life lesson that we are part of Sunday on the fields of Suncuius mioritical ...
I tried yesterday, being Sunday and Tom is free to go out "family" somewhere the mountains where we walk (but not too much as Sofia is still small) and eventually Marius can climb a bit.
We decided to go to Suncuius that had not been for a long time and we like to climb to the lookout across the street from Ungurului cave, where we take the back, above the railway tunnel, for Blanaca, descending Cris etc. Said and done: we all got in the car (ie you and me, baby, and Skip, our malamute dog who just turned one year). Entering the big bend of the road to see it's Cris-sun does not beat about the shadow still there, and when we reached the hut Zenovia I noticed a small flock of sheep on the hill in front of the cabin. I sighed at the thought that Skip will not be free and already we were about to tell him Marius to go back already had two reasons to Pelc there. It turned out immediately that it ought to do.
I stopped, Marius descended with Skip (linked) to see how it's going to wet rocks where he wanted to do some bouldering. Sofia had just woke up and sat her quiet shell, so I went down to see how little the car is cold. Suddenly I see him running toward the cabin Skip, then taking it to rush up the hill, after the sheep. Marius after him, calling him. I started crying myself to him, but I think we covered the water noise desperate voices. Three sheep were taken to the edge of a cliff and then I thought my heart stops, that could very well fall. Which grace of God, did not happen, dear instead of a sheep dog drove right into the Cris, passing in our midst insensitive to any cries ... Shepherd was already angry at the peak and run to the beat Marius high swearing. Another man (I found out that all local) who had come to a barbecue with his wife, as I suppose, and with another couple and he was heading to Marius with an ax in his hand. Marius already went to Cris him out on Skip and sheep, was in water up to knee, along with clothes and boots. Luckily
Sophia was still quiet, so I thought to occur, maybe I might be able to calm down a little spirits. The image of two men headed towards the thought of beating Marius, I suppose, and just driving me crazy that I did not want, to escape the scandal. I started talking to her (or rather to shout, otherwise did not work) and to assure them that if sheep died, and that we will pay you out a water Marius etc. A young popular tourist came to ask me not to punish him dog that just playing in a third villager began to give us lessons on how a dog attack and how that could kill sheep to eat . Needless to explain them as a puppy, that his best friends are cats that bite only neighbors and food etc.. etc.. I let it go and tried to explain to Shepherd as a tourist place so where it is known that many people coming all the time and it is circulated, you should not blame the sheep, I assured come as much time there as I have never had such problems, although Marius always brings his dog. He backed up and loud that place is pasture, as he always grazed there. In vain I explained that when the tourists should be warned, there will be a panel or something. I only managed to further underpin it, so I woke up as I get threatened with a bat in the head. What left me absolutely speechless, especially after I had seen before. Meanwhile
sheep was outside, and Skip as Marius, already punished him ... I removed it and Sofia, who meanwhile had begun to shake her, so one of the women was grilled about me that I, with a young child, I do not have a responsibility as a shepherd for the sheep and that from this lives, and we let the dog free there. Oh, big mistake I did indeed, but from there to being threatened to get a bat on the head or we will cut other parts of the body with an ax, it's a long way ... It appears that not for the people of Suncuius, which among others have managed to destroy everything that was of touristic interest in the cave which is how the Hungarians and welcomes its visitors. Besides all the amenities outside the cave and they have been placed on the tray (another mistake), do not even have managed to maintain a minimum level of functioning. Everything in the cave was destroyed and the cottage is now closed and the cave can be visited only in times when the user is there. In fact, do not even know if there is any guide - the last one left in the U.S. this year and no one local was not interested in taking charge. Let me ask the Why? I do not know if it makes sense ... I should have thought it was a few years ago when my colleague said that the Suncuius not have someone to do projects and community development, and I, being naive, insist that it can be. Well, look what I missed to convince me: a threat to beat up and a scandal that lived yesterday ... Then I realized that in fact these things can happen anywhere. Brothers, live Romania, a country of all possibilities, with its undulations mioritical that no dog has no right to walk in freedom - but shepherds can not count as attacking tourists (as had happened several years ago Padis). Viva Şuncuiuş weekend paradise of pollution Oradea `s population fleeing the city to reach the welcoming arms of some locals who forgot to be men, not to mention civilized ... I learned something myself on this occasion.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Sim 3 Egypt The Third Relic
Frankly, I mixed it myself, instead, try to harmonize them and give them one if I do not dezamestec sens.Insa vibration, no mixing nothing, not even soup because: I AM THE WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE, it is true that only one path, truth and life, only one path overlapped somewhat with the only truly unique life.
I repeat it, separations of any kind do not do well in mind that a body be it, but even spirit has sometimes indigestion, proof that we do not always feel bine.Conform correspondence law, what's up's and down, but where we know what's up if you do not see what's down?
