who gather here and also a protected area. I went to do some volunteering at CDRA, or Community Development Resource Association (, which is headquartered in Woodstock neighborhood, a multiracial areas of Cape Town's (even during the apartheid ). From there I went to the Observatory (and I can not help but think of Cluj ...), which is a very crowded area and about international students because there are many different non-African countries. Also, I am very lucky with my hosts, which I always invite them in various "movements" that we do around here. Thus, an accompanying Sue walks almost every day on the mountain and we were one of them Muizenberg most beautiful beaches - a place famous for the large number of surfers who come here (and I took a bath in the Indian Ocean, which he is quite cold!)
am still shocked by how strong he feels, here, colonialism and all its manifestations - visible or not. Many cities in the Indian Ocean coast talking about the white settlers (mostly Dutch and British) who have tried to re-create his own universe in a very different place, physically and spiritually to Europe! I think almost continuously the attitude to be that these people had a new face to the world that have found it and they have destroyed a large extent on how devastated inside them must have been for as initiators so many acts of cruelty. No I never felt in my life, so that the guilty are white as I feel now. Moreover, I never questioned my skin color until I came here. Although they say about Cape Town and Western Cape province of those places that are less African in South Africa, I happen to go by train or on the street and I feel out of place due to the fact that there are "white." It is also an unpleasant and strange feeling, because it's as if I re-live the whole bloody history of oppression of blacks by local populations contain my white Europeans ... Of course similar things have happened in many other places in the world, throughout history (including my own country), but this seems I feel it much more acute than anywhere else I've been (except, perhaps, Auschwitz).
For a white person is not too pleasant thing to walk the streets of Cape Town areas, if you're sensitive to all the above, or if they touch you as little, deep down. Many parts of town are considered unsafe or unaffordable for whites - and you immediately realize it, how to get there. Blacks living in these areas are generally rather poor ordinary workers, who either left their villages and traditional way of life that to look for work "in the big city (where they have sufficient income to maintain and living in very precarious conditions) or were brought to work in various factories. In some cases may even be far descendants of various indigenous populations that were colonized blacks here. By default, there is immense frustration about white people who introduced and maintains a broad and deep social injustice in a place where the nature of things, had no right to do so. Is it "jungle law" applicable and people, but how far we can push the feelings of superiority?
I feel that this city is a place for anyone, "used" in a very interesting (but not necessarily equal) of whites and blacks alike. Preserves the atmosphere today, somehow, the sense of apartheid (which perhaps we do not we can actually understand, because I have not lived) quickly detect it, smell it easily, although you were never not known officially, those days ended in 1994.
For more information (summary) about apartheid can enter
Yes, says South Africa is a beautiful country and is in Cape Town truly a wonderful tourist destination, but it seems to me that if you come here with the simple intention to see the major tourist attractions, wildlife or enjoy the beach and sun, you do not really understand the spirit of these places - beautiful, but so disturbed in their history. And the deal is, I think, less comfortable, so Maybe more visitors to these places do not want it to have.
I added pictures to the photo gallery on Picasa. You will not find anything in Woodstock, because I declined to take with me valuable things there. I hope you enjoy and come back, because ... to come! **
tissue lines come to me so much more in English now, for I have Been "Exposed" to the English environment of Cape Town and it is so Powerful. I have found a set of Verses that I believe is very expressive about the idea of \u200b\u200bAfrica:
You are not a country, Africa
You are a concept in our minds
Fashioned, Each to each, To hide our separate
Fears ,
To dream our separate dreams.
(Abioseh Nicol, “The Meaning of Africa”)
I have only been visiting a few places in Cape Town over the past few days. I have taken the public train to Simon’s Town, the last station along the coast of the Indian Ocean, in order to visit Boulders Beach – a gathering place for penguins and of course, a nature reserve. I went to Woodstock, one of the few multiracial areas of Cape Town (even during Apartheid), where the Community Development Resource Association is located ( and then I also took a short walk through Observatory, a rather busy area with an international flavour, because of the many non-African students who come here for internships or such. I am very lucky to have wonderful hosts who include me in their different movements around the area – so I join Sue on most of her morning hikes on the mountains that stretch along the Cape Peninsula and I have also been with them to one of the nice beaches in Muizenberg – an area particularly attractive to surfers.
It is surprising how impregnated this place is with colonialism and all of its manifestations – physical as well as spiritual. Many small towns along the coast of the Indian Ocean speak about the white settlers (mostly Dutch and British), who came ashore bringing along a whole other universe and initiating some sort of a strange cultural and geographic patchwork. I can’t stop wondering what was the attitude that these people came here with and that allowed for so much destruction and devastation. How devastated could they have been inside that they effected such cruel behaviours upon the new world they found? I’ve never felt so guilty about being a white person as I do now. I have never even questioned the colour of my skin before coming to Africa. They say that Cape Town and the Western Cape are the least African places in South Africa. Still, I walk in the street or take the train and find myself somewhat displaced – or in the wrong place – because of the colour of my skin. It is a terrible feeling, as if I were re-living the entire history of the white oppression of the black peoples here. Of course similar things have happened in so many other places in the world – including my own country – but the spirit of the places here withholds that in a much stronger way than in any other place I have been to (except, probably, Auschwitz).
