Sunday, May 30, 2010
How To Creat A Folder In Root Folder In Linux
tendency to generate new mystical dogmas and new is evident throughout the guide books and blogs, a mixture of rays, masters, entities of all sorts, images that overlap and individual meaning to change this trend is comun.Nota world scientific approach to knowledge generally, and especially synthetic approach rather than analitica.Aceasta approach is more specific when the Uranian influence this feature just enter the era, and that direct observation, already sky is different, broader, more open, more many color blends with a blue tint and night, rain and even when it is usually gray.
so mystic how and scientific approach linked to key words, change is in the balance of perception, however, and balanced infoenergetic potrivit.Am somehow caught on the fly as we challenge the idea that this life is our iluzie.Nivelul perception and understanding is illusory life as a whole is much more complex and different from any static and formal approach we have used so far, taking into account the education and materialistic habit. Basically between matter and energy are permanent deck creation and evolution, represented by the universal mind, aided by the individual, with a clear tendency to and generalize it.
Thus, our body becomes the pivot and center of evolution, biomasina or not, he is the one that requires spiritualization, increased perception, increased energy and communication parameters, even going beyond the senses from the senses, the proper use of the two instruments self-knowledge and expansion, meditation and sex, always aware of the binder which binds the whole event, love-light undifferentiated. Respect
related to the understanding life and creates respect and understanding of all existence in its present form, and assume that individual as it happens, a great dichotomy between already existing habit character, created and intretinuit at the old parameters, in which unzip and certain genetic and ancestral characters, plus a whole chain of causality so-called karma, and our multidimensional essence and we feel that we all feel as though this beyond the form and shape the reality of our first and last, and again first.
become aware that any meeting, any situation of life, which apparently are the same character, often reliving is a historical fact that our genetic multiprezenta and experientieala occurs beyond appearances of apparently trivial situations, we've become accustomed.
language evolves as well, allowing a wide open even at the level of words allows us to understand the power structure, color, symbolic, ultimately physico-chemical and electromagnetic frequency bands are intertwined, quantum dots and new understanding that multiple realities coexist with the mere presence of observers, which are represented by a single reality sessions, encompassing, in that no matter what we do and what we can not exclude.
In this show, I'm in the part and the whole unit, any tendency to separate at the form, substance, act, any opposition and denial Plenary existence of what is already allows to exhibit lower self simply rebellion against big ego and self-exclusion of certain matrices of existence, that do not actually mean much, because we are constantly open new matrix and the meaning is to overcome opposition by agreement, implied assimilation than in the big ego.
opposition in front of existence is characteristic time, directly reflected in ecological disequilibrium in denatured food, technology and complicated and unnatural social and economic structure upon which we build our experience, however being a small deviation from normal in a fractal overview deformed, nothing dramatic at the individual level than in dualistic perception, but that we are here and do everything that we do, we are all involved directly or indirectly, and we are all responsible for this level of manifestation, perception and evolution, to deny their own responsibility is the same way the character in opposition to life.
solution would be a real and constructive individual harmonics, each one building upon itself so that the sphere of perception and show how to cover a broader collective and complete reality, however, the natural way, without effort and to create new antagonisms oppositions and tensions. I am confident that change starts from each one even if it seemingly contradicts the vision, the flock is present almost everywhere, but not in their own reality, I see only individuals and entities communicate with them and are friends, not what is or try to represent them in the world already old.
know all things and choose what is best translated in this time by saving those who own positive values \u200b\u200band helped us always built, keeping the feeling rather than of thought, constructive nemaifind dual scenarios at any nivel.Cea that remains is friendship, cooperation, understanding, recognition, siceritatea, ierahizare exclude themselves any form of separation and this presence of love-light that tore down any limiting concept, not as we become an amalgam of socialist, rather how much a new conscious hippie 60 and more pragmatic, with access to other sources of knowledge and creation, not the individual value need to be accepted in the group, but it reveals and reflects the presence and actions needed, by the light relative to the very existence of each plenary, not individual recognition.
In other words, give an account of what we are already in existence and ourselves masuraa and the expansion of state becomes aware of his own responsibility, and moral and social values \u200b\u200bambiguous and dualistic lose by simply overcoming the need for a limited level of perception, is inappropriate to talk about rules of conduct in a chaotic and inconsistent event, it was always a time of historic change, reflect on how they were perceived crestini.Este first necessary that the existence constintizarea well not bad Valente, how neutrality by permanent harmony and harmonization, it is the level that allows us to counteract the energy out of apparently destructive general note, each state is required to fund natural-positive, but how conscious harmony.
love fund is a state of gentle, smiling, fluid and dynamic, passionate and creative, conscious and yet indifferent in the face of ever changing dynamics in the eons and 60 seconds to combine equal rigidity of form is apparent perception, it melts in fluid to which is the essence behind our mental filters that many still consider them a reality.