Our sense here is to see what is down, so harmonizing ourselves with what is above, but no goal .. all up and down than noastra.Oricum mind, I do understand how vibration in that it does not vibrate as I speak or do something, but do something or communicate depending on how vibrez.Atunci explain why I can not understand or perceive certain aspects, the simple fact that it does not vibrate as those aspects.
Love is a feeling, an emotion, is a state fund that connects and harmonizes everything, playful and unpredictable, and we have no matter vibrates emotionally, we perceive only its own reflection in the auric field, in the form of sensory reality. That is extaticii
and mysticism are not only different people with different manifestations, any excitement was something extra in one direction, but usually with weaknesses in many other directions, that the man is the very need for balance in everything.
course, does not seem so, say it's apparent imbalance and chaos everywhere, but took a very broad, ANY and EVERYONE fits at a time, from the very moment when he harmonizes his respectiv.Pe some causal, others blend between them, through collaboration, and a small part is autoarmonizeaza by constieta and 'love. Here's
mixture of vibrations for we do not know exactly where we are part of this process can be all three simultaneously, that is normal.
I, the little man with the body, close your eyes and dream about how it is its own spirit, reflected in the plan in plan.Insa infoenergia I infoenergie sudden revelation that it has closed eyes, And I Dream of Me, OMULETUL.Asta explain everything, if Both dream of me and I, how can we intilnii? Somewhere in the middle, between a big dream and a small, yet dreams meet, and then smile with all beings, but we are aware that the whole, true reality is beyond any dream, and so I woke (ESC) im.
are not schizophrenic, I do not perceive myself as dual and I, both as a being which has many representations from which we chose two, one sensors and one that needs no senzori.Amindoua are aspects of existence and representation is neither real intent as existing only in our dreams, but you are all here, at this level means not only that the existence I'm still dreaming, but even this has a sense of self that exists in itself.
And then, I was resisting because it would mean to deny vis.Visele another dream, the reality of physical, mental and emotional, seem real because we are REAL and we loaded them with the vibration of reality, and food processor every time , giving them stability and continuity, we perceive this to how powerful we actually are, each in its reality.
subtle dynamic worlds, invisible to that are dynamic, the reality is his time and vibration, but the level of perception of time is different for each type, static but dynamic in the matrix itself, the dynamics of the matrix itself.
Thus, if we imagine their sexual organ equipped with eyes, nose, ears and hands we can see how we perceive reality because in that area is all about the instinct for survival, and our newest species.
elections happen in our belly, not only at what remains and what leaves the channel via the toilet, but the choices between what we've become accustomed to call good and evil, and the first formal representation, straight lines connecting things. Above
appear and curves, and the choice of gain strength, as this color representation and a level of perception which means she sees the world as it is, but also the principle cause stomach like effect as applied, depending on the digestion.
And just so physical level of perception, here comes the abstract, summary, arriving somewhere in the forehead with meditation, contemplation, intuition, and of course the so-called pump that binds us and keeps us together, and beat us in life every moment.
entire perception of the level of representation is being everywhere in the universe, but it would be great if we could represent the first harmonic and these three and those who see and know what you will not see show.
And now, about lumina.Lumina, not quantity that is the basis of form and fund in any plan.Intr a very odd, as you take in life-giving sun, although light and solar radiation are rather destructive primary energy alive, but neconstructiva.Cu fecundity, fertility, growth, development and status Health is responsible for subtle moon, plants, chickens and more children grow up in the cycle at night without sleep and dream man is a zombie, and then reflect on the fact that this whole perception is wrong, where it seems really dark .. light . invizibila.Soarele action is simply that, energy consumption, energy assumes not asleep but sitting at the beach, or in more advanced cases, meditate and create.
back to light, photons or quanta are the same element, one subdivision being the other, and invers.Chestia light, wave or particle, has a meaning in the midst of creation, especially taking into account the visible rezonanta.Fotonii inseparatie and backed up certain types of quanta and photons are hidden behind the visible quanta, namely that atomi.Suna we call weird, I know, but this statement is the result of a sight with many types of eyes together.
light in which we swim now, will remember how I was unconscious or semi constineti 10-15 years ago, still prone to dumenzeu empirically the heavenly and earthly hierarchy and fools still think smart scientist who said that we matter and biochemical reactions and the priest who said that we come and we would go back in and the dust.