For a white person, walking alone in the streets of Cape Town is not such a pleasant thing to do, if you are sensitive to all of the above or have the lightest touch of them in your heart. There are many areas of Cape Town that are considered unsafe or even non-walkable for the white and you immediately understand why. The black people living in those areas are mostly low-class workers, poor people who have left their villages and traditional lifestyles to follow the mirage of endless employment in Cape Town, or were brought here to work in various factories or maybe they are even followers of some black African populations that were colonized here. There is consequently a lot of frustration and negativity about the whites. I feel that Cape Town is a place that does not belong to anyone and is “shared” by the black and the white. The current-day atmosphere still keeps the feeling of Apartheid very much alive, even though it officially ended in 1994. There is some succinct information on Apartheid in South Africa on
Yes, South Africa is a beautiful country and Cape Town is a wonderful tourist destination, but I guess that coming here with the mere intention to visit a series of tourist attractions or enjoy the sun, the beach or the wildlife does not really allow for a real understanding of this wonderful but troubled place. However, I tend to feel Understanding That this is rather uncomfortable, so most of the visitors of Cape Town probably do want to reach it note. There is Some
That I have uploaded more photos on my Picasa gallery - however, none from Woodstock, Taking Because I avoided my room with me. Hope you'll enjoy - and There's more to come!
After two weeks, I went deeper into the local language universe (dominated by English, because I do not speak any other of the 11 official languages \u200b\u200bof Africa deSud), but also in the spirit of the city of Cape of Good Hope. We found I think some lyrics that express very well the idea of \u200b\u200bAfrica (my translation):
Africa, you're not a country
a concept outlined in
each of our minds To hide us, each, fears,
To Us Visa, separate dreams.
(Abioseh Nicol, "The significance of Africa")
In recent days I managed to visit some places in Cape Town - otherwise a huge city (2455 km2), which occupies a good part of the peninsula, all suburbs, creating an area metropolitan.
I went by train to the last station on the Indian Ocean coast to Simon's Town, to visit the Pebbles Beach (Boulders Beach) - a place famous for its African penguins who gather here and also a protected area. I went to do some volunteering at CDRA, or Community Development Resource Association (, which is headquartered in Woodstock neighborhood, a multiracial areas of Cape Town's (even during the apartheid ). From there I went to the Observatory (and I can not help but think of Cluj ...), which is a very crowded area and about international students because there are many different non-African countries. Also, I am very lucky with my hosts, which I always invite them in various "movements" that we do around here. Thus, an accompanying Sue walks almost every day on the mountain and we were one of them Muizenberg most beautiful beaches - a place famous for the large number of surfers who come here (and I took a bath in the Indian Ocean, which he is quite cold!)
am still shocked by how strong he feels, here, colonialism and all its manifestations - visible or not. Many cities in the Indian Ocean coast talking about the white settlers (mostly Dutch and British) who have tried to re-create his own universe in a very different place, physically and spiritually to Europe! I think almost continuously the attitude to be that these people had a new face to the world that have found it and they have destroyed a large extent on how devastated inside them must have been for as initiators so many acts of cruelty. No I never felt in my life, so that the guilty are white as I feel now. Moreover, I never questioned my skin color until I came here. Although they say about Cape Town and Western Cape province of those places that are less African in South Africa, I happen to go by train or on the street and I feel out of place due to the fact that there are "white." It is also an unpleasant and strange feeling, because it's as if I re-live the whole bloody history of oppression of blacks by local populations contain my white Europeans ... Of course similar things have happened in many other places in the world, throughout history (including my own country), but this seems I feel it much more acute than anywhere else I've been (except, perhaps, Auschwitz).
For a white person is not too pleasant thing to walk the streets of Cape Town areas, if you're sensitive to all the above, or if they touch you as little, deep down. Many parts of town are considered unsafe or unaffordable for whites - and you immediately realize it, how to get there. Blacks living in these areas are generally rather poor ordinary workers, who either left their villages and traditional way of life that to look for work "in the big city (where they have sufficient income to maintain and living in very precarious conditions) or were brought to work in various factories. In some cases may even be far descendants of various indigenous populations that were colonized blacks here. By default, there is immense frustration about white people who introduced and maintains a broad and deep social injustice in a place where the nature of things, had no right to do so. Is it "jungle law" applicable and people, but how far we can push the feelings of superiority?
I feel that this city is a place for anyone, "used" in a very interesting (but not necessarily equal) of whites and blacks alike. Preserves the atmosphere today, somehow, the sense of apartheid (which perhaps we do not we can actually understand, because I have not lived) quickly detect it, smell it easily, although you were never not known officially, those days ended in 1994.
