Kurt Diemberger - K2. Mount mountains. Dream and Destiny * K2: Mountain of Dreams and Destiny. Specifically In 2010 the book was published in Romanian Kurt Diemberger - in its German version, "Trauma und Schicksal." I read it immediately, although at first it seemed to block me all the small errors in speech or writing, which unfortunately are quite common in translating the book. Content is remarkable however, is a superb book and I think worth reading especially for those passionate or even interested in the mountain.
Besides setting out a whole history of expeditions on K2, in the light of his own stories and experiences but also using other sources of information the author recounts his odyssey mainly related to the peak, the second in the world but perhaps the most attractive and most threatening at the same time. Of course, this is known climber together - like many others, for that matter - a woman, Julie Tullis. As in other areas of life, and this woman is secondary, "in shadow" generally being the man who first captured attention. No matter, we are accustomed, and importantly, what can I do and what women actually do, primarily because of what they are. In addition important figures of men climbing, Diemberger us the opportunity to know and some outstanding women climbers - first on Julie, who was recognized by her compatriots and even today there are "Julie Tullis Memorial Award" by the British Mountaineering Council - then polonezele Wanda Rutkiewicz, Krystyna Palmowska and "Mrowka" Dobroslawa Wolf and Liliane Barrard and Josemi Casimiro, which they climb the mountains and men with partners.
It seems that only 5 women have reached the summit of K2 (http://www.everestnews.com/sumk2.htm) and three of them died on the way down ... My curiosity linked The women climbers begin to find their way to meet once reading this book!
Diemberger insists on the story of disastrous 1986, when many climbers have lost their valuable lives climbing K2. He tries to reconstruct the whole tragedy step by step, providing important details to understand the reasons that led to that outcome terribly painful ...
book contains not only detailed account of the days spent in 1986 by Kurt and Julie in K2's base camp and then on the mountain, trying to climb the peak, but also entire chapters leading to the trip, which basically outlines the way the two to rise K2. Among these, the author subtly inserted, like a message to someone who will understand and learn about what it means climbing "the mountain of mountains", small chapters of the book somewhat different from the rest - such as mountains Jinlab-Magic (Chapter written by daughter etc.) or Reaching altitudes. After
how he wrote and designed this book, Kurt Diemberger is definitely one for the mountain climbers is not just a place to climb, not only offers physical challenges psychological and peaks to conquer, but represents a true symbol, an opportunity for self-knowledge and self-actualization, the understanding of the world and the universe, the mountain is also a place that houses people who put their stamp on culture and their livelihood, and they, in turn, humane realm of rock and snow. Already in 1986, when the K2 base had gathered about a dozen different expeditions, Diemberger remarkable impact that it has not only crowded the area, the conditions on the mountain, but also on men who climbed: "To call a modern alpine" jungle "is not, I am convinced, an exaggeration, given what is happening now in the Himalayas. In addition to the camaraderie at the base camp, there are few positive aspects when several expeditions share the same route. " Even if not everyone gets on the same route, obabil that today is even more difficult in this regard.
recommend this book and that it has some important information about climbing in time of peak K2, citing several sources, including Xavier Mari Abrego and Eguskitza. Romanian edition contains some relevant images of the area of \u200b\u200bmountain climbers and present there in 1986. Although it was a mountain of the first books that I read, opened my appetite for reading and also I think this is an important merit. **
I have recently read the Romanian edition of this book, the wonderful book by a great Mountaineer Mountaineering. While the Romanian version May Not Be the Best, I Suppo the English or German ones Will Provide the reader with the most pleasant and Absorbing story. This book is mostly
about the 1986 expedition on K2 of Kurt and his partner, Julie Tullis, but it presents a detailed account of the other expeditions present on the mountain in the same year. Diemberger remarks this unusual crowd that was gathered in the base camp and the fact that it made the ascensions more difficult for everyone. (I don’t want to imagine what it must be like today!) The core of the story here is actually the entire itinerary that the two had towards K2 (with previous attempts that failed and with due preparations), showing the attraction the mountain exercised upon them both. However, the author offers also a history of K2 expeditions and some relevant photos (at least in the Romanian edition), plus some chapters that talk about things related to such climbs, like altitude issues and more spiritual or cultural aspects of climbing the high mountains of Asia, that are still inhabited (some) by people throughout the year.
I highly recommend this book to all those interested in mountaineering, but also to people who want to find out more about this field. It is also a good source of information about the history of K2 expeditions and a helping hand in getting to know some of the most famous alpinists in the world – both male and female: Hermann Buhl, Renato Casarotto, Polish female climbers like Wanda Rutkiewicz, Krystyna Palmowska and „Mrowka” Dobroslawa Wolf etc.
In a nutshell, it is a book worth reading, in my opinion! And although it is one of my first mountaineering books, it definitely opened my taste for the genre, Which I believe is important year success!