Now, there are few certainties, but questions and experiences, attitudes and representations of increasingly higher, are believed nesfirsite.A simply became unconscious representation of naive and not very many but I think more than enough to be served the tray, I believe in their own perception and experience in this, and texts prefabricated to be blind and deaf not to see them and not their eyes opened auzi.Omul Argus, which if I remember correctly, the enemy was said to Hermes, the representative of the intellect.
us back to light up directly and indirectly, this is what mystics call the second coming, and that all civilizations with several rows of eyes have seen it as a zero-time the shot linie.Aceasta light is present in all ages, the artists, teachers, creators of new realities and new models, newer and scientists and creators of technologies (and less in religious and philosophical currents that they just got their models and guinea fowl) all these create countless realities, giving the opportunity to permanently alege.Unii have chosen nu.Cei many others have chosen to let others choose, and now complain of all elections, including political and social.
This light is present in all and every part of us that we chose the point of origin of this seemingly out of keeping us, having always intended to bring us and what we remember how, to lead us in the dance deasemnea density through eternity, point moments budhasi essential to Jesus, Hermes, and michelangeli.
much more than we know from the stories, the universe is multidimensional and each type has its true light, and within or realiatea was going forward, SIMULTANEOUSLY IN ALL ETERN.Au ever been and Jesus, even if you do not seem promoted at all suitable to the character, which we've become accustomed to our expectations and preferintele.Au channel it was and are peasants who love Jesus more than the earth and life itself, is Jesus just smile and smile along with them all of creation are Even Jesus very wealthy that they assume the responsibility of the right to use and simply take care of a large crowd of people, in their own way and in their own vibration and creatie.Sunt and Jesus who invented transistor or washing machine, pen and desfacatorul of beer, some light that I'm aware of, others not, but just as wonderful each.
everything and vibration in the moment, beyond appearances, constineti or not, everybody in the vibration of Jesus, so that light is even and this is life everywhere, without oscillation or disharmonies partinire.Intrega range just say so: concerns and take notice, but that is all light, otherwise I see it, and most dramatic elections appear to be unwise, ignorance and denial, but not reality itself, only as much as you or is someone fed them supply.
vibration of light in us, Jesus or how we want to say, tell us through the ages and teaching The event, really want to supply you all this? And offer alterantivele, always the possibility to choose something else, a different frame to which we give them our attention and presence. But as stated above, I accept that others too much to choose for us, forgetting the fact the only conscious choice, that I chose to be here.

Frankly, I mixed it myself, instead, try to harmonize them and give them one if I do not dezamestec sens.Insa vibration, no mixing nothing, not even soup because: I AM THE WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE, it is true that only one path, truth and life, only one path overlapped somewhat with the only truly unique life.
I repeat it, separations of any kind do not do well in mind that a body be it, but even spirit has sometimes indigestion, proof that we do not always feel bine.Conform correspondence law, what's up's and down, but where we know what's up if you do not see what's down?
Our sense here is to see what is down, so harmonizing ourselves with what is above, but no goal .. all up and down than noastra.Oricum mind, I do understand how vibration in that it does not vibrate as I speak or do something, but do something or communicate depending on how vibrez.Atunci explain why I can not understand or perceive certain aspects, the simple fact that it does not vibrate as those aspects.
Love is a feeling, an emotion, is a state fund that connects and harmonizes everything, playful and unpredictable, and we have no matter vibrates emotionally, we perceive only its own reflection in the auric field, in the form of sensory reality. That is extaticii
and mysticism are not only different people with different manifestations, any excitement was something extra in one direction, but usually with weaknesses in many other directions, that the man is the very need for balance in everything.
course, does not seem so, say it's apparent imbalance and chaos everywhere, but took a very broad, ANY and EVERYONE fits at a time, from the very moment when he harmonizes his respectiv.Pe some causal, others blend between them, through collaboration, and a small part is autoarmonizeaza by constieta and 'love. Here's
mixture of vibrations for we do not know exactly where we are part of this process can be all three simultaneously, that is normal.
I, the little man with the body, close your eyes and dream about how it is its own spirit, reflected in the plan in plan.Insa infoenergia I infoenergie sudden revelation that it has closed eyes, And I Dream of Me, OMULETUL.Asta explain everything, if Both dream of me and I, how can we intilnii? Somewhere in the middle, between a big dream and a small, yet dreams meet, and then smile with all beings, but we are aware that the whole, true reality is beyond any dream, and so I woke (ESC) im.
are not schizophrenic, I do not perceive myself as dual and I, both as a being which has many representations from which we chose two, one sensors and one that needs no senzori.Amindoua are aspects of existence and representation is neither real intent as existing only in our dreams, but you are all here, at this level means not only that the existence I'm still dreaming, but even this has a sense of self that exists in itself.