For more information (summary) about apartheid can enter
Yes, says South Africa is a beautiful country and is in Cape Town truly a wonderful tourist destination, but it seems to me that if you come here with the simple intention to see the major tourist attractions, wildlife or enjoy the beach and sun, you do not really understand the spirit of these places - beautiful, but so disturbed in their history. And the deal is, I think, less comfortable, so Maybe more visitors to these places do not want it to have.
I added pictures to the photo gallery on Picasa. You will not find anything in Woodstock, because I declined to take with me valuable things there. I hope you enjoy and come back, because ... to come! **
tissue lines come to me so much more in English now, for I have Been "Exposed" to the English environment of Cape Town and it is so Powerful. I have found a set of Verses that I believe is very expressive about the idea of \u200b\u200bAfrica:
You are not a country, Africa
You are a concept in our minds
Fashioned, Each to each, To hide our separate
Fears ,
To dream our separate dreams.
(Abioseh Nicol, “The Meaning of Africa”)
I have only been visiting a few places in Cape Town over the past few days. I have taken the public train to Simon’s Town, the last station along the coast of the Indian Ocean, in order to visit Boulders Beach – a gathering place for penguins and of course, a nature reserve. I went to Woodstock, one of the few multiracial areas of Cape Town (even during Apartheid), where the Community Development Resource Association is located ( and then I also took a short walk through Observatory, a rather busy area with an international flavour, because of the many non-African students who come here for internships or such. I am very lucky to have wonderful hosts who include me in their different movements around the area – so I join Sue on most of her morning hikes on the mountains that stretch along the Cape Peninsula and I have also been with them to one of the nice beaches in Muizenberg – an area particularly attractive to surfers.
It is surprising how impregnated this place is with colonialism and all of its manifestations – physical as well as spiritual. Many small towns along the coast of the Indian Ocean speak about the white settlers (mostly Dutch and British), who came ashore bringing along a whole other universe and initiating some sort of a strange cultural and geographic patchwork. I can’t stop wondering what was the attitude that these people came here with and that allowed for so much destruction and devastation. How devastated could they have been inside that they effected such cruel behaviours upon the new world they found? I’ve never felt so guilty about being a white person as I do now. I have never even questioned the colour of my skin before coming to Africa. They say that Cape Town and the Western Cape are the least African places in South Africa. Still, I walk in the street or take the train and find myself somewhat displaced – or in the wrong place – because of the colour of my skin. It is a terrible feeling, as if I were re-living the entire history of the white oppression of the black peoples here. Of course similar things have happened in so many other places in the world – including my own country – but the spirit of the places here withholds that in a much stronger way than in any other place I have been to (except, probably, Auschwitz).
For a white person, walking alone in the streets of Cape Town is not such a pleasant thing to do, if you are sensitive to all of the above or have the lightest touch of them in your heart. There are many areas of Cape Town that are considered unsafe or even non-walkable for the white and you immediately understand why. The black people living in those areas are mostly low-class workers, poor people who have left their villages and traditional lifestyles to follow the mirage of endless employment in Cape Town, or were brought here to work in various factories or maybe they are even followers of some black African populations that were colonized here. There is consequently a lot of frustration and negativity about the whites. I feel that Cape Town is a place that does not belong to anyone and is “shared” by the black and the white. The current-day atmosphere still keeps the feeling of Apartheid very much alive, even though it officially ended in 1994. There is some succinct information on Apartheid in South Africa on
Yes, South Africa is a beautiful country and Cape Town is a wonderful tourist destination, but I guess that coming here with the mere intention to visit a series of tourist attractions or enjoy the sun, the beach or the wildlife does not really allow for a real understanding of this wonderful but troubled place. However, I tend to feel Understanding That this is rather uncomfortable, so most of the visitors of Cape Town probably do want to reach it note. There is Some
That I have uploaded more photos on my Picasa gallery - however, none from Woodstock, Taking Because I avoided my room with me. Hope you'll enjoy - and There's more to come!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Can I Use Orajel For A Yeast Infection
generosity in our hearts start
Generosity. Resume in their hands a book that, for the first time I read it, treat such an idea: "Capitalism generous." It happened about eight years ago when, for the first time you browse a book by Richard DeVos, who was familiar to me in other ways, as a co-founder of a giant company that bore his imprint principles. A book written copasiune with weight. I was impressed. Which is why I return to it as a place dear to me and that invigorates me. Although published in 1993 in California, the book seems to me a striking actuality ...
Returning to the idea of \u200b\u200bgenerosity. If we try to do "what is good" without this commitment to start from the inside, going to work. There will be generous. Will be consumed in less than a week, or we'll come to hate themselves. First start work from the inside. Take a day off from work. Walk the streets where you live. Look deep into the pain and suffering of your children and children of the world. Let the pain you grow in their passion until he starts to grow with it. You sad. Flared up. Run-up. Only when you get to love what you do. Your heart will be there and whether they succeed or not, your conscience will be clear.
emotions of melodrama is not generosity. Neil Kinnock, British Labour Party leader, once said: "Generosity is not sweet and syrupy sentiment towards the disadvantaged and sick ... but is an absolutely practical belief." Generous people are passionate, they have before eyes a living world, a world to which they are strong feelings.