We do not need love, love we are in essence, what is required is giving up countless diopters gathered among ages and shapes, all knowledge is not actually only reminder that the current level is infoenergetic totally new, but the same pool of our essence, the only truth that we actually reported.
aware and we are able to fund living reexperimenta form at this level again in the new world with new eyes that already exist as potential through the universal effort of a multi-dimensional cosmic forces beyond any level of imagination, perceptible only essential condition to which I mentioned above.
I find it hard to talk about love the way the word was and is mentally manipulated, it is not a sense of how a state primary and primordial substance present in the center of events orcarei and present the same chemical substance that allows combinations between apparently different atoms, the process of photosynthesis in plants, evolution has shaped species status and friendship of people nearby, the mathematical precision planetary aspects that influence collective and individual Auric colors, formation of galactic arms and the symbolic image, formed by fusion of two human bodies in which he and she gets to you.
This essence is the only state-observer and observation, the generator and condenser, the shell source, the entire perception-creation not only variations on the topics in infinite shades and color bands geometrically arranged or not, and the role and our purpose is not only the same , as a unit in an ocean of consciousness constinenta.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
How To Build In Mount And Blade Fort Build
openings Openings Open
Our openings, new openings:).
I think it's time to synthesize and share the fullness which are in substance and in fact because that is the meaning and joy and love as we are and go with them everywhere, so are knowledge that leads to joy and light , and also a gate and we wear.
Now, knowing from my point of view is the background, everything infoenergie, the energy of a live and the information we use, or in semi-consciousness, we use. I
field is always a tool with which I flirted enough, namely astrologia.Fiind old psychology, the criteria cosmological More extensive and closer to the archetype of our presence in this structure infoenergetica, physical world, planet Earth, Romania.
information carrier is light in the universe, a physical photon, which also has no mass, arriving in denser electromagnetic fields, condensed information that is pulsating through the walkie phenomenon in color bands, in what we call at physical breakdown in the light spectrum that rogvaiv, which is the direct effect of light undifferentiated contact with the planets in our solar system, reflected in the mirror archetypal zodiac signs, gang colors, but is perceived by the perception here and here. Chromatic decomposition of vibration seen
constellation Aries by us is different, and added infrared or ultraviolet perception totally changed audible range of colors and shades, another level of information here, that in implementing energy forms.
However, each of us, and each point of the universe, is the center of being, pure undifferentiated light, at the heart center of our being, that Anahata, but also in the center of every atom and quantum we compose this, and the presence of all the around us, or water, stone, tree or vrabiuta.Din the same white light pulses undifferentiated center, which is broken down and recomposed by continuously interacting with the entire gamut of each part-whole which is composed of the entire event, the phenomenon of wave-particle said quantum well-subtle physical phenomenon of resonance and interference.
The light goes from them to us and expressed the whole gamut auric field, the seven energy centers sometimes called vortexes, other levels of perception, in particular for expression infoenergetica same light, generally the same process that comes towards us in the universe, but Conversely, the emission. Indoor Living
in their auric field is similar to the universal, but the level of perception here, and the same simple phenomenon of resonance or interference occurs when the two fields, the particular and the universal meet and mingle. Thus, beyond the levels the game chromatic multidimenisonal simultaneous perception Standing where we are, there is a direct game with three items, consisting of color in our pulse continues, the people next to us that resonate, be it rock, dog, finches, lilac bloom, leave the car in which to work and people to get in touch, in terms infoenergetic no difference in this interaction, and the color is the universe.
color combination of these interactions occur, and psychology, collective and individual, known of old and astrology, the science of the soul, with a certain level of participation and perceptie.Este necessary implication was scored and found mental, light sound, or level of undifferentiated vibratie.Lumina I mentioned is accompanied by its vibrational level, those strings which in our plan this can be translated into sound and turn on the mental level, astrologically speaking, in symbolism, the way in which light takes on the form.
mental perception of sound, light is reflected in our lives simply by evolution, how we are more receptive to the shade, the sound quality, auric field represented by acts, gestures, words, thoughts, that action becomes more complex May ether and also a greater wealth of shapes and floating funds in November and beyond noastra.In fact, inside and out is a purely sensory illusion, everything that I write here and describe everything that happens inside the mind of the universe which are apparently only one is outside his own body senses proriile and interpretation to express what each of us is also a mental side of inner feeling, the illusion of separation between body and sensor minti.Mintea is a good interpreter of the experience psiholgica empirical reality that we live, but at a sensory level, formal and dual understanding. Beyond
duality and forms is ..... peace and harmony, but peace and harmony through understanding the dynamics, through knowledge, all of creation is the subtle to gross, although we try to understand life in permanent form by form, respectively structured thinking, by accumulation.
