tendency to generate new mystical dogmas and new is evident throughout the guide books and blogs, a mixture of rays, masters, entities of all sorts, images that overlap and individual meaning to change this trend is comun.Nota world scientific approach to knowledge generally, and especially synthetic approach rather than analitica.Aceasta approach is more specific when the Uranian influence this feature just enter the era, and that direct observation, already sky is different, broader, more open, more many color blends with a blue tint and night, rain and even when it is usually gray.
so mystic how and scientific approach linked to key words, change is in the balance of perception, however, and balanced infoenergetic potrivit.Am somehow caught on the fly as we challenge the idea that this life is our iluzie.Nivelul perception and understanding is illusory life as a whole is much more complex and different from any static and formal approach we have used so far, taking into account the education and materialistic habit. Basically between matter and energy are permanent deck creation and evolution, represented by the universal mind, aided by the individual, with a clear tendency to and generalize it.
Thus, our body becomes the pivot and center of evolution, biomasina or not, he is the one that requires spiritualization, increased perception, increased energy and communication parameters, even going beyond the senses from the senses, the proper use of the two instruments self-knowledge and expansion, meditation and sex, always aware of the binder which binds the whole event, love-light undifferentiated. Respect
related to the understanding life and creates respect and understanding of all existence in its present form, and assume that individual as it happens, a great dichotomy between already existing habit character, created and intretinuit at the old parameters, in which unzip and certain genetic and ancestral characters, plus a whole chain of causality so-called karma, and our multidimensional essence and we feel that we all feel as though this beyond the form and shape the reality of our first and last, and again first.
become aware that any meeting, any situation of life, which apparently are the same character, often reliving is a historical fact that our genetic multiprezenta and experientieala occurs beyond appearances of apparently trivial situations, we've become accustomed.
language evolves as well, allowing a wide open even at the level of words allows us to understand the power structure, color, symbolic, ultimately physico-chemical and electromagnetic frequency bands are intertwined, quantum dots and new understanding that multiple realities coexist with the mere presence of observers, which are represented by a single reality sessions, encompassing, in that no matter what we do and what we can not exclude.
In this show, I'm in the part and the whole unit, any tendency to separate at the form, substance, act, any opposition and denial Plenary existence of what is already allows to exhibit lower self simply rebellion against big ego and self-exclusion of certain matrices of existence, that do not actually mean much, because we are constantly open new matrix and the meaning is to overcome opposition by agreement, implied assimilation than in the big ego.
opposition in front of existence is characteristic time, directly reflected in ecological disequilibrium in denatured food, technology and complicated and unnatural social and economic structure upon which we build our experience, however being a small deviation from normal in a fractal overview deformed, nothing dramatic at the individual level than in dualistic perception, but that we are here and do everything that we do, we are all involved directly or indirectly, and we are all responsible for this level of manifestation, perception and evolution, to deny their own responsibility is the same way the character in opposition to life.
solution would be a real and constructive individual harmonics, each one building upon itself so that the sphere of perception and show how to cover a broader collective and complete reality, however, the natural way, without effort and to create new antagonisms oppositions and tensions. I am confident that change starts from each one even if it seemingly contradicts the vision, the flock is present almost everywhere, but not in their own reality, I see only individuals and entities communicate with them and are friends, not what is or try to represent them in the world already old.
know all things and choose what is best translated in this time by saving those who own positive values \u200b\u200band helped us always built, keeping the feeling rather than of thought, constructive nemaifind dual scenarios at any nivel.Cea that remains is friendship, cooperation, understanding, recognition, siceritatea, ierahizare exclude themselves any form of separation and this presence of love-light that tore down any limiting concept, not as we become an amalgam of socialist, rather how much a new conscious hippie 60 and more pragmatic, with access to other sources of knowledge and creation, not the individual value need to be accepted in the group, but it reveals and reflects the presence and actions needed, by the light relative to the very existence of each plenary, not individual recognition.
In other words, give an account of what we are already in existence and ourselves masuraa and the expansion of state becomes aware of his own responsibility, and moral and social values \u200b\u200bambiguous and dualistic lose by simply overcoming the need for a limited level of perception, is inappropriate to talk about rules of conduct in a chaotic and inconsistent event, it was always a time of historic change, reflect on how they were perceived crestini.Este first necessary that the existence constintizarea well not bad Valente, how neutrality by permanent harmony and harmonization, it is the level that allows us to counteract the energy out of apparently destructive dualismului.desi general note, each state is required to fund natural-positive, but how conscious harmony.
love fund is a state of gentle, smiling, fluid and dynamic, passionate and creative, conscious and yet indifferent in the face of ever changing dynamics in the eons and 60 seconds to combine equal rigidity of form is apparent perception, it melts in fluid to which is the essence behind our mental filters that many still consider them a reality.
We do not need love, love we are in essence, what is required is giving up countless diopters gathered among ages and shapes, all knowledge is not actually only reminder that the current level is infoenergetic totally new, but the same pool of our essence, the only truth that we actually reported.
aware and we are able to fund living reexperimenta form at this level again in the new world with new eyes that already exist as potential through the universal effort of a multi-dimensional cosmic forces beyond any level of imagination, perceptible only essential condition to which I mentioned above.
I find it hard to talk about love the way the word was and is mentally manipulated, it is not a sense of how a state primary and primordial substance present in the center of events orcarei and present the same chemical substance that allows combinations between apparently different atoms, the process of photosynthesis in plants, evolution has shaped species status and friendship of people nearby, the mathematical precision planetary aspects that influence collective and individual Auric colors, formation of galactic arms and the symbolic image, formed by fusion of two human bodies in which he and she gets to you.
This essence is the only state-observer and observation, the generator and condenser, the shell source, the entire perception-creation not only variations on the topics in infinite shades and color bands geometrically arranged or not, and the role and our purpose is not only the same , as a unit in an ocean of consciousness constinenta.