They stem from a mature and informed conscience who knows that a lack of compassion lead to serious consequences in the real world. Generosity is smart. But however involve emotions. You can be generous if you do not feel anything in your soul.

Generosity. Resume in their hands a book that, for the first time I read it, treat such an idea: "Capitalism generous." It happened about eight years ago when, for the first time you browse a book by Richard DeVos, who was familiar to me in other ways, as a co-founder of a giant company that bore his imprint principles. A book written copasiune with weight. I was impressed. Which is why I return to it as a place dear to me and that invigorates me. Although published in 1993 in California, the book seems to me a striking actuality ...
Returning to the idea of \u200b\u200bgenerosity. If we try to do "what is good" without this commitment to start from the inside, going to work. There will be generous. Will be consumed in less than a week, or we'll come to hate themselves. First start work from the inside. Take a day off from work. Walk the streets where you live. Look deep into the pain and suffering of your children and children of the world. Let the pain you grow in their passion until he starts to grow with it. You sad. Flared up. Run-up. Only when you get to love what you do. Your heart will be there and whether they succeed or not, your conscience will be clear.
emotions of melodrama is not generosity. Neil Kinnock, British Labour Party leader, once said: "Generosity is not sweet and syrupy sentiment towards the disadvantaged and sick ... but is an absolutely practical belief." Generous people are passionate, they have before eyes a living world, a world to which they are strong feelings.
They stem from a mature and informed conscience who knows that a lack of compassion lead to serious consequences in the real world. Generosity is smart. But however involve emotions. You can be generous if you do not feel anything in your soul.
Monday, March 30, 2009
1968 Lincoln Continental
far ... / From far-away my winter holidays
not never thought I'd be able to go home to this remote destination that is South Africa ... I would not have believed that everything that happened to me before leaving looks like it was impossible to leave: the unresolved issues at work and up to a terrible virus, there have been around all through my last few days home state.
Yet we left, I traveled, I got.
write this first week in Cape Town. It was a quiet week, because that's the spirit of the place and I felt full. I've had for a few rides on the ubiquitous mountains here, where my host Sue goes every morning, inevitably, along with their three dogs.
Cape Town is a huge city, very large, dominated by ocean and mountains. Sue lives in a beautiful area with large houses and gardens and more, as a residential area. In their home are, currently, some of their children, who welcomed me here on a temporary or sister who came outside to their quiet time, for nobody knows how long:)
After a week I feel part of the family, I manage to handle the house and cooking and I! It was extremely difficult to understand how these people live and still do not know if I got the real deal or just a trial from the perspective of cultural and anthropological ... In any case, I fail to detach from all those they've left home and are collected in a bag somewhere in my memory that hangs heavy in the rear. Beyond the mountains
guys are wonderful, beautiful gardens around me, beyond each sunrise with distant horizon, across the Atlantic that I admired it hitting the steep cliffs of the shores of Hout Bay, somewhere among the hundreds Fynbos plants in the universe and the incredible natural wealth of South Africa, have seen a few times day ... Romania. From thousands of miles away, passes through my soul in a way impossible. Maybe it's reminiscent of the pain that I carry inside me for 8 months when I went to Bucharest, maybe it is home sick or maybe just me certain things find their place so close to each other that is confusing. There could be things of universal nature, and then no matter what label cultural / national / linguistic gate "so to me, says mountain mountain, grass so the grass is said to me. Therefore, for me, the fountain springs, therefore, for me, life is lived. " **
I Would Have Never believed That I'll actually manage to leave home to this far-away destination which is South Africa… I would never have believed it because of everything that happened to me just before leaving: from unsolved issues at work to the flu, I’ve had it all. Still, I managed to leave, I have traveled and I arrived.
I am writing these lines after my first week in Cape Town. It has been a relaxed week, for this is the spirit of the place and I have really felt it. There was time for some walks on the mountains that are everywhere here and that my hostess, Sue, visits every morning, along with her 3 dogs.
Cape Town is a huge city, dominated by the oceans and the mountains. Sue lives in a very beautiful area, with big houses and gardens, an area of just houses. I am currently living in their house, Where I Have Been Their integrated as a member of family. It is really nice how people live here, in a relaxed SUCH Manner and so openly. I'm not sure I can really understand it or I'm just Judging from year anthropological-cultural perspective. In Any case, it is hard to actually fly away from home and all the issues I left behind.
not never thought I'd be able to go home to this remote destination that is South Africa ... I would not have believed that everything that happened to me before leaving looks like it was impossible to leave: the unresolved issues at work and up to a terrible virus, there have been around all through my last few days home state.
Yet we left, I traveled, I got.
write this first week in Cape Town. It was a quiet week, because that's the spirit of the place and I felt full. I've had for a few rides on the ubiquitous mountains here, where my host Sue goes every morning, inevitably, along with their three dogs.