back to astrology as a tool for knowledge and evolution, the plan represents our affiliation with symbolism and universal vibration that we can perceive and understand the rogvaivul mental.Desi this level, the phenomena of resonance and interference, potential differences be explained by science structured, however, astrology is considered the black sheep among the sciences and entertainment of all kinds, and this all due to sensory limitations, although we all perceive in a way or another light and sound, and how they iumpletesc directly with our lives.
Beyond this mental tool, all we are, but we do not confuse astrology embedded with it, instead we confuse the universal dynamics, but the level of electromagnetic vibration here, where we direct perception with color influences our conscious tot.Influenta or not, up to a certain point of mental light perceptie.In inner peace, the whole ajutatore symbolism and unify the whole color of the existence of limitless potential. In the first stage
surrender to life, then awareness, feeling that we turn in the forms and attributes beyond the plenum, although the existence of successive and sequential calls reintoarecrea plans denser vibration, in order to transform them into their own vibration, its own in universal sense, and this subtle oscillation of the Dense and back is always harmonize with the universal rhythm and swing.
paradox, abstract, fractal infinity at every level of creation and beyond what we might call creative, multidimensional infinity of being, a state of unlimited love vivifica and connects everything that is, are levels of perception beyond the mind, thinking beyond the structured, just beyond the gates of intuition and imagination, the state fund at this level of understanding is feeling live in the heart.
However, we are here and now and this perception, with all shapes and projection specific funds and evolve simultaneously from the bottom up and from top to bottom, sometimes from left to right, we are aware of who we are and not suntem.Omuletul represented here has two alternatives, which represent the wealth of alternative choices, namely to live or to resist. Living
is teaching in front of live life fully overlapping with the existence in the little man loses consistency and identity, and still is same, the presence of this plan is what is wanted is Prezenta.A life requires self-sacrifice, but a self-created and maintained false impression necessity of survival, which disappears when we are convinced that life itself is feeling.
This level of perception and feeling is always happy and creative consciousness, even when events seem apparent opposites, so that the apparent disharmony in the world of form is filled with spontaneous energy harmony regardless of the amount involved, it only takes faith to see eye Plenary and feeling to perceive the perfect balance of creative,
more or less consciously, we all get our eyes open co-creation at different levels of perception but with common sense, what unique and separate our affiliation to the great plan of life is the same limit and formal sensory perception, although not all consciously or unconsciously perceive auras and infoenergie, mathematics sacred and universal harmony, and we build on their experience, but as I said above at different levels of perception.
seeming chaos and disharmony, the missing and opposition, are the image of the suffering individual and collective identities in search of a world of form, which all have built an evolutionary sense as a cork in the bottle when the cork tisnirii individually and collectively gained full potential Glass is manifested in part to the reality, life is out sticlei.Cei few thousand years of evolution in the confused world of form with form Plenary become part of the experience that helps us to unsuspected Blind in helping and doing.
most important aspect of the moment is that evolution is double, in pairs, in that the appearance of it and separate it at forma.Daca until now many have come to the plenary feeling individually through meditation, knowledge, compassion, dedication and sacrifice, the same is now here to experience another level of evolution, namely the evolution of the two.
Man is both the complementary pair of energy that underlies life, and that within the fields and their relevance in that a permanent oscillation and balance between yin and yang, as well as by direct expression in bodies of men and women, with the instrument to merge the two characteristic forms, but also with infoenergetic exchange between communication entities at any level.
This evolution has added impetus to the total renunciation of egoic aspect, because if so far the character that helps us to assimilate it represent a certain type of experience, along with individualistic side created and maintained, perceptions change in two parameters and mutual support evolutionary sense in more constructive and the two current egoic issues through understanding and recognition, and especially by fund universal love, melt the energy from the impact and evolution represented by the two in one.
draw conclusions from this fellowship each, and because the continuity, the three directions in a permanent form snowflakes is an issue dynamic creation, this is not the end of the post, but a beginning in that direction I am, my second and third are complementary to I, each with the potential of those three directions, forming fractal our universal continuity of change, any level of perception or traibil possible.
Our openings, new openings:).
I think it's time to synthesize and share the fullness which are in substance and in fact because that is the meaning and joy and love as we are and go with them everywhere, so are knowledge that leads to joy and light , and also a gate and we wear.
