Friday, September 25, 2009

Dishlex Global 300 Pots Light Flashes

CSR is

's book launch in Romania Dennis Wilcox, PR bible, is a good start for us. On this occasion, Professor Wilcox gave a lecture followed by a debate on the economic crisis and the involvement of PR in overcoming it, ways to counter the lack of trust people in corporations. Referring to U.S. companies, the absence of "core values" have resulted in denial of what Wilcox calls the crisis of confidence, crisis of the symbols. Asked by Professor
Bortun about the demarcation between PR and CSR Wilcox denied the existence of a clear delimitation, both are limited to transmitting the reality of the organization, its identity. Moreover, the teacher emphasized the importance of media for the way in which organizations are perceived by stakeholders. Johnson and Johnson is a clear example when he said publicly that the public interest comes first. Hall
Galatecii the BCU was full, there were many questions, some related to PR, other policy issues uninteresting Romanian, Romanian tourism successful fantasy and Barack Obama. I laughed in a way the appearance of the book's joy Wilcox Romanian version, the book has worked for more than seven years, during who died and one of the translators for the Americans brought in two other editions in this time ... how long until it will appear next two?
attach a link with one of his interviews Wilcox. Enjoy!
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Welcome Speech On Cruise

return home ... Signals

"If he would have the horizon, if it would be high,
What would, what would be my life?"

At one time he came on 7 June 2009, ie the end of my time in Africa. My Journal insists on questions like: Let's stay? Why did I come? What will I do in Romania? (Not that there would be plenty to do, but then I felt extremely strong, they can not do much because the system we are forced to work and because of many barriers ...) I left

hard in Cape Town, I left with tears in eyes and sadness in my heart. I knew exactly why. I broke the world crying CDRA and Davidoff-Kaplan family. The only solution was to think and to promise to get back, soon, to continue what my destiny I say we just started in South Africa. I do not know when and how this will happen, but somehow I sure will happen - or that's important.

way home (about 2 days) was shorter than I wanted than I ever experienced. It seemed even shorter than some roads Bucharest - Chennai that we did last year ... and this, of course, because something in me wanted him to stay there. The transition itself (from South Africa to Europe and Romania, from one season to another, from one side to another, from English to Romanian) was very sudden and the shock was felt for about 3 months. If we took three months for me to integrate into South African society and get rid of homesickness, I have had, like other 3 months to return "home", especially since before I had lived in Bucharest Oradea almost a year. A return to Oradea Africa after Bucharest and then was in itself a shock ... I would never have thought! While I sat in Bucharest I wanted to come back here and Oradea seemed a place where I could live (although I dream of mountains): large enough not to be too small, somewhat charming with its old buildings and beautiful with the mountains close enough, the city you know so well and where they are most of my family and friends ...

It seems that a "out of the picture" may have a very strong impact on man and behold the light My town over that before we called it "home" has changed considerably. Now, Oradea gives me the feeling of a rather small place, which "shrink" - both literally and metaphorically. Romania itself seemed to me a sudden dead a great community, a country devoid of any spirit alive and direction to make sense of things and people here. We had, for the first time in my life, feeling that since I hit a border crossing difficult inertia - basically invisible, but very directly manifest and attainable immediate reality: roads for years waiting to be repaired and that people are already used to his need, abandoned houses, cultivated fields, human-machine and go ahead without knowing even without asking why , where, how and for what purpose, on whose sides there is a genuine smile every few months ... I found Romania, unfortunately, sad and dull, lifeless and feeling drained of almost any creative energy, the country I admired so much thought to the nation God came to me seem like a myth. Furthermore, we have come to see a society where the power of "need" is greater than that of "I" or "I wish" and - despite almost 20 years after the end (at least theoretically) dictatorship - do not know what to want and most importantly, here we do not know what we want and what our best, just what should or what we are told. Elsewhere it seemed easier to you and your dreams can come true ...

better if we think all these are just some initial impressions My return to the country, perfectly explicable in terms of culture shock. I thought about it and intentionally over those three months I waited to write this because I wanted to pass the initial shock and reflects what is perhaps a reality of today's Romania. Sometimes it is necessary to "out of context" so that you can understand and see it as it really is, not as you imagine. Sometimes you need to be on the high side and the sea horizon to observe things and to penetrate the essence. And without such a perspective (say, more detached) and without adequate observation, tend to believe that most of us remain on the surface of phenomena and reality, which can lead to actions and truly inspired creative again.

Overall, what I lived in South Africa was still an experience to wake me, which helped me understand and better understand the visible and the invisible world in which they live (along with billions of other souls and human bodies). I had the chance to spend some months among people who have evolved in a geographical, social, politically very different from anything I've ever seen in Europe and, in one way or another, good and bad, gave birth to a country as large as land area, the more open emotionally. I met a country with all the problems created by colonialism and white minority rule, which is the fourth black president, he knows how to find spiritual and to redefine the new world in which we live. It is a country where people recognize: "South Africa has no model that would guide the transformation and transition from a past dominated by apartheid in the future that and it imagines. You have to find their own way. "(Mamphela Ramphele)
It is said that we are not on a continent where there is a European Union to put on a plate" models "and modes of action, but because we are at another level of consciousness and self-determination and social individual. This I can say about the entire population of that country, be it white or black. Of course, there are big difference in history, but each category of population (in South Africa there are at least six different types populations - and the black population is divided into many tribes) has its own inner strength and sense of identity, often well defined, so that actions become easier to formulate and to implement. It also becomes easier to live life when you have a common goal, you know where you live in the community wants to move, and all these are complemented by a positive attitude and appreciation of the small but beautiful things that happen.

I felt during this trip, for the first time in life mine that human possibilities are truly endless. I've seen what man can do when he has the mind and heart open to the world and to itself, choosing not to put their own drawbacks.
We often is easier to hide beyond the various pretexts to justify our inaction, the wrong actions or failures. Sometimes we build, unconscious and full of zest, real "parallel reality" in which life and the world might be better suited to what we want or imagine. I think that many Romanian do it because life here is is an art to know reality and look at you as they actually are, and with this awareness to be able to act positively, but strategic human rational and emotionally involved at the same time. True, in Romania you can wake up very quickly overwhelmed by problems and life is a continuous struggle and the possibilities of the individual or even social groups to influence the often disturbing reality in which we live are low. However, real change can not start unless the common will and consistent, sincere, friendly future for both consciously assumed the level and visionary actions.

Here I am so in September, seeking ways to not lose what I found during my journey and to find what I lost in Romania - or perhaps the re-discover otherwise .. .

Perhaps what happened is just a change in my perspective. Maybe I would have come to see such things and not just leave the Cape of Good Hope. I think each of us needs different experiences and ultimately, it is important to you and to give them to do not refuse what you get best out of life, in whatever form. Eventually, if we look back in time to lead their lives, which are moments which we can say that we have deeply marked existence? There were such moments, even? Where did they come and how our response to them? I agreed to live or have rejected them, out of fear or convenience or other reasons? Here are some questions that can not ever put us in life - because we can not understand certain things about ourselves! And that, my dear, it seems I mean to stand in the way of your own development as an individual. Hence, until becoming a barrier to the development of your community is just one step - and unfortunately very small. My journey thus born, after further reflection, we întebări about the state of my country, about why (I feel that) we're stuck in our development process, we multdorită others and even imagined. But this is a theme to which I return in a different material ... Until then, let's take a break and maybe we'll have some of the questions above, as an exercise of self-knowledge. Or if not, I'm sure we can find other ways, just want to make steps forward ... Good luck!

Oradea, September 17. 2009