Cape Town is a huge city, very large, dominated by ocean and mountains. Sue lives in a beautiful area with large houses and gardens and more, as a residential area. In their home are, currently, some of their children, who welcomed me here on a temporary or sister who came outside to their quiet time, for nobody knows how long:)
After a week I feel part of the family, I manage to handle the house and cooking and I! It was extremely difficult to understand how these people live and still do not know if I got the real deal or just a trial from the perspective of cultural and anthropological ... In any case, I fail to detach from all those they've left home and are collected in a bag somewhere in my memory that hangs heavy in the rear. Beyond the mountains
guys are wonderful, beautiful gardens around me, beyond each sunrise with distant horizon, across the Atlantic that I admired it hitting the steep cliffs of the shores of Hout Bay, somewhere among the hundreds Fynbos plants in the universe and the incredible natural wealth of South Africa, have seen a few times day ... Romania. From thousands of miles away, passes through my soul in a way impossible. Maybe it's reminiscent of the pain that I carry inside me for 8 months when I went to Bucharest, maybe it is home sick or maybe just me certain things find their place so close to each other that is confusing. There could be things of universal nature, and then no matter what label cultural / national / linguistic gate "so to me, says mountain mountain, grass so the grass is said to me. Therefore, for me, the fountain springs, therefore, for me, life is lived. " **
I Would Have Never believed That I'll actually manage to leave home to this far-away destination which is South Africa… I would never have believed it because of everything that happened to me just before leaving: from unsolved issues at work to the flu, I’ve had it all. Still, I managed to leave, I have traveled and I arrived.
I am writing these lines after my first week in Cape Town. It has been a relaxed week, for this is the spirit of the place and I have really felt it. There was time for some walks on the mountains that are everywhere here and that my hostess, Sue, visits every morning, along with her 3 dogs.
Cape Town is a huge city, dominated by the oceans and the mountains. Sue lives in a very beautiful area, with big houses and gardens, an area of just houses. I am currently living in their house, Where I Have Been Their integrated as a member of family. It is really nice how people live here, in a relaxed SUCH Manner and so openly. I'm not sure I can really understand it or I'm just Judging from year anthropological-cultural perspective. In Any case, it is hard to actually fly away from home and all the issues I left behind.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Problems With Sims 3 Licence
R. Edward Freeman and Barak Obama in 2008's 100 Most influential in Business Ethics Generosity
Ethisphere, "The World's Most Recognized Name in Business Ethics and Anti-Corruption" carried on the end of 2008 top 100 most influential people in business ethics. The 100 are part of the nine categories: Government and Regulatory, Business Leadership, Non-Government Organisation, Design and Sustainability, Media and whistleblowers, Thought Leadership, Corporate Culture, Investment and Research and Legal and Governance.
What caught my attention was the reason for including reading list of those persons in the top 100. Barak Obama, for example, the 14th .. made promises, and RE Freeman, author of stakeholder theory year University of Virginia, wrote ... too much.
14. Barack Obama - U.S. President Elect
Category: Government and Regulatory
Did What? He made
Obama Promises made ethics a cornerstone of HAS HIS administration, Which in turn caused already HAS a priority on ethics to Trickle down into public and private companies. Many businesses have already responded directly or indirectly by shifting their overall business strategy.
78. R. Edward Freeman – Professor of Business Administration at The Darden School, University of Virginia
Category: Thought Leadership
Did What? He wrote…a lot
Another repeat from the 2007 list, Freeman doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. His hand (brain) must be getting tired from all the books he has written (and currently is writing). Notably in 2008 his idea of “stakeholder theory,” a theory that takes into account business ethics when managing an organization, really took off.
Topul este, incontestabil, a reference for enthusiasts of business ethics and CSR. Take a look:)
http:// "> 20 / # 78
Ethisphere, "The World's Most Recognized Name in Business Ethics and Anti-Corruption" carried on the end of 2008 top 100 most influential people in business ethics. The 100 are part of the nine categories: Government and Regulatory, Business Leadership, Non-Government Organisation, Design and Sustainability, Media and whistleblowers, Thought Leadership, Corporate Culture, Investment and Research and Legal and Governance.
What caught my attention was the reason for including reading list of those persons in the top 100. Barak Obama, for example, the 14th .. made promises, and RE Freeman, author of stakeholder theory year University of Virginia, wrote ... too much.
14. Barack Obama - U.S. President Elect
Category: Government and Regulatory
Did What? He made
Obama Promises made ethics a cornerstone of HAS HIS administration, Which in turn caused already HAS a priority on ethics to Trickle down into public and private companies. Many businesses have already responded directly or indirectly by shifting their overall business strategy.
78. R. Edward Freeman – Professor of Business Administration at The Darden School, University of Virginia
Category: Thought Leadership
Did What? He wrote…a lot
Another repeat from the 2007 list, Freeman doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. His hand (brain) must be getting tired from all the books he has written (and currently is writing). Notably in 2008 his idea of “stakeholder theory,” a theory that takes into account business ethics when managing an organization, really took off.