Now, knowing from my point of view is the background, everything infoenergie, the energy of a live and the information we use, or in semi-consciousness, we use. I
field is always a tool with which I flirted enough, namely astrologia.Fiind old psychology, the criteria cosmological More extensive and closer to the archetype of our presence in this structure infoenergetica, physical world, planet Earth, Romania.
information carrier is light in the universe, a physical photon, which also has no mass, arriving in denser electromagnetic fields, condensed information that is pulsating through the walkie phenomenon in color bands, in what we call at physical breakdown in the light spectrum that rogvaiv, which is the direct effect of light undifferentiated contact with the planets in our solar system, reflected in the mirror archetypal zodiac signs, gang colors, but is perceived by the perception here and here. Chromatic decomposition of vibration seen
constellation Aries by us is different, and added infrared or ultraviolet perception totally changed audible range of colors and shades, another level of information here, that in implementing energy forms.
However, each of us, and each point of the universe, is the center of being, pure undifferentiated light, at the heart center of our being, that Anahata, but also in the center of every atom and quantum we compose this, and the presence of all the around us, or water, stone, tree or vrabiuta.Din the same white light pulses undifferentiated center, which is broken down and recomposed by continuously interacting with the entire gamut of each part-whole which is composed of the entire event, the phenomenon of wave-particle said quantum well-subtle physical phenomenon of resonance and interference.
The light goes from them to us and expressed the whole gamut auric field, the seven energy centers sometimes called vortexes, other levels of perception, in particular for expression infoenergetica same light, generally the same process that comes towards us in the universe, but Conversely, the emission. Indoor Living
in their auric field is similar to the universal, but the level of perception here, and the same simple phenomenon of resonance or interference occurs when the two fields, the particular and the universal meet and mingle. Thus, beyond the levels the game chromatic multidimenisonal simultaneous perception Standing where we are, there is a direct game with three items, consisting of color in our pulse continues, the people next to us that resonate, be it rock, dog, finches, lilac bloom, leave the car in which to work and people to get in touch, in terms infoenergetic no difference in this interaction, and the color is the universe.
color combination of these interactions occur, and psychology, collective and individual, known of old and astrology, the science of the soul, with a certain level of participation and perceptie.Este necessary implication was scored and found mental, light sound, or level of undifferentiated vibratie.Lumina I mentioned is accompanied by its vibrational level, those strings which in our plan this can be translated into sound and turn on the mental level, astrologically speaking, in symbolism, the way in which light takes on the form.
mental perception of sound, light is reflected in our lives simply by evolution, how we are more receptive to the shade, the sound quality, auric field represented by acts, gestures, words, thoughts, that action becomes more complex May ether and also a greater wealth of shapes and floating funds in November and beyond noastra.In fact, inside and out is a purely sensory illusion, everything that I write here and describe everything that happens inside the mind of the universe which are apparently only one is outside his own body senses proriile and interpretation to express what each of us is also a mental side of inner feeling, the illusion of separation between body and sensor minti.Mintea is a good interpreter of the experience psiholgica empirical reality that we live, but at a sensory level, formal and dual understanding. Beyond
duality and forms is ..... peace and harmony, but peace and harmony through understanding the dynamics, through knowledge, all of creation is the subtle to gross, although we try to understand life in permanent form by form, respectively structured thinking, by accumulation.
back to astrology as a tool for knowledge and evolution, the plan represents our affiliation with symbolism and universal vibration that we can perceive and understand the rogvaivul mental.Desi this level, the phenomena of resonance and interference, potential differences be explained by science structured, however, astrology is considered the black sheep among the sciences and entertainment of all kinds, and this all due to sensory limitations, although we all perceive in a way or another light and sound, and how they iumpletesc directly with our lives.
Beyond this mental tool, all we are, but we do not confuse astrology embedded with it, instead we confuse the universal dynamics, but the level of electromagnetic vibration here, where we direct perception with color influences our conscious tot.Influenta or not, up to a certain point of mental light perceptie.In inner peace, the whole ajutatore symbolism and unify the whole color of the existence of limitless potential. In the first stage
surrender to life, then awareness, feeling that we turn in the forms and attributes beyond the plenum, although the existence of successive and sequential calls reintoarecrea plans denser vibration, in order to transform them into their own vibration, its own in universal sense, and this subtle oscillation of the Dense and back is always harmonize with the universal rhythm and swing.
paradox, abstract, fractal infinity at every level of creation and beyond what we might call creative, multidimensional infinity of being, a state of unlimited love vivifica and connects everything that is, are levels of perception beyond the mind, thinking beyond the structured, just beyond the gates of intuition and imagination, the state fund at this level of understanding is feeling live in the heart.