And then, I was resisting because it would mean to deny vis.Visele another dream, the reality of physical, mental and emotional, seem real because we are REAL and we loaded them with the vibration of reality, and food processor every time , giving them stability and continuity, we perceive this to how powerful we actually are, each in its reality.
subtle dynamic worlds, invisible to that are dynamic, the reality is his time and vibration, but the level of perception of time is different for each type, static but dynamic in the matrix itself, the dynamics of the matrix itself.
Thus, if we imagine their sexual organ equipped with eyes, nose, ears and hands we can see how we perceive reality because in that area is all about the instinct for survival, and our newest species.
elections happen in our belly, not only at what remains and what leaves the channel via the toilet, but the choices between what we've become accustomed to call good and evil, and the first formal representation, straight lines connecting things. Above
appear and curves, and the choice of gain strength, as this color representation and a level of perception which means she sees the world as it is, but also the principle cause stomach like effect as applied, depending on the digestion.
And just so physical level of perception, here comes the abstract, summary, arriving somewhere in the forehead with meditation, contemplation, intuition, and of course the so-called pump that binds us and keeps us together, and beat us in life every moment.
entire perception of the level of representation is being everywhere in the universe, but it would be great if we could represent the first harmonic and these three and those who see and know what you will not see show.
And now, about lumina.Lumina, not quantity that is the basis of form and fund in any plan.Intr a very odd, as you take in life-giving sun, although light and solar radiation are rather destructive primary energy alive, but neconstructiva.Cu fecundity, fertility, growth, development and status Health is responsible for subtle moon, plants, chickens and more children grow up in the cycle at night without sleep and dream man is a zombie, and then reflect on the fact that this whole perception is wrong, where it seems really dark .. light . invizibila.Soarele action is simply that, energy consumption, energy assumes not asleep but sitting at the beach, or in more advanced cases, meditate and create.
back to light, photons or quanta are the same element, one subdivision being the other, and invers.Chestia light, wave or particle, has a meaning in the midst of creation, especially taking into account the visible rezonanta.Fotonii inseparatie and backed up certain types of quanta and photons are hidden behind the visible quanta, namely that atomi.Suna we call weird, I know, but this statement is the result of a sight with many types of eyes together.
light in which we swim now, will remember how I was unconscious or semi constineti 10-15 years ago, still prone to dumenzeu empirically the heavenly and earthly hierarchy and fools still think smart scientist who said that we matter and biochemical reactions and the priest who said that we come and we would go back in and the dust.
Now, there are few certainties, but questions and experiences, attitudes and representations of increasingly higher, are believed nesfirsite.A simply became unconscious representation of naive and not very many but I think more than enough to be served the tray, I believe in their own perception and experience in this, and texts prefabricated to be blind and deaf not to see them and not their eyes opened auzi.Omul Argus, which if I remember correctly, the enemy was said to Hermes, the representative of the intellect.
us back to light up directly and indirectly, this is what mystics call the second coming, and that all civilizations with several rows of eyes have seen it as a zero-time the shot linie.Aceasta light is present in all ages, the artists, teachers, creators of new realities and new models, newer and scientists and creators of technologies (and less in religious and philosophical currents that they just got their models and guinea fowl) all these create countless realities, giving the opportunity to permanently alege.Unii have chosen nu.Cei many others have chosen to let others choose, and now complain of all elections, including political and social.
This light is present in all and every part of us that we chose the point of origin of this seemingly out of keeping us, having always intended to bring us and what we remember how, to lead us in the dance deasemnea density through eternity, point moments budhasi essential to Jesus, Hermes, and michelangeli.
much more than we know from the stories, the universe is multidimensional and each type has its true light, and within or realiatea was going forward, SIMULTANEOUSLY IN ALL ETERN.Au ever been and Jesus, even if you do not seem promoted at all suitable to the character, which we've become accustomed to our expectations and preferintele.Au channel it was and are peasants who love Jesus more than the earth and life itself, is Jesus just smile and smile along with them all of creation are Even Jesus very wealthy that they assume the responsibility of the right to use and simply take care of a large crowd of people, in their own way and in their own vibration and creatie.Sunt and Jesus who invented transistor or washing machine, pen and desfacatorul of beer, some light that I'm aware of, others not, but just as wonderful each.
everything and vibration in the moment, beyond appearances, constineti or not, everybody in the vibration of Jesus, so that light is even and this is life everywhere, without oscillation or disharmonies partinire.Intrega range just say so: concerns and take notice, but that is all light, otherwise I see it, and most dramatic elections appear to be unwise, ignorance and denial, but not reality itself, only as much as you or is someone fed them supply.
vibration of light in us, Jesus or how we want to say, tell us through the ages and teaching The event, really want to supply you all this? And offer alterantivele, always the possibility to choose something else, a different frame to which we give them our attention and presence. But as stated above, I accept that others too much to choose for us, forgetting the fact the only conscious choice, that I chose to be here.

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