Topul este, incontestabil, a reference for enthusiasts of business ethics and CSR. Take a look:)
http:// "> 20 / # 78
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Where Should I Keep A Deed Of Variation
A few days I think importance of generosity, a slightly pompous word can, but very comprehensive social responsibility. Because when you're rich then you are responsible, is evidence of active involvement.
I start from individual, interpersonal relations, and not what's new which consisted of: when you are generous to others, generosity and appreciation in return. Get the confidence and consideration. It is a behavioral pattern that some companies have it, is part of their reason for being, is their mission, and some try to mimic it.
Some days ago I attended the conference held at the British Embassy initiative on corporate social responsibility during the economic downturn. The presentations of speakers, welcomed the speech began with the British Ambassador to Romania, Robin Barnett ( had jointly idea that those who are not may need help to help themselves. Presentation by Patrick O'Meara (Business in the Comunity) illustrated the importance of corporate contributions in the development of schools and institutions locally, Adrian Drafts intervention (Habitat for Humanity) has shown how vulnerable people can receive help to mobilize them, giving them a second chance in life may by building a home safety. And now back to an old question. It's more than welcome the involvement of corporations and NGOs in social dilemmas, but should be limited? Rephrase: how generous the state should be involved at this level? It's no surprise that place high value on corporate support of adding the government says that even a substitution of state powers by the actions of corporations. Someone said that the architecture of a period can make you understand the things present. For instance, now, national corporate headquarters mutinaţionale are most frequent and impressive architecture, hence their importance in establishing a social pace.
conference included an entirely new topic, the donation of a British company (Silverdell) used to renovate the Municipal Hospital of Craiova. A very nice initiative that brings to an uncomfortable question: why can not yet speak of Romanian companies to do so, to contribute to the welfare of local, national. It is, I think, a matter of generosity.
British Embassy initiative is worthy of appreciation and show a new variant of social responsibility, active involvement in sustainable development of our embassies in countries that are represented. A question of generosity ...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Bullet Speed Hunting Rifles
Stakeholder Forum The July revolution of sustainability
stakeholder theory seems to be strongly correlated with a company's sustainability strategy, regardless of size or her profile. This is because stakeholders
are interested parties, the parties affected by the activities of a corporation, but, moreover, is one of the wheels that keep vertcalitatea are a pillar of support. Browse-uind various materials on stakeholder theory, I came across a forum of stakeholders, an interesting basic material that I invite you to watch. Enjoy!
stakeholder theory seems to be strongly correlated with a company's sustainability strategy, regardless of size or her profile. This is because stakeholders
are interested parties, the parties affected by the activities of a corporation, but, moreover, is one of the wheels that keep vertcalitatea are a pillar of support. Browse-uind various materials on stakeholder theory, I came across a forum of stakeholders, an interesting basic material that I invite you to watch. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Aishwarya Rai Showing His Titts
The Triple Bottom Line or TBL is a concept thought initiator sustainable business consultancy in the UK, John Elkington, since 1987. Minimalist, "the triple bottom line" is a corporate target in three directions axiological: towards the economic, environmental and social giving.
What caught my attention in the book that I started to read, "The TBL does it all add up?" (2004) is a progressive line triple bottom line, that under 70s PR managers and lawyers were in sight of sustainability policies, while involving only the 90 CEOs and board members. It's a shift that shows the growing importance and evolution of the concept of sustainability over time for 20 years. Returning
Romanian mioritic space, speaking about CSR as a corporate new accessory, a must-have "of the PR strategy, I think, in a breath optimistic that the current state of the TBL is a first step (the one from the 70s) and that at a time, we will cover the advance of Western countries have it (twenty years).
Elkington speaks seven revolutions, 7 paradigmatic change that marks the transition to a sustainable capitalism: markets, values, transparency, life-cycle technology, partnerships, time and corporate governance. The first revolution, which will be the result of market competition Will lead to real economic earthquake that will transform the world, in fact, markets, thixotropic, companies and industries will swallow, given that they will not be addressed TBL thinking strategies.
The second revolution of values \u200b\u200b involves an increase in universal values, which, again, a company may purpose thixotropic.
the Revolution partnerships that caught my atenţia.Pentru new types of partnerships between companies will appear, competing organizations began to flirt to make the third and fourth sustainability revolution.
ravoluţie Seventh, the corporate governance, resulting from changes in the past, capitalism will increase the chances of sustainable development.
All changes are strictly related to movements in the political landscape. Any development outside it is impossible.
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Klaus Schwab, Executive Director and initiator of the World Economic Forum, the Foreign Affairs, January / February. 2008, in his article "Global Corporate Citizenship: Working With Governments and Civil Society", expressing a viewpoint worthy viewfinder. He says that today we are witnessing a decline in power of states and the continuous increase of the influence companies on communities, lives, people and environment.
other words, as it weakens the power of states, the sphere of influence widens business. In these circumstances, Schwab's conclusion sounds like "companies must engage in global social issues. At the same time, we must understand that business can not solve one major global issues such as poverty, poor education and health services. Governments are primarily responsible for public services. "
In this regard, the development of strategies for sustainability practices can not be attributed to voluntary economic giants, guilty of compromising the environment or other degrading actions. Regulation of such conduct must be on the governmental structures. At least, that should happen.