However, we are here and now and this perception, with all shapes and projection specific funds and evolve simultaneously from the bottom up and from top to bottom, sometimes from left to right, we are aware of who we are and not suntem.Omuletul represented here has two alternatives, which represent the wealth of alternative choices, namely to live or to resist. Living
is teaching in front of live life fully overlapping with the existence in the little man loses consistency and identity, and still is same, the presence of this plan is what is wanted is Prezenta.A life requires self-sacrifice, but a self-created and maintained false impression necessity of survival, which disappears when we are convinced that life itself is feeling.
This level of perception and feeling is always happy and creative consciousness, even when events seem apparent opposites, so that the apparent disharmony in the world of form is filled with spontaneous energy harmony regardless of the amount involved, it only takes faith to see eye Plenary and feeling to perceive the perfect balance of creative,
more or less consciously, we all get our eyes open co-creation at different levels of perception but with common sense, what unique and separate our affiliation to the great plan of life is the same limit and formal sensory perception, although not all consciously or unconsciously perceive auras and infoenergie, mathematics sacred and universal harmony, and we build on their experience, but as I said above at different levels of perception.
seeming chaos and disharmony, the missing and opposition, are the image of the suffering individual and collective identities in search of a world of form, which all have built an evolutionary sense as a cork in the bottle when the cork tisnirii individually and collectively gained full potential Glass is manifested in part to the reality, life is out sticlei.Cei few thousand years of evolution in the confused world of form with form Plenary become part of the experience that helps us to unsuspected Blind in helping and doing.
most important aspect of the moment is that evolution is double, in pairs, in that the appearance of it and separate it at forma.Daca until now many have come to the plenary feeling individually through meditation, knowledge, compassion, dedication and sacrifice, the same is now here to experience another level of evolution, namely the evolution of the two.
Man is both the complementary pair of energy that underlies life, and that within the fields and their relevance in that a permanent oscillation and balance between yin and yang, as well as by direct expression in bodies of men and women, with the instrument to merge the two characteristic forms, but also with infoenergetic exchange between communication entities at any level.
This evolution has added impetus to the total renunciation of egoic aspect, because if so far the character that helps us to assimilate it represent a certain type of experience, along with individualistic side created and maintained, perceptions change in two parameters and mutual support evolutionary sense in more constructive and the two current egoic issues through understanding and recognition, and especially by fund universal love, melt the energy from the impact and evolution represented by the two in one.
draw conclusions from this fellowship each, and because the continuity, the three directions in a permanent form snowflakes is an issue dynamic creation, this is not the end of the post, but a beginning in that direction I am, my second and third are complementary to I, each with the potential of those three directions, forming fractal our universal continuity of change, any level of perception or traibil possible.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What Write On A Kitchen Tea Card
Back on earth ...?
I rarely look at my blog lately, I was a little shocked to see that I have not posted anything since September last year ... It was a period full of events and meanings, which I have done little to lose touch with the world - through blogs and through other channels that I used them - because I keep myself focused on the more "sane" possible in the given context.
Also in September I returned from Austria and France, a very nice and ambitious tour through the Alps. I climbed the Mont Blanc yet, but I liked to try the experience, although I was not ready for it. Sometimes it's better to let yourself go with the flow:) I started to write about it, because almost every time I tried I woke in the middle of a pretty harsh criticism against Romania and that depressed me a bit. So I said I'll write when I have a more positive inspiration, you'll be able to make comparisons and not to take things as they were.
Until then, I managed to gather some thoughts about the last 8-9 months have meant for me - I do not know why, in English ...
I rarely look at my blog lately, I was a little shocked to see that I have not posted anything since September last year ... It was a period full of events and meanings, which I have done little to lose touch with the world - through blogs and through other channels that I used them - because I keep myself focused on the more "sane" possible in the given context.
Also in September I returned from Austria and France, a very nice and ambitious tour through the Alps. I climbed the Mont Blanc yet, but I liked to try the experience, although I was not ready for it. Sometimes it's better to let yourself go with the flow:) I started to write about it, because almost every time I tried I woke in the middle of a pretty harsh criticism against Romania and that depressed me a bit. So I said I'll write when I have a more positive inspiration, you'll be able to make comparisons and not to take things as they were.
Until then, I managed to gather some thoughts about the last 8-9 months have meant for me - I do not know why, in English ...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sony Tv Usb Hard Drive Copy To Pc
Started book, yet without title. A simple game experiment
"philosophy not get rid of the concrete, but to help you understand the abstract"
I look like snow with cherry blossoms, soft breeze of wind carries flowers through me and around me, and I definitely wanted to I no longer want nimic.Greul facts hit me yet, is that ocean of thoughts and memories that have been gathered and expression, making the stone that I always forget.
If you understand a point of understanding the universe across the universe, even beyond that and see what you call the universe, so much a word as any altul.E inautru peace everywhere and out my thoughts and be isolated in the vast stone of peace, because they know stone, cherry blossom, soft breeze and the peace I am.
my sword fighting than be hung prominently that honor? There is no honor and no honor to fight, than thoughts of the same stone, as cherry blossoms do not fight with stones, not even touching . We become wiser by myself, fighting someone else, a character who is-not are as-existence is not, and here's how soft breeze end a sense, a rhythmic oscillation, a spiral that bears more than everything that I considered self. Living in eternity
exclude any association, any analogy, although it also occurs somewhere synthesis, a symbol of all the memories, feelings and experiences, and the simultaneous transformation I look and smile is the light of the soul, which are those that go further.
My Truth, like all truth, that truth and cherry blossoms, no poetry, no one thought wise, bravery and courage in facing any illusions that I am accustomed to think life is that truth which now makes me to smile and tomorrow it saddened me that once I brought suffering, and then enlighten me, it's truth behind everything that is seen and not seen, it's my truth your truth which is mixed with, with a tear and a smile baby angel, is the equivalent of a second oscillation and an eternity of love.
I gave and received truth always, even when they believe in illusions, because I am the truth, the truth is life itself, and I am there, I was and always will be.
And now, among the gentle breeze of wind, and cherry blossom stones thoughts, having come before you everything that is in the hands and I give you, for you are living, I'm cherry blossoms and the illusion of truth behind them the entire landscape design, but without you all this could not be.
You've created this place for me and I redaruiesc it yourself for eternity together we build and build, I've never been alone on my way, none of us is alone, and if you still feel lonely, it's that rock of thoughts and memories that still bind us and which, as always, an offer that draws its lifeblood from the earth.
wise men of old said he has not brought peace on earth, but a double-edged sword, and I can say I saw that sword, and sometimes I use it, believing that ignorance and knowledge can not be one without the other, until I realized that the sword is actually Crimp life, and ignorance, like knowledge, are those cherry blossoms that enter and mingle. I turn
flowers in me and always around, so that fascinates me, steal my shade, sometimes light, and I want to give them to you, and like me, let them steal your shadow and light alike, and to see that behind the shadow or light, and beyond the flowers, you are.
double edged sword fell much, perhaps that will arise, and will fall again, going up and down the contradiction is everywhere, so do not worry about the sword, rather try to stay away from single-edged swords, hitting relentlessly in one direction, instead nelasind openings that will help vedeti.Pusi the fait accompli, what will you do? Faced with unfulfilled fact, what will you do? But the fact you have fulfilled or unfulfilled, and act together you, expressed in a double-edged sword that actually only stayed high, has not fallen and will fall vreodata.Si not say strongly that that sword has fallen and will not fall, because seeing and knowing what's sword, nobody needs a sword.
I will bring peace to the sword, and if you want to see beyond the edges, watching her handle the heavy, and especially to pierce the top privitii universe, that accessed the sword represents the ultimate expression of creatiei.Eu, you are then sword, because we fought together and we've enjoyed together, somewhere beyond time, where they are born and die amintirile.In our minds and were born and died heroes and myths, I was reborn from the ashes, I loved and hated alike, have built and tore down the same dedication, we praised the man beside him and threw the mud, and all for what? For that spiral
cherry blossoms breeze, woven into eternity and beyond thoughts, which draws landscape after landscape, that wonderful swing of nature that makes us not be someone or something, how to be, inseparable part of us that building reality after reality, titled simply, life. Now
are slavitorul life and everything that is and if you go somewhere in life and life will go I'll go back, because it is the only place where I went to pick up for you all niciodata.Am How many are we to look at and marvel about them, and we pass the border one whom I had once set, the boundary between experience and truth.
Here we both experience and truth, but I forget which is one and the other one, and so we can pick up where we belong, we can now truly make the experience and expertise of the truth, and maybe, finally, we look in the eye and smile from the heart. Beyond
experience and really we are, or represent us in essentially the same Peter that there is no separation between what is and what is about to be expressed by a potential are, as all are one.