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Office Linebaker
What would happen if all the ethical violations of a company should be penalized imediaaat? And not by some sanctions, but with Terry's help. We could talk about ethical discipline? See this. It's rough.
What would happen if all the ethical violations of a company should be penalized imediaaat? And not by some sanctions, but with Terry's help. We could talk about ethical discipline? See this. It's rough.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Period 3 Days Late Cramping, High Cervix
/ My winter holidays
Dear friends who read from time to time about my experiences and discoveries, lo
back with our latest news! Too much time has passed since the last adventures, it's true, and that because after I returned from Croatia we worked hard, and in December I spent some time trying to finish my dissertation for the Master ... Then I ran home for the holidays, where we stayed with family as much as I could. The last two months were therefore threefold experience, so to speak ... (well, three things were essential):)
want to tell you a little about each side of it, if I succeed!
School and the school and ...
First, the dissertation work was extremely intense, as it was to finish our work by the end of December. I tried hard, I read, I did interviews, I thought, meditated and wrote ... I would like that once, to share what I am able to write with more people - maybe I'll do it. Frankly, the theme I have chosen is quite wide and not very specialized, so it can be easily understood, but are not very happy with the conclusions we reached. I think I have very much to study and understand that I may pass away, at a level close to what some call the truth. However, it will confess that I read some superb material, on this occasion (I'll post some bibliographical indications here on the blog somewhere) and I discovered something very interesting discussions with several people working in NGOs in Romania. I thank, in this way, all these people, because they offered me a lot of encouragement and inspiration!
And if I close the well and the stage of "evolution of my academic" (too much said, but it sounds clearer wording) I guess I'll take a long break until the next efoturi in this! (I can not wait ...)
winter holidays in Oradea
Somewhere Good Friday before Christmas I realized that the approaching holidays, though I am still in Bucharest, dark house, doing nothing more than to read and write ... Rather bleak outlook, right? So I decided to stop for a while and go home, that'll just-just never got to do something and I for Christmas preparations. Of course my mother was the supreme master and me and this time I have left too few showers, but at least I was home. Well, when I rediscovered the meaning of this word "home" and I have also clarified some questions, such as why I have three places where they live? What is actually my home (or where I feel "at home")? Why should always carry the things from one place to another, becoming a kind of snail that is struggling, always against the clock to reach everywhere in the house back?
Then I got to thinking that there are people in this world who do not even have a house, and I have three related dilemmas ... Kinda weird and wrong. So I left aside and I was present dilemmas in the bosom of our family winter events, following that at some point to solve the problem of the three houses.
must say it was very nice holiday in Oradea. It's amazing that almost 30 years you have two grandparents and You can discuss almost anything with them and was great to see you all, to roam and eat (of course) together. Of course I also met a number of friends and Oradea my scouts and I was very happy to see you all, I'm sorry that we did not see them and others. It seems that two weeks is too little to recover my "debt" in Oradea).
Anyway, all my batteries charged for the next few months of solitude (in) capital and thank everyone who contributed to this! It certainly was one of the most significant holidays of my life in many ways and because many people.
And, of course, the mountain ...
Well, I would not be able to get through this holiday without having to be out somewhere on the mountain. After two months of Bucharest I felt trapped in the right urban civilization - which, in fact, not even sit on a high gear in my system of values \u200b\u200b... Although my efforts to do tours in places as varied as they failed (because I realized that I needed and off), I managed to get out about 4 days Crisului Gorge. I was with some friends and we walked Vadu Crisului Sunsuius, Damis, Bratca, I learned to climb stairs and I rediscovered the pleasure I wash in cold mountain water. When asked if I Camelia plictistit I still go to Cris-Suncuius Vadu not respond further, and I like the as much as about 12 years ago when I started to know her!
In any case, there were some wonderful days with few visitors and some snow, with a half-white forest, temperatures of minus 10-20 degrees and sunny with teeth ... And I managed to find a dead badger in my eyes that looks like a wild boar head (to see what can be done too much time out with a man so ...), and Cami Marius laughed a week on the ground this ... Cris
Gorge remains for me an exalted place in any season, where I hope to go slowly more and more tourists who know how to respect nature and less of those who, although they carried cans filled up at camping, do not know or will not take them back empty ... The atmosphere somewhat magical places will tell them more and pictures on #
Instead of closing
If you dilemmas, will tell you a secret: the family is one that will solve any problem!