With us, me, are complementary, one that complements, one that links that can be finta girlfriend, clear skies at sunset, smile and light in on, or simply love pacea.Exprimarea may take the form or no, but beyond expression was the most profound state este.Necesitatea who simply love to create, generate, customize brought us when we love the shape, but beyond all the love is expressed ...... iubire.Un inautru ocean of love and out, the temporal shadows dissolve directly proportional to the patience, understanding and our acceptance.
I lived experience and taste of eternity, expressed on a linear axis that we call time, successive states seem ordered by a linear axis, but living, cumulative experience, is full and complete.
I have always been in my heart, and I move in eu.Am founded the highly successful events ... all energy between ups and very elevated limited with the same thirst for knowledge, to me and to redefinii rescoperii, and then delete itself home use, and create different forms again with the same elements or other elements in the great game and forever that we are.
I known worlds, worlds and neasemantoare dissimilar, aware of the same essence, which now is called love, but the easiest is simply another place energie.In missing feature energy-love in this world, the sense separtiei, realize a return here in full, in another vibration whole separate, yet, and one and another are iluzii.Numai beautiful illusions that can be lived consciously and constructively, or wandering and separation permanent singuratate.Aceasta world that the world is loneliness, and More swords and fell and rose from humans to humans singuri.In shadow of ignorance alone, more or less accepted, loneliness turns into fear, fear response to any external action, and when the circle closes and remains a sense of separation infirngerii bitter taste, actually neexistind invingatori.Am separately in our separation and polarity, building hardly balance the seemingly absurd and dramatic actions in the endless struggle of loneliness, and the game continues acum.Sunteti with me and in me, you who have dropped out of loneliness and suffering as a way evolutie.In eternal thread of our dreams, we've met on one or the other polarity, constineti being that we are actually together harmony and balance, they is actually the rules that you have created, and all camps and groups that have struck, and they separated, are two sides of love, is seeking a way to pour through cealalta.La and enemy, that part of us apparent opposition to that always shows what is missing and what needs to be done, dissolved laziness and indifference, the enemy being the most sincere expression of our own, still lost in ignorance when, in point of separation and ignoranta.In understanding of unity, the enemy is dissolved, becomes inconsistent, because we do not need rigidiatatea separate actions and deeds, to make that part of us is actually dusmanul.Si enemy is the need of balance, neutrality located behind the center of life in which the two complementarities intertwine.
I will not keep this book, but give it began, and continued to write together, the great Book of Life. Perhaps
"philosophy not get rid of the concrete, but to help you understand the abstract"
I look like snow with cherry blossoms, soft breeze of wind carries flowers through me and around me, and I definitely wanted to I no longer want nimic.Greul facts hit me yet, is that ocean of thoughts and memories that have been gathered and expression, making the stone that I always forget.
If you understand a point of understanding the universe across the universe, even beyond that and see what you call the universe, so much a word as any altul.E inautru peace everywhere and out my thoughts and be isolated in the vast stone of peace, because they know stone, cherry blossom, soft breeze and the peace I am.
my sword fighting than be hung prominently that honor? There is no honor and no honor to fight, than thoughts of the same stone, as cherry blossoms do not fight with stones, not even touching . We become wiser by myself, fighting someone else, a character who is-not are as-existence is not, and here's how soft breeze end a sense, a rhythmic oscillation, a spiral that bears more than everything that I considered self. Living in eternity
exclude any association, any analogy, although it also occurs somewhere synthesis, a symbol of all the memories, feelings and experiences, and the simultaneous transformation I look and smile is the light of the soul, which are those that go further.
My Truth, like all truth, that truth and cherry blossoms, no poetry, no one thought wise, bravery and courage in facing any illusions that I am accustomed to think life is that truth which now makes me to smile and tomorrow it saddened me that once I brought suffering, and then enlighten me, it's truth behind everything that is seen and not seen, it's my truth your truth which is mixed with, with a tear and a smile baby angel, is the equivalent of a second oscillation and an eternity of love.
I gave and received truth always, even when they believe in illusions, because I am the truth, the truth is life itself, and I am there, I was and always will be.
And now, among the gentle breeze of wind, and cherry blossom stones thoughts, having come before you everything that is in the hands and I give you, for you are living, I'm cherry blossoms and the illusion of truth behind them the entire landscape design, but without you all this could not be.