If you doubt this, make your family and you'll see! Unfortunately not say from experience but from observation, reading and more importantly, the experience of people who I admire very much and we trust - but I think that it matters! **
My dear friends non-Romanian speaking,
I am sorry that I Have not Been Able to write about my winter holidays in English as well, it seems that I am HAVING more inspiration in Romanian. But briefly, I tell you that I Will Have Been in Oradea for 2 weeks and HAD the most wonderful vacation, with family and friends and, of course, a bit on the mountain - please see the pictures on http://picasaweb. / ioanalook / IarnaInMuntiiPadureaCraiuluiWinterInPadureaCraiuluiMountains #
Dear friends who read from time to time about my experiences and discoveries, lo
back with our latest news! Too much time has passed since the last adventures, it's true, and that because after I returned from Croatia we worked hard, and in December I spent some time trying to finish my dissertation for the Master ... Then I ran home for the holidays, where we stayed with family as much as I could. The last two months were therefore threefold experience, so to speak ... (well, three things were essential):)
want to tell you a little about each side of it, if I succeed!
School and the school and ...
First, the dissertation work was extremely intense, as it was to finish our work by the end of December. I tried hard, I read, I did interviews, I thought, meditated and wrote ... I would like that once, to share what I am able to write with more people - maybe I'll do it. Frankly, the theme I have chosen is quite wide and not very specialized, so it can be easily understood, but are not very happy with the conclusions we reached. I think I have very much to study and understand that I may pass away, at a level close to what some call the truth. However, it will confess that I read some superb material, on this occasion (I'll post some bibliographical indications here on the blog somewhere) and I discovered something very interesting discussions with several people working in NGOs in Romania. I thank, in this way, all these people, because they offered me a lot of encouragement and inspiration!
And if I close the well and the stage of "evolution of my academic" (too much said, but it sounds clearer wording) I guess I'll take a long break until the next efoturi in this! (I can not wait ...)
winter holidays in Oradea
Somewhere Good Friday before Christmas I realized that the approaching holidays, though I am still in Bucharest, dark house, doing nothing more than to read and write ... Rather bleak outlook, right? So I decided to stop for a while and go home, that'll just-just never got to do something and I for Christmas preparations. Of course my mother was the supreme master and me and this time I have left too few showers, but at least I was home. Well, when I rediscovered the meaning of this word "home" and I have also clarified some questions, such as why I have three places where they live? What is actually my home (or where I feel "at home")? Why should always carry the things from one place to another, becoming a kind of snail that is struggling, always against the clock to reach everywhere in the house back?
Then I got to thinking that there are people in this world who do not even have a house, and I have three related dilemmas ... Kinda weird and wrong. So I left aside and I was present dilemmas in the bosom of our family winter events, following that at some point to solve the problem of the three houses.
must say it was very nice holiday in Oradea. It's amazing that almost 30 years you have two grandparents and You can discuss almost anything with them and was great to see you all, to roam and eat (of course) together. Of course I also met a number of friends and Oradea my scouts and I was very happy to see you all, I'm sorry that we did not see them and others. It seems that two weeks is too little to recover my "debt" in Oradea).
Anyway, all my batteries charged for the next few months of solitude (in) capital and thank everyone who contributed to this! It certainly was one of the most significant holidays of my life in many ways and because many people.
And, of course, the mountain ...
Well, I would not be able to get through this holiday without having to be out somewhere on the mountain. After two months of Bucharest I felt trapped in the right urban civilization - which, in fact, not even sit on a high gear in my system of values \u200b\u200b... Although my efforts to do tours in places as varied as they failed (because I realized that I needed and off), I managed to get out about 4 days Crisului Gorge. I was with some friends and we walked Vadu Crisului Sunsuius, Damis, Bratca, I learned to climb stairs and I rediscovered the pleasure I wash in cold mountain water. When asked if I Camelia plictistit I still go to Cris-Suncuius Vadu not respond further, and I like the as much as about 12 years ago when I started to know her!
In any case, there were some wonderful days with few visitors and some snow, with a half-white forest, temperatures of minus 10-20 degrees and sunny with teeth ... And I managed to find a dead badger in my eyes that looks like a wild boar head (to see what can be done too much time out with a man so ...), and Cami Marius laughed a week on the ground this ... Cris
Gorge remains for me an exalted place in any season, where I hope to go slowly more and more tourists who know how to respect nature and less of those who, although they carried cans filled up at camping, do not know or will not take them back empty ... The atmosphere somewhat magical places will tell them more and pictures on #
Instead of closing
If you dilemmas, will tell you a secret: the family is one that will solve any problem!
If you doubt this, make your family and you'll see! Unfortunately not say from experience but from observation, reading and more importantly, the experience of people who I admire very much and we trust - but I think that it matters! **
My dear friends non-Romanian speaking,
I am sorry that I Have not Been Able to write about my winter holidays in English as well, it seems that I am HAVING more inspiration in Romanian. But briefly, I tell you that I Will Have Been in Oradea for 2 weeks and HAD the most wonderful vacation, with family and friends and, of course, a bit on the mountain - please see the pictures on http://picasaweb. / ioanalook / IarnaInMuntiiPadureaCraiuluiWinterInPadureaCraiuluiMountains #
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