You've created this place for me and I redaruiesc it yourself for eternity together we build and build, I've never been alone on my way, none of us is alone, and if you still feel lonely, it's that rock of thoughts and memories that still bind us and which, as always, an offer that draws its lifeblood from the earth.
wise men of old said he has not brought peace on earth, but a double-edged sword, and I can say I saw that sword, and sometimes I use it, believing that ignorance and knowledge can not be one without the other, until I realized that the sword is actually Crimp life, and ignorance, like knowledge, are those cherry blossoms that enter and mingle. I turn
flowers in me and always around, so that fascinates me, steal my shade, sometimes light, and I want to give them to you, and like me, let them steal your shadow and light alike, and to see that behind the shadow or light, and beyond the flowers, you are.
double edged sword fell much, perhaps that will arise, and will fall again, going up and down the contradiction is everywhere, so do not worry about the sword, rather try to stay away from single-edged swords, hitting relentlessly in one direction, instead nelasind openings that will help vedeti.Pusi the fait accompli, what will you do? Faced with unfulfilled fact, what will you do? But the fact you have fulfilled or unfulfilled, and act together you, expressed in a double-edged sword that actually only stayed high, has not fallen and will fall vreodata.Si not say strongly that that sword has fallen and will not fall, because seeing and knowing what's sword, nobody needs a sword.
I will bring peace to the sword, and if you want to see beyond the edges, watching her handle the heavy, and especially to pierce the top privitii universe, that accessed the sword represents the ultimate expression of creatiei.Eu, you are then sword, because we fought together and we've enjoyed together, somewhere beyond time, where they are born and die amintirile.In our minds and were born and died heroes and myths, I was reborn from the ashes, I loved and hated alike, have built and tore down the same dedication, we praised the man beside him and threw the mud, and all for what? For that spiral
cherry blossoms breeze, woven into eternity and beyond thoughts, which draws landscape after landscape, that wonderful swing of nature that makes us not be someone or something, how to be, inseparable part of us that building reality after reality, titled simply, life. Now
are slavitorul life and everything that is and if you go somewhere in life and life will go I'll go back, because it is the only place where I went to pick up for you all niciodata.Am How many are we to look at and marvel about them, and we pass the border one whom I had once set, the boundary between experience and truth.
Here we both experience and truth, but I forget which is one and the other one, and so we can pick up where we belong, we can now truly make the experience and expertise of the truth, and maybe, finally, we look in the eye and smile from the heart. Beyond
experience and really we are, or represent us in essentially the same Peter that there is no separation between what is and what is about to be expressed by a potential are, as all are one.
With us, me, are complementary, one that complements, one that links that can be finta girlfriend, clear skies at sunset, smile and light in on, or simply love pacea.Exprimarea may take the form or no, but beyond expression was the most profound state este.Necesitatea who simply love to create, generate, customize brought us when we love the shape, but beyond all the love is expressed ...... iubire.Un inautru ocean of love and out, the temporal shadows dissolve directly proportional to the patience, understanding and our acceptance.
I lived experience and taste of eternity, expressed on a linear axis that we call time, successive states seem ordered by a linear axis, but living, cumulative experience, is full and complete.
I have always been in my heart, and I move in eu.Am founded the highly successful events ... all energy between ups and very elevated limited with the same thirst for knowledge, to me and to redefinii rescoperii, and then delete itself home use, and create different forms again with the same elements or other elements in the great game and forever that we are.
I known worlds, worlds and neasemantoare dissimilar, aware of the same essence, which now is called love, but the easiest is simply another place energie.In missing feature energy-love in this world, the sense separtiei, realize a return here in full, in another vibration whole separate, yet, and one and another are iluzii.Numai beautiful illusions that can be lived consciously and constructively, or wandering and separation permanent singuratate.Aceasta world that the world is loneliness, and More swords and fell and rose from humans to humans singuri.In shadow of ignorance alone, more or less accepted, loneliness turns into fear, fear response to any external action, and when the circle closes and remains a sense of separation infirngerii bitter taste, actually neexistind invingatori.Am separately in our separation and polarity, building hardly balance the seemingly absurd and dramatic actions in the endless struggle of loneliness, and the game continues acum.Sunteti with me and in me, you who have dropped out of loneliness and suffering as a way evolutie.In eternal thread of our dreams, we've met on one or the other polarity, constineti being that we are actually together harmony and balance, they is actually the rules that you have created, and all camps and groups that have struck, and they separated, are two sides of love, is seeking a way to pour through cealalta.La and enemy, that part of us apparent opposition to that always shows what is missing and what needs to be done, dissolved laziness and indifference, the enemy being the most sincere expression of our own, still lost in ignorance when, in point of separation and ignoranta.In understanding of unity, the enemy is dissolved, becomes inconsistent, because we do not need rigidiatatea separate actions and deeds, to make that part of us is actually dusmanul.Si enemy is the need of balance, neutrality located behind the center of life in which the two complementarities intertwine.
I will not keep this book, but give it began, and continued to write together, the great Book of Life. Perhaps
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